Jeff How do you pay for all this?

you know, I'm very grateful for what Jeff does here. these boards and this site as a whole is probably the best coaster site I've come across ever. I see only one flaw in it. the flaw I see is unnecessary bashing. when a person on the boards (epically young, and new members among others) starts bashing, it is quickly dealt with. this one of the things that I love about CB. it doesn't allow bashing...or so it seems. when someone is acting "stupid" or like a "newbie," the are made fun of, ridiculed, and generally ostracized by the community. this is unacceptable to me. whether or not someone did something that upsets you doesn't give you the right to put them down. if someone does something wrong, correct them and let it drop. we are all humans and deserve to be treated as such. light jabs here and there do not fall into this category of bashing. if there is joking taking place, it livens the boards up and is generally nice to see, but the outright ridicule of one person by another, administrator or newbie, is absolutely disgusting. while I praise Jeff and the crew that keeps CB the way it is, I also wish many of them would learn to respect others while still maintaining a nice board (yes, it is possible). to me, its not just the people looking for acceptance on the internet who are losers, its those that enforce their own rules by breaking those rules. and while this may be Jeff's property and I can leave if I don't like what I see, that doesn't negate the fact that many people here are treated as subhuman by those that are supposed to keep the place friendly.

again, I would like to stress the fact that I am very appreciative of what Jeff and the staff do here and that my overall experience here has been very positive, its just that I feel there are some areas that need improvement.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

I can name Bob's tune in one note, Dennis.....

The Drone of the Ponti-fecator!

Seriously, dude--lighten up. Go back and read the links I left. People tweak each other's noses all the time here in good fun. Calling Natalie 'clueless' and treating her like some lightweight will bring out the brick though.

Even at that point, no one here is 'ostracized' and condemned to a thousand burning hells. We've even seen a few infamous, well-known banned folks reappear every now and then. And if they don't run around trying to raise havoc, it's all good. Not that they ever actually behave, but if they did...

Frankly, even Natalie and I have locked horns on GTTP not that long ago. Doesn't mean we stay mad at each other--or even got mad. We just disagreed about something. Big whoop.

For crying out loud, it's a message board. It's not real life.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/4/2002. ***

CoastaPlaya said:

Not to mention as entertaining as a big bowl of dry, uncooked plain Quaker Oats.

Actually, I happen to LIKE nibbling on "uncooked" rolled oats. Maybe not a whole bowl, though.

--Greg, who really has nothing constructive to add to this thread, but needed to sow some oats.

"Now all I want is to find a way home, to warn Earth -- look upward, and share the wonders I see..."
My page

Jeff's avatar

Who says anyone is supposed to "keep the place friendly?" Sorry dude, but I never signed that contract. You said it yourself... it's my house and I'll do as I see fit, and if that's not acceptable, as you said, you're free to leave.

Probably the single most baffling thing I've seen after five years of running online forums is that people can't leave when it troubles them so. I mean, if a wild boar is crapping on your shoes, do you stand there and endure it or move?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure


do you plan on upgrading the server to the .net server when it is realeased?

and 20$ a year is cheap - im joining soon enough...

20 bucks a year is nothing. That breaks down to roughly $1.67 a month and $0.06 a day. That is even cheaper than those children funds that are advertised on television. Perhaps Jeff should get someone like Ron Popeil to advertise Coasterbuzz on an infomercial so he can justify spending 20 clams on a site that has more information than any other place out there. Of course, he could always implement an installment plan for people who don't want to spend the $20 all at once. Would that be better? :)

*** This post was edited by Vipper on 10/4/2002. ***

like I said, I'm not unhappy here. I love this place and I'm grateful for everything all you guys do here, I just see some room for imporvement. I realize, Jeff, that this is all yours, but, private playground or not, nothing gives anybody the right to belittle others in the manner that occasionally occurs here.

CPlaya: the Natalie thing is exactly what I'm talking about. instead of having the two (or more as the case may be) members bicker and insult each other is not what this place is supposed to be about. instead, if someone bashes, they should be corrected by one of the staff and the situation should be dropped.

the entire point of this forum is to improve the site. it says so in the description. all I am presenting is a way to make the site better. if you choose to ignore it, fine. this is still the greatest coaster site on the net. if you choose to actually read what I say and attempt to integrate it, this site could become better than you ever imagined. I'm not promising results, but there's nothing wrong with trying.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

Jeff's avatar

Who decides what I have a right to do? Certainly not you. I've been chasing stupid people out of here for years. As the Internet has become easier for people to use, the stupid people grow in numbers, and sadly most of them have the writing level of a third grader. I don't want that around here.

And I'm sorry, but if someone calls out one of our better contributors for absolutely no reason, I'm all for her immediate and necessary verbal assault.

Bottom line is, we'll decide what stays and what doesn't. If that's not acceptable, like I said, crap on the shoes.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

SFGA Bob said:
CPlaya: the Natalie thing is exactly what I'm talking about. instead of having the two (or more as the case may be) members bicker and insult each other is not what this place is supposed to be about. instead, if someone bashes, they should be corrected by one of the staff and the situation should be dropped.

if you choose to actually read what I say and attempt to integrate it, this site could become better than you ever imagined. I'm not promising results, but there's nothing wrong with trying.

You ARE promising results, and that's a little bit pretentious. Taking away the ability to express your opinion of another member would drive more people away IMO than all the flaming in the world.

