contruction at pki

When I was at pki this Sunday, I noticed some blue and red flags to the left of the beasts final (long) brake run. They were on the other side of the fence for the beast. I also noticed that they added a tunnel (under the beasts last brake run) passably for construction access to that area.
I was at PKI yesterday and Friday and I noticed the access under the Beasts final break run and first lift. Currently, there is no road because it leads to just a bunch of woods. I noticed the blue markers in the woods as well when I was walking up to the beasts station. Could these be markings for footers or something. Also, on the fence around the former exit of KCKC is a sign that says hard "hat area"
Also, when I rode the train Friday, after the severe thunderstorm passed but it was still raining I saw that there were orange lines spray painted on the bottom of the drop on KCKC! Does anyone know what is moving into River Town? Possibly a coaster. One thing is for sure, next year River Town will be much different!
Orange lines...hmmmm, I wonder if there tearing out kckc, or if there going to do something like they did to there other log flume ride.
I would highly doubt that, especially since they put room for an access road under The Beast. And what would explain the markers in the woods Hothitz? I gues we`ll just have to wait and see what haapens!
They are taking down the log ride by The Beast...Jeff Seibert told me!

You can't run and you can't hide...the beasts at PKI
I think we can look forward to KCKC coming down by the beginning of daily operation as they do have a sign on the fance that says "hard hat area" If KCKC is torn down, at or around the time daily operation begins, it could be a sign of something like a big coaster!!! Anyone know why they put that access way under the Beast????

This is my 200th post!!!!!
PKI- wood coaster capital of the world!

*** This post was edited by coastersrz on 4/9/2001. ***
Probably for construction access to the new attraction.
What excites me the most about all of this is the fact that it's all starting so soon. I can't help but hope that it a large steel coaster, but that fact that things are already going leads me to believe that I'll be impressed no matter what the outcome!

Anyone know if and where PKI's "boneyard" is? I just wonder b/c at CP the first signs of MF was track spotted in the boneyard from MS. I figure I'll keep bugging my friend who works in the finance dept. until he tells me. He probably won't, though. To quote Jeff (if I get it right): "Those who know don't talk, those who talk don't say." Never hurts to try.

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
I am praying to God that it is a B&M coaster. I highly doubt it with PKI's past reluctance to go that route, but it would be nice.
I think there bone yard is next to the racer.
I know that to the left of top Gun`s que there is an old green building. Anyway, from the lift of Son of Beast, I spotted about three of PKI`s old flight of fear cars! Also, I do believe that the are a lot of maintance buildings in the front of the park between international street, hanna barbera land and water works. I believe that the third Son of beast trains is located in storage in one of these buildings!
I think that building that you saw from top guns lift hill was there nursery building, where they grow all the trees and flowers for the park.
Kings Island's major boneyard is just a little thing to the South of the main maintenance buildings. This would be squeezed in between the parking lot and the railroad turnaround. That said, Kings Island owns LOTS of land, so if components for a new ride come in during the operating season, I'd expect them to be staged near the construction site.
Now, the access road leading to the construction site is a major pain, and probably inaccessible to large construction vehicles. From the maintenance yard, the road crosses the railroad track and then takes a rugged path around the back of the park. From the other side, the road goes over the Top Gun entrance, under Son of Beast, and down into the woods behind the Beast. Also a rugged path to get to the KCKC site. I think that explains the new cut-through beneath The Beast's lift hill...that means that there is now access to the site (when the park is closed) from the midway , through the gate behind Vortex, under The Beast, and right into the site.
I know that when they built Son of Beast, most of the components were apparently staged in the field between the campground and the construction site. So I expect that for the new attraction, when parts start arriving, they will probably stack them up in the woods behind the site. Many park nuts may be seen riding the canyon ride and the train this season, I'll bet...!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
HotHitz, that building i saw was not on Top gun, but on Son of Beast looking to the right, right to behind of the bridge that goes over Top Gun`s que line! I doubt any new parts for the ride would be on site untill they get all of the old parts of KCKC out of there. Also, the access road under The Beast has yet to be built, because it leads into a patch of fairly dens bushes which are followed by trees. i can`t wait to find out what PKI is up to!
If this thing is going to be a coaster it is going to be huge because last year while riding the frontward Racer I noticed a lot of cleared land behind the turn around. The land was kind of hard to see due to trees that they left in front of it but there is definitely cleared land back there. I said something about this last year but somebody said it was just land for the wood on SOB but that is completely on the other side of the park. I'm thinking (and praying) that it will either be a B&M hyper or a giga by Intamin because it has to be a pretty big coaster if it is going to start in River Town and go behind Coney Mall. Did anybody else notice the land that was cleared last year?
I agree Matt! I love the Intamin track, but I think B&M would be much better for capacity. Let's hope they come out of their non-giga phase and bring us something fantasic. I wonder what color it would be? We don't have a red one do we? Blue would be nice for Rivertown, but Vortex is right there.

PKI-Kings Mills, Ohio-Wooden and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
4/9/00-Newest Hyperbuzzer-200 posts! :)
You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!!!
Yea but that would mean they would have to build the new ride over or under the beast. I hope they don't, one of the things that makes the beast unique, is that its in the woods away from everything.
Make it go in front of the Beast, and then behind the rest of Coney Mall. That's the coaster designers jobs to make one do something like this. B&M make any coaster look good. Especially if they put one in my back yard. ;)

PKI-Kings Mills, Ohio-Wooden and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
4/9/00-Newest Hyperbuzzer-200 posts! :)
You are the Weakest Link! Goodbye!!!
We need to find someone who has gone on the helicopter ride this year or is going to soon, to get some pics.

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