Fly at the Speed of Fear (SFMM Flying Coaster)

Me too, Danimales.. in fact, that's why maXair and the likely new Screamin' Swing are welcomed to much.. it evens out their offering.

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"

kRaXLeRidAh said:
I would say so, considering Cedar Point* only has 3 more true flatrides than Magic Mountain and nobody ever makes a comment about them lacking FLATRIDES.

I would say that you're missing some.

But really, that's rather irrelevant. I'm hardly a usual Cedar Point defender, but I give them credit where credit is due. There's no way you can claim there isn't enough to do (or there aren't enough rides) at the Point. There are plenty of rides other than coasters, and that just isn't the case at SFMM.


/\ I would say I went to the website and double checked, and that you can't bring yourself to grips with facts.

And I've found another person that can't read! I never said there wasn't enough to do at Cedar Point. I was using it as a counter-example for all the remarks about Magic Mountain not having flat-rides or not having enough.

Except in your counter example you claim false information.

There have been comments all over the board to the effect that CP's 12 rides is not enough.

Therefore, your argument is baseless since the general consensus is that 9 flat rides is not a good amount. 12 flat rides is not a good amount. Both parks need more flat rides, SFMM is just more in need of them.

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
"Especially when some of them rarely even operate".

...And so they should build more that won't operate? I don't get that logic. Either way, Flatrides are so far don't the list of things SFMM needs to worry about it's not even funny.

/\ That's exactly what happened to Six Flags Great Adventure in 1999. Doesn't anybody remember that? The same season when Medusa and that Zierer Tivoli coaster was introduced, they had something in the ballpark of 15 or so new flatrides introduced, and half of those didn't operate for seasons following that, and then ended being relocated to other parks.
Lord Gonchar's avatar

coasterdude318 said:
But really, that's rather irrelevant. I'm hardly a usual Cedar Point defender, but I give them credit where credit is due. There's no way you can claim there isn't enough to do (or there aren't enough rides) at the Point. There are plenty of rides other than coasters, and that just isn't the case at SFMM.

Yeah, I think around here the term 'flat rides' often gets substituted for 'other stuff' - whther that's right or wrong is debatable.

Just out of curiosity, I quickly stopped by a couple of parks websites and ran down their rides list. I counted all styles of rides (kiddie, water, flat, etc), but excluded waterpark or upcharge type things and games or shows. Basically just a quick count of actual rides in the park including coasters. This is not scientific and I counted quickly so they may be one or two off in any case, but it does give a quick-glance estimate. The format is Park, total rides, how many of those rides are coasters, what's left after the coasters.

SFMM..........45 rides total - 16 coasters - 29 rides
CP..............67 rides total - 16 coasters - 51 rides
KW.............46 rides total - 6 coasters - 40 rides
PKI.............63 rides total, 13 coasters - 50 rides
Hershey.......61 rides total, 10 coasters - 51 rides
Knoebels......53 rides total, 3 coasters - 50 rides

Just a random sampling of parks people rarely say negative things about. You'll see that once you get beyond the coasters, there's much more to ride at those other parks than at SFMM. Factor in pricing, atmosphere, ride closures, customer service and stuff like that and it should be pretty easy to see why people (especially anyone not just power riding coasters) walk away with a bad taste in their mouth.

And oddly enough, look ahead to the 2006 additions for all of those parks and the gap widens.

kRaXLeRidAh said:
/\ I would say I went to the website and double checked, and that you can't bring yourself to grips with facts.

Really? Maybe you should triple check.

You forgot at least one (the tilt-a-whirl). I would also consider carousels, ferris wheels, and bumper cars to be flat rides, so there's an additional six right there. But as I said, that's rather irrelevant.

And I've found another person that can't read! I never said there wasn't enough to do at Cedar Point. I was using it as a counter-example for all the remarks about Magic Mountain not having flat-rides or not having enough.

And I found another person who can't comprehend basic logic! The complaints about SFMM's lack of flat rides stem from the idea that there's essentially *nothing* to do at that park other than coasters. Since it's unlikely that SFMM will be adding something like the Paddlewheel ride anytime soon, the most logical "other" to add would be flat rides. Thus, it's the lack of flat rides (ie "other things to do other than coasters") that gets complained about.

Like I said, basic logic.

