Counting relocated coasters

See I have just a general idea of coasters I ridden, I remember all the fun times i had on eachone and take pictures and etc. That is fun and good and everything, but basically for clones and etc. who really cares? It's not like theres an official ruling or procedure on how to count coasters. Count them as you please. Hell, I count flats at parks and even shows I seen because I always had fun at those places and sometimes when I am sad or down or w/e I think of happy memories. I think it is sort of rude to call someone an enthusiass, but I am not trying to start anything, I don't even know what one is (and I hope im not being one). (sports update Cubs won!) I see going to a amusement park as a special event. Just like going to Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon or a professional sporting event. So let me all ask you guys a question.

When you guys go to Yellowstone do you count how many different exhibits you looked at in a day and write them down, then later in the day call someone a naturass for counting them? When you go to a sporting event, do you count how many foul balls are hit in the game (talking bout baseball) write them down and call someone a sports fass for talking about them? I would think most of you don't. So, *once again I mean no offense to any of your hobbies or anything you guys do*, It is fun to talk about different coaster experiences and everything but is it necessary to argue or maliciously attack someone for commenting about the different ways they keep track of there coasters? I don't think so at least

Sorry had to say that guys/(girls)


Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

ApolloAndy's avatar
RavenTTD: I said there's no "we" because you were speaking for people you've never met or talked to or even lurked under, and were in fact wrong (specifically because there is no *we*).

My general statement was not made on behalf of anyone but myself. Hence the use of the first person *singular* pronoun rather than the first person *plural* pronoun. (Sorry, Greek final coming's on my brain.)

I don't have the gospel truth, you don't have it, and "we" certainly don't have it. Ride what you want, when you want, count what you want, when you want, call me what you want, when you want, and I'll call you what I want, when I want.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

ApolloAndy's avatar
My thoughts on why I count:

I do it because I think it's an interesting way to measure my own personal progress (for myself) as an enthusiast. It's fun to think about the fact that I've ridden 100 or 200 or 300 coasters and the fun that I've had on each one.

Once I do it to compare to other people, I'm turning a hobby into a competition. That's why I'd be an enthusiass. It's like people that come out of a test and say "I got a 95, what'd you get?"

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Mamoosh's avatar
Question to those of you who would count the moved coaster because it is a different experience: why draw the line there? Each row, each seat, each train, different weathers, different times of day, different seasons, eyes open/eyes shut...they all offer different experiences. So why don't you count those?

For the record, I'm not saying that's wrong...I'm just curious where people draw the line. I don't care how you count so long as you don't care how I count!

Mamoosh's avatar
"Yes, but Matthew, if we use your system we'll dwindle our 300+ coaster count down to 15 as you barely count ANYTHING as a coaster. ;) "

LOL! I agree I do have a very stringent method, but even so I managed to surpass 300 last year. If I counted more liberally I'd be a lot closer to hitting 400 ;)

I'd count it cause if it wasn't for forums like these I would have no clue it was relocated and would think it was a new coaster not a used one.

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!

Lord Gonchar said:

Out of curiousity - what about a coaster relocated within the same park? Same name, same ride, just moved for whatever reason.

Well, IMO, it all depends on how much the theming, speed, and/or overall ride experience change. Yeah, I saw the different seats arguement, but I think we can just look past that, because its clearly the same.

In all reality, this is not something I feel strongly about one way or another, but that is just how I would do it, if I counted. I haven't ridden enough coasters/payed my 20 bucks, so I don't count them. Even if I did, I can't see myself ever cramming into a kiddy coaster in order to get a credit.

Thumbs up - counting them so you can look back and remember what you have/haven't been on, and eating tacos

Thumbs down - credit whoring and cancer.

Down is the new up.
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I would not count a relocated coaster as long as it were physically the same coaster with the same layout, etc. Borg Assimilator and Greezed Lightning are perfect examples.

If it's just a new coat a paint and a new name then I will not count it, but then again I don't lie awake all night stressing over it like a lot of people. ;-)

Saying that I seem to have counted Screamin Demon and Thunderbolt Express seperately, but that's OK. Anyone who was lucky enough to get ONE ride while it was Tbolt Express deserves to have it counted seperately. ;-)


*** Edited 4/29/2004 11:02:24 AM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

I say count them. While I have never ridden Stealth, I have ridden Borg and know that the theming and location in the park (Over walkways and water), add a LOT to the ride and that Stealth didn't have these features. From what I've heard it is also running a bit faster than Stealth was so overall I would say it's a large improvement in its new home. So.... I agree with some of you in saying that you should count them twice.

