Is this real? (CP's new coaster)

Helios you have Goliath. What are you complaining about? ;)

OOOOOOO Stengal Dive, my turn to wipe the drool from my mouth. LOL

All I need is 4.5 million bucks and a half a mile long sliver of land and maybe someone could build me my very own Shivering Timbers. ;)

My thoughts exactly Magnumforce. Hey Helios, I'll trade you an overbanked turn for your Stengal Dive! :) :)

- Peabody

You can see the Xcelerator-style break fins!

How much more floorless can they get?

OMG, it most be a rocket coaster ;) ;)

Come on CP, announcement time.....

- Peabody

No duh you can't build over 400 feet in RCT, my point was that everyone seems to think it's as easy to build something so big. And I need to get out more? I get my point across and that's it. Sure I love rollercoasters, who doesn't here? But I don't stay in front of the screen all day defending a point. I looked at pictures of Xcelerator's supports and due to my own conclusions, I now think that it is a possible rocket coaster, but I now think this AFTER looking at the supports, not when there was concrete in a hole. As for the 400 ft., I still think it's a little hard to swallow.

Long live Six Flags Astroworld!! Ok, you can all laugh now...

*** This post was edited by drachenfyre on 9/14/2002. ***

Jim Fisher said:

CP has footers
CP has steel
CP's winters are nasty for high steel work
(I cringe every time I look at the pictures
of MF being topped out in winter)
This is likely a prototype that will need
lots of start up time.
CP's financial year has been good enough that the
market isn't going to cringe at some 4th quarter
capital spending.

With these givens, CP would be crazy not to start vertical construction.


1.) In your vast experience working with steel, have you ever felt there was much utility (or safety) in placing a large crane (which by my estimation is at least a couple hundred feet high) on the site before any really high work has even begun? Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I could tell, much of the work is still occurring close to the ground.

2.) "Startup Time" (if I am understanding your meaning of the phrase) would have nothing to do with completing the ride before the weather turns bad. There is plenty of nice weather in the springtime before Cedar Point opens for tweaking the new ride, not to mention putting finishing touches on construction.

3.) The winters are less than ideal for working 300' in the air, but it's done all the time in Ohio.

4.) Cedar Point has probably already spent the money on the new attraction .

5.) Wherever did you get the idea that this attraction was a prototype? I don't think the new ride's identity has been clearly elucidated by anyone, and those who are supposedly "in the know" haven't spilled the beans yet, which makes me very suspicious that they indeed know anything.

I agree that it would make sense to start construction now, but I'm not sure if I arrive at this conclusion the same way you do.

*** This post was edited by ophthodoc on 9/14/2002. ***

For everyone saying it's going to be an Xcelerator clone or just a little bit bigger, take a look at these pictures. Shows the Xcelerator track. See how the peices of track are bent noticeably.

Now look at these (kind of hard to see track, couldn't find any decent pictures Notice now how the track pieces aren't bent as much. If CP is going to get a launch coaster, it looks like it's going to be big if the track is so narrowly bent. Just my thoughts...

*** This post was edited by Kaldaim on 9/14/2002. ***

Rctycoon2k's avatar
you know what i just thought, is if this thing will beover 400 feet, im not saying it is, but if it is, than maybe it will need some extra supports, like on Wicked Twister and Xcelerator, the backs of the supports are flat and looks like |\, but what if the back is triangular to add something /|-| so it would have extra support to compensate for speed and for hieght, does this make any sense?

*** This post was edited by Rctycoon2k on 9/14/2002. ***

You guys are crazy. CP is NOT getting a coaster next year. Get over it.

Yup you guys, the photo's real! I was just at the Point today and that was the first thing I noticed when I walked onto the Magnum/Gemini Midway, right in front of Corkscrew. The only thing is (well, okay, there are a couple of things), I can't really tell what that actually is! It's definately not the support for the track, unless it is in the middle of the top or the train can hold 40 peeps in one row. The other only thing is, nothing looks any different unless you're on that Midway, and in Camp Snoopy. But it is true that MANY trees have been removed, and yes, you can see Mantis from Camp Snoopy. However, there are are pros to this too. I've always tried to find the bankings on the island on Millenium Force, and the only place I was able to see them from before was Camp Snoopy. But now you can see them from Corkscrew, Camp Snoopy, and the Gemini/Magnum Midway. Also, on the former spot of Chaos and Troika (which are now located pretty much under Gemini), there is a big "gut" or a giant square "hole" there and it would sorta look like a canal or a ravine if there wasn't so much dirt. That's all I can think of right now, I'll add more to my TR that I'm about to write, and sorry that this was so long.

Call me Peter Soint.

Rctycoon2k's avatar
yo, yankee spanker, do you read before you post? theres track on site, and supports are up, this points out that no, they aren't putting in a garden, or a dippin dots stand or anything, they are getting a coaster!

First of all, this is crazy. You guys are idiots. All these photos have to be fake. I was just up there new coaster! Also, I'm not a yankee spanker.

Something tells me he is another alias of a person that says it won't be 400 feet, just to be a troll.

LocoBazooka--Sevendust, Nonpoint, Stereo Vent, Mushroomhead
Korn Tour (With no name)--Korn, Puddle of Mudd, Deadsy

You too CPGenius?


Sawblade5's avatar

Yanker Spanker 1 said:

First of all, this is crazy. You guys are idiots. All these photos have to be fake. I was just up there new coaster! Also, I'm not a yankee spanker.

Yea but alto of these people don't even have Photo Shop and has pictures of the tracks. Your were not even looking in the right spots or are youu just tring to be an ass.

Chris Knight
The Mantis is real. The Mantis is out there. The Mantis is protecting my yard from West Nile Mosquitos (No Joke).

I would think if there is track on the ground that its for a new coaster Yankee Spanker! Where were you hiding? It's not a merry-go-round of ferris wheel.


Trying to be an ass? Dude, he's excelling!

LocoBazooka--Sevendust, Nonpoint, Stereo Vent, Mushroomhead
Korn Tour (With no name)--Korn, Puddle of Mudd, Deadsy

Yankey Spanker 1 said:

First of all, this is crazy. You guys are idiots. All these photos have to be fake. I was just up there new coaster! Also, I'm not a yankee spanker.


Are you insane? I was there today too!! Did you not go on the Gemini/Magnum Midway? It's RIGHT THERE!!!!

Call me Peter Soint.

*** This post was edited by CedarPointNut on 9/15/2002. ***

hey guys--he's obviously trying to stir up a response. so ignore him. its. just. that. simple. and?

for the love of alan (which is the name of the new coaster, btw), learn how to quote!

*** This post was edited by mrk468zz on 9/15/2002. ***

Hrm. It is a puzzlement. Look at this picture:

Now... just what IS that thing? My initial guess is that the track might go vertically up the left-most column, into a top hat, and down the center colum, with the rear column being support structure. My ONLY reason for thinking this is noticing the two "connectors" facing outwards on those two columns... except the angle that they're at just seems wrong. Also, what could that catwalk (and the thing sticking out to the right from it towards the center of the triangle) be?

I'm so confused about what the track layout will be! (but it sure is fun trying to figure it out!)

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