Oh, and DWeaver, I never said that flats should be SFMM's top priority...

*** Edited 9/24/2005 4:08:29 AM UTC by coasterdude318***

No you didn't. Actually the second part of the post was directed more towards another poster. Flatrides are most certainly one of the ingrediants missing from the current sad state of the park. Yet I fund it funny that no one complained about flatrides several years ago when SFMM was more properly run. You can look past certain things when you can enjoy a stress-free day at a park. That's why the "flatride" arguement seem utterly silly to me. SFMM could add 17 flats next year and I still wouldn't visit more than once a year.

Because those "flats" wouldn't be properly maintained, would have horrible capacity issues because of slow, lazy employees, would often be closed anyway, and would be used as yet another excuse to run one train on Riddler's Revenge. Hello? SFGadv anyone?

Flatrides, like I said before, were clearly used as a scapegoat by Batwing Fan to once again bemoan another park other than SFA receiving a coaster. Hell, I'd give you SFMM's last 6 coasters for a better run park if I could.. You don't need to go there.

See, the big difference is the flat rides at Cedar Point actually run.
I had to create an account as I think it is just funny how people bash SFMM.

Sure there are ways to improve the park, but it is nowere in a state that people describe it on here.

I just went last weekend and no, there was no trash all around the place, there were no gangbanger fights, there were no urine in Batmans queue.

I think most people here never visited the park and are just CP fanboys.

Sad actually, I had a good time and even all the flats were running at least last weekend.

Also, don't forget about the Waterrides SFMM has, they are outstanding. Log Jammer is probably one of the best Log Flume rides in this country. Roaring Rabbits is set in an great area too.

The new Batman Stunt Show is an HUGE improvement over the last Batman Show, they had a show called Hot Ice, which was actually surprisingly good all this summer. There are Fireworks, Parades all thruout the summer, so don't tell me there is nothing to do at Magic Mountain, besides riding coasters(which i might add I like a lot and are always running when I am there) Exept Fashback of course, but I think that one is a lost cause.

I can see them putting a lot of afford into this new coaster and when we will have all the stats and layout, I am sure we will be happy.

Basically, I am tired of the SFMM bashing, I went to CP in 2002 and it was ok, but certainly not the way it is overhyped on these boards

Love living in L.A.
If you are coming to L.A., check my Website for stuff to do around here! (in my profile!)

I don't think it's a fanboy problem, I think it's a bad reputation problem. If you go to a park a few times, and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, it takes a long time to get rid of that reputation. My one and only visit to SFMM in March, I enjoyed myself. True, I was with a bunch of coaster freaks like myself so I wasn't concentrating on "the whole experience", but I thought they handled the situation of my lost cell phone very professionally, with understanding, and compassion.

If my visit is any indication, things are beginning to take a turn for the better... they just need to keep it up. (Same goes for GAdv.. so many years of negative reps that the good of the past year and a half often gets overlooked/doubted)

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Wrong Dweaver,we've got the same issues at SFA with alot of ride closures lately & a somewhat lacking variety of flats.

On my last vist I only hit up just three flats the whole day(falling star,flying carousel & TOD) & noticed quite a few rides not running for a good portion of the day & believe it is a staffing issuse leading to some closures of rides at the park with exception of Iron eagle(hopelessly broken) KC(probably gonna be removed) & the enterprise(hasn't run in going on 5 years) & let's also not forget rodeo(breaks whenever I go near it).So yes SFA could actually use some more flats just as SFMM could.

As for SFMM's flyer I wonder how they plan to pull off an immelman on a flyer,this oughta be interesting but havn't we already seen enough of the pretzel loop already with the S:UF triplets?I have a feeling this ride is g onna turn out to be somewhat like AIR & focus more on flight than inversions unlinke S:UF & the vekoma flyers.

matt.'s avatar
Oh look, the "SFMM fanboys get a prosecution complex" thread.

I've never seen this on coasterbuzz before.

