Complaint filed to Costerbuzz! >:(

Ok, this is probably not gonna be a friendly post to most people but here is my thoughts...

A person runs a site the way they want and can do what they want. Until someone audits them or anything like that to change the ratings then they are free to do as they please and censor what they please. While Jeff may post things you feel rude and outrageous, do you not think people find this threat the same as you do his or theirs? Second most, you visit this as you want and no one asks you to.

Ok, now to the other end of it all. Most people here complain about what jeff says and that but oh well, he owns the site and can say what he wants when he does. He may take flak for it but it is his choice. As you freely posted this so could he on your site. If someone said something outlandish on your site that you hated, would you keep it? More than likely not.

My advice is not to attack the person or their character but accept who they are and live with it, plain and simple. Now have a merry christmas and get a life if you do not like it. That is reality.

nasai's avatar

Another thing.......

About freedom of speech? This isn't America. This is the INTERNET. Get over it. And...........if you have been banned before for saying the wrong things (because this isn't your site), then you are banned. Go away.

You peope are a bunch of arrogant pricks...bye.
Obvioulsy no one read my complaint becasue people are twisting my words around and adding things that I never said AND taking thinks that I put in quotes and using them literaly.

Don't even try anymore buddy. I've done this kind of post alot (you can ask jeff lol) and it doesn't get you anywhere. Remember on Coasterbuzz, what you think doesn't matter, and what you say doesn't matter. Jeff's always right, ur always wrong. As someone called the moderators "the goon squad" won't respect your opinions or let you speak them. Although I disagree with how he runs the site, I like talking coasters and there fore after paying 20 bucks I'm not going to delete my account.

Dan - Webmaster of Coastny!

nasai's avatar
Don't let our words hit you in the ass on your way out.
bad new for you Trev, I read it a couple times but I simply think you are wrong and you should make a personal complaint with the owner of the place.
As long as we have this open, let me ask: What's the point of pitching a hissy fit when you dont like something on a site? There have been several other sites that I've personally been on and when I start to see ish I dont like, I just take an extended leave of absence (some will be permanent). What causes an otherwise functional human being to forget that they have the ability to simply click on a different site?

I personally blame the public school system!!!!
--making excessive use of puctuation...again!!!

Honest opinion: I think he did this to make this kind of post. You notice how he is following this every minute of the way? It seems like he is doing it for the attention. Anytime someone posts he is back again and again. Sorry, but it is true. You are purposely watching and waiting on the forum to say something.

*** This post was edited by DragonCyrs on 7/11/2002. ***

nasai's avatar

This is quite funny. How many times are you going to hang it up? I keep coming back and watching your comments. I bet you are the kind of guy who likes getting spanked too, right? Go away Trev...The coaster king....


Man, and I thought the off season is bad.

I feel really sorry for you if you get so bent out of shape over something so meaningless as this. Go outside, play in the park, go to a baseball game, hang out with friends, something else....

Man, some people really need to hear themselves talk badly. Go troll somewhere else.

- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 7/11/2002. ***

I was thinking go wait in line for a couple hours for your favorite ride and "let it all go". That is what a true coaster king would do...

I am following this post but it was not for attention. Its like, your all clones of eachother. Arrogant, insolent and cliched. anyway.....go ahead...close this thread..i really don't care....i voiced my opinion, you all loathed it....whats more to say? Nothing.

Then explain why you are following it? I am following it to prove you are. My theory stands, you are following it to drag this out and simply true to grab attention. I am neither arrogant or insolent or condecending. I just understand things

If you're signing off...will you please sign off already? *snooorrrrrre*

No love for the whiners

I find it amazing how im being attacked for such stupid reasons. i have not insulted any of you nor made any bad remarks. I am indeed following this to see what other insults and silly things you have spewd towards me

Trev...Coaster King said:
I find it amazing how im being attacked for such stupid reasons. i have not insulted any of you nor made any bad remarks. I am indeed following this to see what other insults and silly things you have spewd towards me

Check your mail.

Dan - Webmaster of Coastny!

:sigh: I see that someone cant even say their opinions without getting flamed. Ever heard of the saying "if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all". Everyone here really needs to think before they post.

Dood just leave already. You are making an A$$ of yourself.

Do you realize how many times we see dumb posts like yours? Perhaps this is why you are treated like crap.

Regardless we won't be seeing you in the future. Hope you had a good ten hours.

The Beast and Night, They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly

Closed topic.

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