Flying Turns Update

I think so, if you look theres that lighter colored wood running along the middle of the trough at the bottom. You can see it at the very top too (at the left) *** Edited 10/27/2006 9:15:09 PM UTC by P18***
Hey there Mamoosh. I didn't miss the post. I was telling the group that the last layer can now be seen going in via the webcam, which wasn't the case until today.

Mamoosh said:
Mister Monorail - I guess you missed this...just 7 posts above yours:

Also, according to Leonard Adams Jr. the reason the final layer of the trough has not been started yet is that they don't want it to be damaged by the construction workers walking on it. He said the trough would be one of the last things done and it will be assembled starting at the top and working their way down to minimize wear on it.

Kim Pedersen
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Wow, I'd think the trains would do a lot more damage to the wood then people walking on it.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Unlikely because the wheels on the cars are going to be smooth. Dropped tools and hardware, workers carelessly swinging large pieces of wood around and crud-covered workboots will probably do a lot to damage the top layer of wood. I think the park figures they better be safe than sorry.
Guys in the trough on the webcam right now (2:00 PST), looks like they're adding strips.

Kim Pedersen
Digging this up to ask, is that the start of chaser lights on the top of the lift hill right now?
Wow, I never saw that before (no need to look at the webcam at night...), it sure looks like it.

I looked at the webcam this afternoon, and not only is the final layer of wood on the two visible layers of trough, it looks like they've started sealing or staining it near the top.

Right now, not only are there decorative lights on the lift hill but there's night work going on with lights in the trough!

awesome! I love to watch the nightwork with the trough all lit up, it looks really cool like that, almost like a glow.
I went to the knoebels website and its under construction... wonder what the new look will be like and what new updates they will have for us.

Ah, thats pretty cool. The game is pretty neat actually. Not to sound weird, but I hope they get a site that takes up the entire screen, like a real site. The other ones were ok but they looked so aukward. They deserve a really nice site. *** Edited 11/29/2006 9:57:35 PM UTC by P18***
They got new January 2007 pictures up on the flying turns website!!!!

Jason Hammond's avatar
Very cool.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

I took a boatload of pictures on New Years Eve while getting a tour up the actual ride itself from Leonard Adams III. I did a TR but I know some people don't read them so here's the link to those pictures if anyone is interested in seeing them plus plenty of interesting off-season photos of the park:


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Great pics LdScotsman. I can't wait to ride this thing as soon as its open I will be there.
Awesome pictures, I can't wait to ride this thing as well, and for the 2007 season for Knoebels as a whole as it seems very exciting.
knoebels has there new website up and running now... looks really nice.

For those who haven't checked lately Coastin' Steve has added a couple pages of pictures up to his Flying Turns site starting with this page:

Work has progressed well on the final turn and now they are moving on to the back stretch and the first helix leading to the main lift.


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nice pictures and site tom.. thanks.. yea i noticed they are working toward the back now. (i seen the new pictures on the website) on the knoebels website they have some 2007 pictures. .... hey do you think they will put a webcam near the back of the ride so we can see the progress?

I do know a few things but the webcam placement is not one of them. Webcam #2 will have a good shot of the construction when they come down the backstretch/brakerun to the corners leading back to the station. #1 you can see a little of the work way up at the top of the screen where the first helix after lift #1 leading to lift #2 will be.


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