A few thoughts:

- I have a Jeep Cherokee Sport. When we got married, my wife also had a Jeep Cherokee Sport. While these were the same model vehicle (i.e. Clones) they were still two different vehicles. However, we have since gotten rid of her Jeep Cherokee Sport. If we would find who bought it after we trade it in and we would ride in it, I would not say that we are riding in a new and different vehicle... same vehicle, just different owner and location (i.e. Relocated). Same applies to coasters in my book.

- If you visited a local fair and rode a traveling coaster, and a month later visited another fair, and rode the same traveling coaster, you only rode one coaster, right?

- If a park has a coaster with no theming... and then over the off season adds a little bit of theming (no changes of layout like Steel Phantom to Phantom's Revenge... just theming change) and changes the paint scheme, it is basically the same coaster.

- Bottom line... does it really matter?

Hmmm... if I ride a coaster on a Wednesday morning when it is 65degrees and sunny, and I ride it again on a Tuesday evening, when it is dark and rainy, can I count this as two coasters? I mean, it does feel different... and the experience is different. NO... not quite.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
I saw count it. New name new theme new personality! Its like a whole new coaster and its in a different park!


john peck's avatar
I go with the physicallness of the coaster, since i rode The Wild Maus at Williamsburg, Im not going to count it again. I also don't count the portibles unless they have at one time been in a park I rode them in. Like Geauga Lakes old Zyklon, I rode that growing up, but now that very coaster is the Avalanch that travels with Amusements of America, so I won't count it as new to me. I have a seperate list for portibles.

Also, for like racing coasters, if the physical tracks are different, I'll count them twice, like Twisted Sisters or even the American Eagle, but not the Racer at PKI

So currently, I have 384 Permanent park-installed coasters on my track record

Now I may be an idiot, but there is one thing I am not, sir, and that sir, is an idiot. ~ Peter Griffin

Mamoosh's avatar
I'm even more stringent than you, John, [I count all multi-tracked coasters as '1'] and yet I've managed to make it to the 331* mark.


[*that automatically make me better than anyone who has ridden fewer...right? ;)]

Double-track coasters are tough for me. I count Dueling Dragons twice because they are clearly different rides. The same goes for the Chiller at SFGAdv.

Coasters with the same basic track plans get counted as one. This includes PKD's Rebel Yell and Kennywood's Racer. And this leads me to a grey area that I still have yet to figure out:

What to do with wood coasters such as Gwazi. Is it one or two rides? You can argue that its like Dueling Dragons, where two entirely different track layouts comprise the total attraction. But if Gwazi is two rides, then why isn't Lightning Racer- a ride which most people count as 1 ride? Sure the layouts are similar, but there are subtle differences. And, if LR is two rides, doesn't that make Rolling Thunder two rides as well, since one side has a camelback (opposed to a speed hill) and a fan curve instead of a flat turn. I mean, where does the line get drawn?

Any ideas? I'm open to them!

Draegs's avatar
I usually follow the same outlook with DD being two in my book and Racer, etc. being only one.

To me it comes down to this:

When I get to the point in the line where it splits for each side, do I really care which one I go for? Or am I simply going to pick based on which has the shorter line, which I rode last, etc. If it matters to me, I tend to see it as two separate coasters (although I am sure an exception or two can be found).

Mamoosh's avatar
"What to do with wood coasters such as Gwazi. Is it one or two rides?"

"But if Gwazi is two rides, then why isn't Lightning Racer...?"

"I mean, where does the line get drawn?"

See, Rob...that's exactly why I count all multi-tracked a one. No need to draw a line anywhere ;)

How true! There is something to be said for unabashed simplicity.
rollergator's avatar
Actually, I recently made an *adjustment* to my counting method and even though I don't expect or care if anyone agrees/disagrees, I've decided to count twin-tracked coasters as TWO rides when one of them runs *sdrawkcab*....just seems like the experience itself is WAY different to me...;)

And as far as Gwazi is concerned, the layots are different enough for me to tell with my eyes closed which one I'm on....shame is, Lion was the only side open yesterday....

Mamoosh's avatar
That means RT:M is in your count twice?
john peck's avatar
Ah,,, but what about rides like Primivel Whirl and Space Mountain Florida which are two seperate circuits, I counted those twice... Perhaps I shouldnt

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