And as far as "dropping it and moving on" goes, I know *I* for one feel a heck of a lot better when I say what I'm thinking instead of keeping it inside. If I'm honestly insulted (and I don't mean the little playful jabs that go on all the time, god knows I put up with those well), I'm not going to hide behind a moderator and a list of rules, I'm going to defend myself and then I'm going to call out the person who insulted me on their own shortcomings. Sorry, it's the way things go, it's human nature, you know. "Dropping things" would just cause a grudge held against the person, which could possibly manifest itself in another thread where it's unwarranted.


Natalie: I didn't even bother to look at your user profile, so therefore had no idea that you are younger. As for discriminating against you because you are a girl, that's preposterous. Get the chip off your shoulder. If anything, you are insecure about those things you mentioned - after all, you brought it up! And, most people didn't "just agree with you" in this post. I think you need to re-read some of the other comments posted here.

CoastaPlaya, I really found it hard to take offense at anything you said, either. Quaker Oats?

I think you are both blowing this thing waaay out of proportion. My initial comments were directed at Jeff, not you. Until you have the courtesy to respect others' opinions, no matter how different or foreign they are from your own, it'd probably be best not to degrade yourselves like you have both done.

*** This post was edited by ophthodoc on 10/4/2002. ***

People People! Can't we all just get along? :-)

Nobody is "worthless"

I know it's only $20.00. I also know that I have college to pay for next year and don't have that much money to spare. I think plenty of people know where I'm coming from.

I've always liked this site. For the past 2 years I've learned so much from just clicking here. I appreciate Jeff for keeping this site up for so long. I also think it's a good idea to have the option to become a coasterbuzz member for $20.00. It's a good way to help pay for the site. If you don't like this, don't become a member. It's as simple as that. I choose not to. I'm saving every cent I have for my education.

Sometimes I do get angry at what Jeff says. Then you have to think, you don't HAVE to be here. It's Jeff's website and he can do what he wants. Once again, if you don't like it then maybe you shouldn't be here.


Strangely, I just now noticed this thread and it was a pretty amusing read to say the least! Thanks for everyone that contributed and I'm glad most people here have a good sense of humor as well. Most of the jokes aren't as mean-spirited as many people take them and there's some times where posters go off for paragraphs against something someone said when they were only playing around to begin with. If you're not having a good time visiting and you feel it's work to respond to threads or debate a topic, that's not so fun to do anymore.

But, since this isn't "real life", I'll be either King Henry VIII or Trouble Boy (Mamoosh) from now on since they get a lot of attention... Er, maybe I'll just stick to being my "fake" self. ;)

Danny a.k.a. Some Guy

...degrade themselves? Hell their posts are entertaining! If I had a bag of popcorn, and a way to keep oil from getting on my keyboard, I'd be set!

LocoBazooka--Sevendust, Nonpoint, Stereo Vent, Mushroomhead
Korn Tour (With no name)--Korn, Puddle of Mudd, Deadsy

Help! Help! I'm degrading myself! Oooh the horror, the horror!

If you need a little more proof that 'public humiliation' whimpering is piffle, ask KoasterKing there. The oft-repeated, almost legendary 'Magnum Love Thread' features a pretty good two-page squabble between us two, right? He doesn't exactly read my posts and whine, "Oooh, stop it! Stop it!" with limply flailing wrists, does he?

It's not that people just don't get it; they have to post "Duhhhhh, I don't get it" over and over again. And I'm not out to offend you, OpthoDoc--it's much more amusing to poke fun and tease. Maybe one day you'll dislodge that misplaced hickory stick and have a few chuckles, too. Tho if I were a betting man....I'd put a couple bucks on the lumber.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/4/2002. ***



And the topic of this thread was?...


Oh, we all forgot. Please tell us what that text at the top and bottom of everybody's browser page says again. Pretty please? We'll let you be the topic captain next week if you eat all your broccholi. We promise. Go on, take another bite.

Really--anyone who's never had a conversation shift gears and head in another direction doesn't talk to people very much. Go with the flow.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/4/2002. ***

Oh God forbid I actually want to talk about the purpose of this thread!

If all you want to do is complain about other people, make a thread about that.

Next time, try to sound mature and make sense when you diss me.

"Life is like a roller coaster; there are ups and downs and it's over all too fast."

Some folks here need to see the "forest" rather than the "trees".

They're playin' with you man (or woman) . . .

I will admit to over-stating the obvious. But damn, I would not want to see opthdoc or rentzy in the news for having a stroke.

On the other hand, I think I'd pay another $20 just to read more threads like this one.

BTW: I know about my bottom line, what about you?

Okay, I guess I post too often to be a lurker now.

Oh God forbid I actually want to talk about the purpose of this thread!

Almost all of us were having fun with whatever the flow of conversation was....including Jeff P. and another moderator (GregLeg). Guess you know how to run things better than they do.

May I suggest you take your tinfoil badge and ride your wooden horsey stick outta Dodge while the rest of us enjoy ourselves?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/4/2002. ***

What kills me is the constant whining of "I am poor, I don't have $20 to waste." I bet everyone who says that wastes at least $20 a week on renting a movie, or buying a case of beer, buying fast food instead of making their own lunch, etc. Prioritize, folks. I have never been a "Jeff Putz apologist," but I enjoy the time I spend reading these forums, therefore I pay the $20.

I suggest that Opthodoc act as mature as he indicates he is, and simply walk away...that's right, turn your back on us vile people and never look again. Of course, he won't-he's too busy seeing if his flaming garnered any attention.

Closed topic.

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