DP Laser sold

Someone told me the land near Steel Force is a filled in swimming pond. As long as they build over the Zephyr line and the creek there, that's the space they have available. There's a lonely restroom area down a long path near Steel Force and that filled in area. It would be a good lift area where Laser is. There's a senior housing tower not that far away from the site.
Just so they don't have to go through another zoning hearing if they plan on putting in something taller than Laser.
Ah, I thought mostly everyone preferred Raptor over Talon. Interesting...I was really looking forward to riding what I had heard was one of the best inverts in the world at Cedar Point. It's funny how riding coasters is so subjective though...I would never have considered Hydra better than Medusa because Hydra has such a temperamental nature, and Medusa has a sick layout.

Hrrrm....don't know much about SFMM. Thought they were supposed to have some pretty kickass rides. I guess I'm just so used to Dorney that whenever I visit another park, I can't help but say, wow, this ride kicked so-and-so-at-Dorney's-butt.

How would they have to go through another zoning hearing for something tall when they have a 200+ foot monster and a 180+ foot twister impulse coaster nearly back to back? Seems ridiculous to continue to give Dorney crap about it at this point. LOL Let them build. If they build it, we will come.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

^ There are height restrictions in place per the zoning ordinance. Every time they want to build something higher than that, they have to request a variance.

You missed the discussion here, bunky, before Voodoo went in, and people were wondering about what the new attraction might be. It was discovered that Dorney had requested a height variance for two little squares measuring like 20 by 20 feet. It was shown on maps and plans. Turned out they were the locations of the spikes for Voodoo.

IIRC, I believe the height restriction isn't above the ground level, but at a certain elevation about sea level. So taller attractions could be built in the lower sections of the park than along the entrance midway.

Aha, I found it! Attached is a link showing the zoning map for South Whitehall Township. Dorney park is in the lower left corner in the "CR" district. You can clearly see the various restrictions set on ride heights in different areas. The shaded areas are the areas where they received variances-- Steel Force (long rectangle), Dominator (circle), Talon (shapes at the bottom) and Voodoo (2 squares).

You can also see they can't build anything of any size too close to the edge of the property.


*** Edited 7/29/2008 5:37:46 PM UTC by RatherGoodBear***

The Schwarzkopf Double-loop as a travelling coaster was not a very big success. It was actually comissioned by a German showman who wanted to compete with the first, very succesful Looping Star that was travelling Germany.

With his Double Looping he was of course offering a more spectacular ride which helped him to get more prestigious and better engagements.

On the other hand, the ride needs more transports but offers no way to earn more money, since the course has no extra block brake. Looping Star and Doppel Looping could run three trains in "fairground mode" (one in the station, one on the course one on the relatively long brake run.)
That´s why the Doppel Loop was not a good option for showmen.

matt.'s avatar

bunky666 said:
Ah, I thought mostly everyone preferred Raptor over Talon.


Raptor is at #40 and Talon is down at #87. Sounds about right to me, Talon is my least favorite of the B&M inverts but you'll find plenty of people here who like it a lot, like we've seen in previous posts here. *** Edited 7/30/2008 12:17:25 AM UTC by matt.***

Quick question...

In the case of Great America's GCI ride, if CF does sell the park and end up not building the ride, (possible stupid question ahead!), GCI is paid for the design and schematics for the new ride, even though it was not built? Or does it become basically, a waste of their time?

I know companies will offer parks many design options and all that, but are they that detailed? Those GCI designs look finalized and ready to go, or is just really a rough design?

Appreciate it!

^ If they were planning on having the ride open for the beginning of next season, it's almost certain that the entire design has been completed.

I don't how contracts are drawn up between designers and parks. But if it's similar to architectural contracts, there might be 3 or 4 phases involved. Something along the lines of a site analysis/feasibility phase, schematic layout, design, and construction administration. At the end of each phase, a certain percentage of the contract price would be due. If design lasts over a period of months, the parties might also agree to make periodic payments like every 30 or 60 days, mainly to help with the design firm's cash flow.

