Japanese B&M inverter makes its way to Jazzland

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Amusement Today reports that Gambit, a Batman mirrored clone from Thrill Valley Amusement Park in Japan, was purchased by Six Flags and is now arriving at Jazzland, which is being managed by Six Flags.

Read more (while it is still posted) at Amusement Today in the "extra" section.

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Mamoosh's avatar
Chris - I'm no expert, but looking at that one large part, my guess would be a Music Express or Flying Bobs-type ride, but the notation "Los Angeles" perplexes me since SFMM's Music Express [nee, Himalaya] is still at the park and in operation and the only Flying Bobs ride is at Castle Park.

And with my crystal ball in the shop that's the best I can do for now ;-)

John Peck - IIRC Vekoma filed for bankruptcy protection, either couldn't deliver the ride or the park couldn't pay for it, and the project was cancelled. There's a funny story from the ACE Spring Con attendee that when Jazzland CEO told everyone the SLC project was cancelled he was perplexed by the huge round of applause!

Matthew "mamoosh" Sullivan
[aka DaDoosh, thanks to pikfanatic]
*** This post was edited by Mamoosh on 8/7/2002. ***

OK, SF drives me crazy with some things too.

Yes, they run light on trains, making customers wait too long.

Yes, they often seem to place cash ahead of customer satisfaction.

Yes, they overtrim many of their rides.

However, when you look at the SF chain, you can't help but be amazed by the array of coasters they have available in the US. I count 116 non-junior coasters, and that only includes the 15 parks that have "SF" in the name. Virtually every one of those parks has either a B&M inverted or a Vekoma SLC (SFFT being the one exception). None of them has fewer than 5 non-juniors. In fact, with 7 parks in the chain (AW, GAdv, GAm, MM, oG, oT, and WoA) having 9 or more non-junior coasters, they are serious thrill purveyors. And my SF season pass gives me a chance to ride them all.

Sure, it's easy to complain about SF, and I do it all the time. We would, however, all be a lot worse off without them doing what they do. We just wish they'd do some of it a little better.

Now where's my endorsement check? ;)

Revised projection for 2002: 35 parks & 120 coasters. 23 & 94 through 8/4

I don't see what the issue over this ride is. It is not that rare or spectacular. I just see it as I usually view Six Flags; a cheap, multinational corporation who wants to give their 'backwater' park a new ride but doesn't want to pay to have it done right. They are just being opportunistic.

105 coasters, and the Cyclone still tops 'em all.

CycloneWacko: welcome to the real Corporate world. [edit] And by the way, this B&M was indeed rare, as it was the *ONLY* B&M that had SBNO status.

I give props to Six Flags for this. Excellent business decision. They'll profit nicely, thus giving maybe another ride, be it a brand new B&M hyper, who knows.

Will Johansson
*** This post was edited by The Jet Coaster on 8/7/2002. ***

My two cents ...

Six Flags has found a cheap way to dump some rides into a park that they promised they'd beef up.

Same with enchanted village.

They probably got a very nice package deal with these rides from the park.. and their only real major cost was shipping the thing.. Smart? You bet. Cheap? Uh huh. Will the public care it's used? Nope.

For all you people saying "There is nothing wrong with a used ride!" no more picking on SFAW for it then.. heh...

B&M, I like you would love for the coaster to go to my home park, but it is nice that they are paying attention to the park. However, my guess is that this park will never be more than a SFKK or SFEG situation.

I don't see what the issue over this ride is. It is not that rare or spectacular. I just see it as I usually view Six Flags; a cheap, multinational corporation who wants to give their 'backwater' park a new ride but doesn't want to pay to have it done right. They are just being opportunistic.

How can you say they are being cheap? Wow, they bought some used rides. And by your theory, giving old or used rides a new life at a new park is wrong. That is simply screwed up. Yes, they could have build a completely new ride, but who cares? They're getting something which is much better than nothing...

(slightly off topic) I, personally, love Six Flags. Yes, they have a few problems (which seem to be overhyped by everyone) as does any chain, but I put that aside. When I go to a park (any park, not just a SF), I don't look for problems or anything to complain about...if only all "enthusiasts" would do this...

*** This post was edited by The Shy One on 8/7/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar

anyone got a figure for this ride's price...I either missed it somewhere or it's *noticeably* absent, but I gotta wonder....my "guesstimate" would be about 3-4M, but you never know.

Busch apparently though DF was worth MUCH more than I would've asked for....;)...but by the same token, KC was worth something to someone, wasn't it?....I mean, after riding PKD's Shockwave, I fully understood why it was a walk-on, whereas there was always a wait for KC....maybe the geeps are smarter than we give them credit for....RIP, King Cobra, one of my personal top-tier stand-ups...

Anyone else amazed at the SPEED of this ride's "recomission"....guess I'll get my fourth different SF pass in four seasons...:)...if Jazzland has the ride open in time....

I'm ecstatic that Jazzland is getting this... that much as been said. However, I'd really love for them to call it something other than B:TR. Those that have been to Jazzland know that they place great emphasis on giving their rides "locale" type names.

Now, with SF at the helm, I wonder how much of that will be lost.

Why do we fear Mack trucks, but not Mack Wild Mouse coasters?

