Hades @ Big Chiefs

^ sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
There is your cross-over as it exits/enters the tunnel at the turnaround.
I am going to try to make the drive from Ames / Des Moines to Hades on opening day myself. I decided to save Avalanche until Hades was finished, so I've got that going for me too. :)
It's February and 59ºF today in central Iowa. Man, I wish I could ride a coaster!
Come on spring!

-Matt in Iowa

Looks like they changed their minds again. Season passes will be 99 bucks! I am so living at the dells this summer!

I wish they'd nail down an exact opening day, so I could plan to be up there as close to its official opening as possible. Living only 3 hours away, I'm ready to go the second it is open, and plan to possibly go there 2 or 3 times this year, plus ride that other great new woodie at Timber Falls as well, which I have yet to get a chance to ride. The Dells parks are getting some good money from me this year, I've never had a reason to go there till now 2 great new woodies were built.
Not a fan of Cyclops? It's reason enough for me to make the six hour drive from Des Moines. The new coasters just make it even sweeter. :)

-Matt in Iowa
Oh yeah, I love Cyclops, it is a CCI after all. But besides that one, the rest of the coasters and crappy go-karts there never were worthy enough of the price of admission. The management was pretty poor as well, but I hear is supposed to be an improvement this year. We'll see... The addition of Hades will definitely make it worth going, and I'll still probably end up riding Cyclops mroe then anything since the line will probably be dead with everyone only wanting to ride the new one!
Inside the Tunnel

That's going to be some crazy stuff in the blackness at the speed it'll have. MMmmmMmm Hades.

- BB

GG's ad in last month's Amusement Today (Vol. 9, Issue 1) had a very nice picture of Hades' tunnel. It looks amazing. I don't have a scanner to show you it, so hopefully someone else can pick up their copy to show off the pic.

-John Hancock
i can't wait to ride.
One of the least talked about new coasters but when it opens...every will be talkin about it!!! That's my prediction anyways. :)

Wood Coaster Fan Club - Sharing a Passion for the Classics

Jeff's avatar

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Oh WOW! Thanks for that link Jeff. Those bunny hops are in addition to the ones in the other pic. This is going to be one intense ride.

Edit: 65MPH sounds more realistic than the 70MPH claim at the MtOlympus site. But going 65 over those bunny hills; it sounds insane. *** Edited 4/17/2005 5:25:43 PM UTC by RavenTTD***

Sounds like it will be too intense for you all to enjoy. It will probably be considered to rough.
Mamoosh's avatar
Still mad we all don't like SOB, eh? ;)
If there is going to be plenty of airtime in the tunnel and I can't see why it wouldn't and if there are no dead hills than THIS WILL be my new #1 ride!!! :-) I just wish there was a high quality ride like this in a park opened at least 9 month out of the year. If I win the Hot Lotto or do well in the stock market I will at least have to buy a cabin (second home) as close to Hades as possible and build my primary home in Phoenix if the new theme park proposal ever gets built!!!
OMG Beast Tamer, I just love your profile photo!!!


Thanks, that is my new profile pic:)
Again, someone can't understand the difference between 'To' & 'Too', nor the difference between 'Intense' & 'Rough'.
Good one invy :)

Tamer, just shut up a second and realize that there are better things out there than the piece of crap that Son of Beast is. Also, it looks like a fun coaster, but we'll have to see how good it is before we can really judge. That Gravity Group propaganda poster was a nice find by the way..

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