And Gonch layeth downeth the smacketh downeth

What say ye now, oh hyperactive defender of the Tragic Mountain, convenient ignorer of arguments that go against "grips of facts", and a general "self rightous butt nugget"? (to steal a phrase)

For one Orient Express and Sky Tower is closed due to the construction of the Flyer

Acme Atom Smasher is in rehab

Flashback has been closed for a very long time so why is that a suprise

Superman and Sierra Twist was infact open

Freefall is either in Rehab or in the process of being removed

Black Snake Summit is in Rehab

I could see if this was middle of summer but it's not it's the start of SFMM off season and that means Rehab time. There are eight rides on that list, two was in fact open, two closed for construction, the others in rehab I don't see a problem. *** Edited 9/24/2005 4:59:54 PM UTC by westcoaster man***

"Fly at the speed of fear?" Brilliant! I wish I could work in a marketing deparment. Drink your 2 hour lunch and just put anything down on the page, and then go home.

Tatsu: Fear Never Flew So Good

Tatsu: Fear in Your Eyes You Can See

Tatsu: Scare You So Much A Lot

Tatsu: Speed Scare You Can Feel It Scare You

Tatsu: Fly Through the Fear Barrier A Lot

Let me guess, the logo for this coaster will be the coaster with arms and legs stuck on it.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
1. Sky Tower has been closed far longer than just for construction of the Flyer. Orient Express, I have no idea, so I'll give it to you.

2. Three rides in rehab? At the same time? Funny that other year round parks don't seem to close multiple rides for rehab. Perhaps SFMM needs to look into a rotating rehab schedule? And if you knew you were going to have rides down for new construction, wouldn't you work your rehab schedule around that?

3. Flashback isn't a surprise. No one ever said it was surprising. In fact, it's pathetically par for the course. Again, that's exactly the problem here - that it's not a surprise.

4. The others did open. Good. :) (But they must have expected them not to if they posted it)

I'm just wondering if repeated trips to SFMM has made you guys think this is normal? Seriously, it is very out of the ordinary to have a list of rides like that not operating.

I've done 72 different parks in the past five years and have never seen 6 or 8 rides down at one park in one day. Occasionally a ride goes down. Sometimes there's even one or two down for much of the day. Hell, I'd even understand bad timing/dumb luck putting 3 rides down in a day (though, the only place I've ever seen that is SFGAdv before they dumped the flats on other parks) - but 6 to 8 rides!?

I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone who can name any time they visited any park and found this many rides down for whatever reason.(other than SFMM, of course)

*** Edited 9/24/2005 6:10:08 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Well to all those that don't understand the slogan there two ways to look at it

One: Go to a place with a lot of people then when a fire/riot/or shooting happens watch just how fast fear speads/fly through the crowd.

So to fly at the speed of fear means you have to be moving really fast, because fear speads/flys fast when your in a situation that causes fear/panic.

Two: Dragons=fear if your strapped to the belly of a dragon then your flying at the speed of Fear since the dragon is fear in this case.

IMO the slogan fits perfectly for the Name and theme SFMM is going for, IMO people are just trying to come up with anything they can to bash this ride and SFMM HATERS.

If God had come up with this name and slogan himself you people would still have a problem with it only because it's at SFMM. Yet CF can come with Patriot with a simicloned layout and that's just great.

Oh please get over it and yourself 6 to 8 lame rides down and you go into a bit*hing frenzy, I could see if it was 6 to 8 of the major coasters what people actually go to SFMM for not a freakin tilt a whirl. People just want to bit*h about Flashback just to bit*h, when the ride was open nobody rode it, and when they did ride it all they did was complain. Now that it's closed people want to act like it's a B&M SBNO get over it, the ride is a painful POS and people should be glad it's not operating.

WOW rides down for rehab and it's a problem during what is the begining of the off season SFMM sucks for that. Are you going to say the same things about the parks towards the east that close completely during the off season or should they just stay open rehab nothing and kiss you enthusiast asses.

The damn park is closed during the weekdays, what would be the best time for rehabs, you people complain if the park don't rehab rides you people complain when they do. If SFMM closed down completely during the off season to rehab everything you people would freakin complain about that, hell some already bit*hed about it being closed during the weekdays, so when in the hell do you expect this park to get anything done if they have to go by all of you enthusiasses schedules.

Yes it's true the park isn't perfect, could use more flat's/family rides, but it's not near bout as bad as you coasterbuzzers make it out to be and if it's that damn bad then why the hell do you keep going. Why even acknowledge the place if it's just that bad, you people just love bit*hing that's all that's it. *** Edited 9/24/2005 6:42:14 PM UTC by westcoaster man***

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