They could call it "Soooooooooooul Train" or Rythmn Nation and play Janet Jackson's CD in the station

I'm positive that Six Flags also bought some spin 'n' pukes(flats) from Thrill Valley. Last time I was there they had quite a number of flat rides not operating there. Some were pretty unique, in a sense that I had not seen such in America. It would be sweet if Six Flags got some for Jazzland, but only time will tell....
Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Boulder Dash-I'm just so happy to have you babe' *** This post was edited by Vertigo on 8/7/2002. ***

I think it was about 5 million total.. including shipping for Gambit. I think with the flats it was close to 7.....

Remember, you cant send these things UPS ground!!!

I think SF did a good job with purchasing Gambit. Remember, they could have gotten a hand me down shuttle or an SLC(like SFMW got). Since the park has very little competition, I think SF will follow its SFKK approach.. Build it up and walk away....


WCUSA-The World's largest theme park is coming!
Theme parks will NEVER be the same! *** This post was edited by Chris Godsey on 8/7/2002. ***

The decision to buy Kong was not Six Flag's. It was the park's previous purchase in which Six Flags just finished off after taking operation of the park. Boomerang, Kon, and Popeye's Seaport were not Six Flags projects.

Lake Compounce-So Fresh and So Clean Clean

Boulder Dash-I'm just so happy to have you babe'

john peck's avatar
Mamoosh... I thought that Jazzland had ordered the SLC after Vekoma's filing. Thats why I thought it was strange it never turned up. However, didn't an SLC open this year (non-custom)
You people freakin' crack me up (and you know who you are).

First you complain because SF is taking the cheap route in getting a new coaster and sending it to Jazzland.

Second, you complain because it's a clone of a ride that has already been cloned several times here in the states. Remember, this ride is coming from JAPAN who has/had no idea this was a clone already.

Third, you complain because it's not going to ________________ (insert park here).

If this new coaster was still going to be the Vekoma SLC, you would still complain because

A. It's a Vekoma.
B. It's a cloned Vekoma.
C. It's a Vekoma notorious for head banging.
D. It's a Vekoma.

I'm happy for Jazzland. I may never get there but just think we could have lost this park even though it is new. Look at Visionland. I hope that this park will succeed even more now with this new investment, even if it is a used investment being installed.

X Factor

SFWoA: An Unofficial Guide
http://sfohio.tripod.com *** This post was edited by X Factor on 8/7/2002. ***

Chalk another one up on the list for why when I go to a park I am an enthusiast in disguise.

Its amazing what some of you complain about.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

I think that was a good move by the Six Flags Inc. Gambit may be a used ride and a Batman: the ride clone but at least, it doesn't Have the same colors, that's more than I could say about some of the Six Flags Parks with a Batman: The Ride Coaster that some of you guys live near. Six Flags Parks are great but, merely the best. My home Park is Kennywood Park, west Mifflin Pennsylvania. We don't have a B&M yet but Kennywood is planning to get one by the year 2004. We are getting a new ride in the 2003 season. We have gotten new rides every year from 1998-2001. We are the 6th best thrill park and still going strong!

David A. Knight Jr.

*** This post was edited by knight on 8/7/2002. *** *** This post was edited by knight on 8/7/2002. ***

So let me get this straight. You are complaining that it is greedy and oppurtunistic for Six Flags to buy and install a ride at a discount price that they very well may get in the future anyway?

Sounds like good business to me. And a nice addition to a park that could use some help.

The complaints of some people are unreal.

Reminds me of a guy at Coastermania. We rode Millie at about 1 AM this guy behind dave and I gets out of his seat on the train and begins to complain about how much of a waste of track it is and how he rode it 70 times on media day and was bored after the second. I said to him ya know maggie is sitting on the other side of the park and is a walk on. If you hate Millie so much why did you just stand in line for 45 mins to ride it?

He never said a word just gave me a dirty look and walked away.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly *** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 8/7/2002. ***

Thank you Chitown. I was just going to say that, but you beat me to it. :) Seriously though, like I said before, Six Flags is a business, and they are in the business of making money. This move will make money for the chain and for Jazzland. Simple as that.

Now if this was Disney buying a used ride like this, then I'd see a reason for all the complaining... ;)

Yes, folks; ALL amusement parks are in business to make money. Cedar Point, Holiday World, and even Six Flags.

Get a clue...

Without the chaindog, you'd never get up the lifthill...

I couldn't agree with X-Factor more. I will most likely never visit Jazzland in my life but it is nice to see SF taking care of the smaller park. It is SF, did you expect them to put in a giga??? Clones and SF just get along well, and considering the current size and state of the park, how could you honestly expect more? This is a lot better than a SLC.

Unfortunatly, there is only so much SF will end up doing to this park. There is no nearby competition, so I believe that it will just end up in a SFEG and SFKK situation. They will bring in a new attraction to the park every year for the first 3 or 4 years than go to a grinding hault. I guess that is better than the state it was in however.

Yes Chaindog...all amusement parks are in it to make money, but I truely believe that there are still some parks out there that are owned and managed by people who care.(eg. Lakeside, Lakemont Park, Holiday World, Lake Winneoesaukah, Lake Canobie Park). Why they are all near water is beyond me...Granted, people do work there for a living, but it doesn't mean they aren't trying to give back to the community. Most of these are struggling parks but if they didn't care just a little they would have sold out to a chain already. *** This post was edited by RubberDucky on 8/7/2002. ***

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