I know I'd want, and expect, to be paid for doing all that work.

Thank you for explaining it a bit more clearly! That's what I figured, that it would have to be in some sort of stages.
Yes, I did miss the zoning discussion on Dorney. I don't think I was here for that at that point. :)

I've only been on something like 5 of the top 100 coasters! *pout* I gotta get riding!

Yeah, I would think that GCI would still need to get paid for the work they did. If anyone remembers the old coaster that was supposed to go up at Hershey but did not actually end up being part of the park, Hershey sued the company involved because they had paid the money for the coaster and then the company changed the final costs or something like that. Or maybe each coaster company is different in how much they charge for their work before the actual coaster comes to fruition.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

Lord Gonchar's avatar

matt. said:
Talon is my least favorite of the B&M inverts...

Reason #16 that matt sucks. ;)

matt. said:

bunky666 said:
Ah, I thought mostly everyone preferred Raptor over Talon.


Raptor is at #40 and Talon is down at #87. Sounds about right to me.

...and look at that! Patriot is #48 ;)

but don't mock Talon too much it is not the lowest of the CF inverts, Silver Bullet comes in at #129

SWOOSH -- MidwestInfoGuide.COM

ApolloAndy's avatar

matt. said:

bunky666 said:
Ah, I thought mostly everyone preferred Raptor over Talon.


Raptor is at #40 and Talon is down at #87. Sounds about right to me, Talon is my least favorite of the B&M inverts but you'll find plenty of people here who like it a lot, like we've seen in previous posts here. *** Edited 7/30/2008 12:17:25 AM UTC by matt.***

Of the 110 people who rode both Talon and Raptor, 73 preferred Raptor, 37 preferred Talon. I am one of the 37. Then again, I really liked Silver Bullet too (for the overbank).

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

I dig that overbank as well and SB has one of the best cobra rolls out there.

It falls short when compared to Raptor, Patriot, and Montu.

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
As much as I hope Dorney gets a great woodie soon (or they just fix Thunderhawk), they do have a pretty great collection already. Talon and Steel Force are two of my favorite steel coasters, anywhere.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Awww...I love seeing my home park get so much love. ^^ Now Cedar Fair just has to give it the same love. :)

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

ApolloAndy said:

Of the 110 people who rode both Talon and Raptor, 73 preferred Raptor, 37 preferred Talon. I am one of the 37.

Put me in that 37 as well.

How much does location and blind loyalty have to do with it? IF Talon would be at CP and Raptor would be at Dorney... would it be 63 preferring Talon (at CP in this case) and 47 preferring Raptor (at Dorney in this case)?

*** Edited 8/1/2008 12:54:32 PM UTC by SLFAKE***

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Was at Dorney Park on the 26th, 27th, 28th, and 30th, (yes four days, different time periods). I don't know about filling in the void left by Laser but we always bring our own food and use the blue and white tent right by the main gate to eat. There are markings on the ground near this particular structure and there are signs posted on some of the tent supports stating that "This site will not be available for the 2009 season." Not sure what's up their sleeves but they are removing the only public picnic pavilion they have.


You have disturbed the forbidden temple, now-you-will-pay!!!

SLFAKE said:

ApolloAndy said:

Of the 110 people who rode both Talon and Raptor, 73 preferred Raptor, 37 preferred Talon. I am one of the 37.

Put me in that 37 as well.

1) 37! My girlfriend ..... 37 .....!
2) In a row?

(someone will get that reference)

Anyway, I'd also be in that 37, except I never fill out the steel poll so I guess that would make me #38. :)
lata, jeremy

PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

I'll be in that 73 even though Batman the Ride is my favorite invert. Laser is gone, and they got Voodoo to replace it. I don't that park is big enough to handle to many big coasters (as people walking around).

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