Breast feeding mom upset with Six Flags Great America

Posted | Contributed by Chitown

A mother was asked to leave the wading pool at Six Flags Great America while breastfeeding, citing health concerns. If found true, the request would violate Illinois law.

Read more from The Chicago Tribune.

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A few other thoughts after re-reading:

'Be Discreet'. Was this woman jumping up and down, yelling "look at my child breastfeeding!" and had flashing lights all around? No. She was standing there unassumingly, apparently, with a cover over the kid. That says she was being discreet. The lifeguard, who was doing a good job of looking at everyone like she should have, noticed it and acted (poorly, I might add). So the woman was being discreet. And she was abiding by the law, which, as stated, supercedes Park rules.

Danimals Said:
True. But then I can make the argument of "what's the big deal if I want to have sex on my lounger by the wave pool? It's a NATURAL thing, and I'm not hurting anybody. If you don't like it, than don't look." Which leads to another point...

Not the same thing. You can't make that argument, because, although sex is natural, that is against the law anywhere you go in the U.S. Public Nudity and Indecency, as well as Lewd Conduct will get you arrested. They are considered by the law to be wrong in public. What this woman did was not wrong in public. There was no lewd activity. She was not exposing herself either, she even had the mind to cover her self up, which I don't believe she had to do, according to law. Anyone with intelligence should understand the differences.

Then he said:
This is the most tired argument of all. Fine, I like to pee in the street. If you don't like it, just don't look out your windows! Or, I'm going to pleasure myself on this here park bench. If you don't like it, then don't look, and tell your kids not to look.

Again, Public Nudity, you're exposing your genitals, Lewd Behavior, you are masturbating in public and/or peeing, and in that case, you're deficating(sp?) someone's property. All crimes more than likely anywhere in the U.S. It doesn't matter if someone looks or not, you're breaking the law. This woman wasn't. And people can decide to look or not, the law doesn't make an exception. Again, simple intelligence would show the difference. You're holding a bushel of apples. This woman apparently had a bag of oranges.

Oh, and, uh, DUH!

Oh, and Edit: There was brought up, either here or somewhere I saw, someone saying something about public and private places. While SFGAm is privatly owned, since they charge admission to anybody who isn't a member, they are a Public place, not Private. If they charged a membership fee, then they could be considered Private. Adult Book Stores, Strip Clubs and the like use this in WV to get around certain laws, but even then, certain things are still not allowed.

This was a Privatly Owned Public Place. I'm sure Torgo or Incidentalist could explain it more, and correct me where I'm wrong.*** This post was edited by TeknoScorpion 7/17/2005 2:11:54 AM ***

God made a lot of things, that does not mean all bodily functions have to be/or should be performed in the sanctuary. Most churches have a baby room or an agape room, somethin in the back, just for that purpose.

Look at what going on around you and be the judge of that.

A church service...I'd say no

A wedding ceremony...I'd say no

An elementary school..I'd say no

If it's a place where they wont even allow you to take your shirt or shoes off, then I'd think twice about it. And this is not based off of my belief, this is all relative to the openess of our society (which is not that open-minded if you looked lately)

Doing something like this while in public is just not right though. I mean please I don't mind it if you decide to breast feed your child but not in the middle of a freeking waterpark. Hell, I know that I don't have to look but it's pretty hard to not pay attention to someone breast feeding their child while in public!
Jeff's avatar
You, like everyone else that objects, are talking about your own insecurities and comfort level, not that of the mother. Get over yourself. The only thing "not right" as that you and apparently a lot of Americans think that breasts are dirty sex objects.
Whould you two quit *****ing i mean come on get over it! Oh and just for the record the lady was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^Exactly, Jeff. And who in their right mind is going to gawk at a lady breastfeeding? I mean come on.


Well according to what he said up there Tina it looks like blink would ;)

One thing I find interesting is the uproar this appears to be causing in a country which is so big on breast enlargements.

-Jimvy! :)
*** This post was edited by invy 7/17/2005 4:02:18 PM ***

jeff and wahoo skipper:

I think you guys misunderstood what i said. I have no problem with a mother entertaining herself outself the house. They should have at least dropped the kid of at a babysitter or something. Honestly, I don't think the kid could ride any rides and really enjoy himself at the park, and would just seem like a hassle to carry around all day, that is what i am saying. Again i have no problem with the notion of breast feeding in public. I also emphasized that i was not a parent so i did not know. It is so stupid to voice any kind of an opinion on this website because people like you two overeggaterate what I am trying to say and make me look like a bad person. I bet you guys feel really cool after you do that

jeff: I am a lot younger than you, i am from the ninties

wahoo skipper: I have read every single post of yours on this forum, and every post you are complaining about something somebody said. Chill out, nobody likes complainers.

A church service...I'd say no
A wedding ceremony...I'd say no
An elementary school..I'd say no

Pay attention to yourself: 'I'd say no'. What you'd say is irrelevant. What the law, and, in what you're suggesting, christianity, says are what is what is going to happen, or not. If a church thinks it is a problem, again, I stress, don't they realize that GOD CREATED ADAM AND EVE AND THEY WERE NAKED AND BREAST FED THEIR CHILDREN IN PUBLIC? What I'm saying is, it doesn't matter what 'You'd Say'. What matters in this case is what the law says. The law says she was fine. You don't have to agree, but you are bound by the law to accept that. Gosh!

I think you guys misunderstood what i said. I have no problem with a mother entertaining herself outself the house. They should have at least dropped the kid of at a babysitter or something.

Yes, we're understanding everything you're saying. You don't understand that you're being unreasonable. Why does a parent need to drop the kids off at a baby sitter? Haven't you heard of spending time with your kids? Just because they have children, and it makes you uncomfortable, doesn't mean they should have to accomodate you!

Honestly, I don't think the kid could ride any rides and really enjoy himself at the park, and would just seem like a hassle to carry around all day, that is what i am saying. Again i have no problem with the notion of breast feeding in public.

The kid was a baby, and, hey! It was eating, and enjoying a meal when this happened. So, because a kid isn't big enough to ride, it should stay home? Not spend time with its parents? That is just stupid! In that case, parents shouldn't take their kids to the park down the street, without leaving their infant with a baby sitter. This child was probably too young to be left with a babysitter in the parents eyes, so they decided to take it with them and ENJOY SOME FAMILY TIME. I take it your parents never took you anywhere when you were too small to ride or enjoy everything?

I also emphasized that i was not a parent so i did not know. It is so stupid to voice any kind of an opinion on this website because people like you two overeggaterate what I am trying to say and make me look like a bad person. I bet you guys feel really cool after you do that

We can tell you aren't a parent. So why are you saying what parents should do, huh? So, they can't have an opinion on what to do, but you can have an opinion on a website, and say that someone who was doing something allowable by morals and laws, but No one is allowed to agree? No one here is saying this to make themselves 'feel cool'. We're trying to get some other hard headed people to see both sides of the story, which you obviously won't accept.

jeff: I am a lot younger than you, i am from the ninties

And that is a free pass to be a moron?

westcoaster man

Spongebob64 said "whene you give the baby a bath do you splash its face?"

That has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard in my entire 26 years of life ROTFLMAO. Who in the hell can take a bath and not get water on their face lol, also in your world how old is a baby before you start washing it's face? I don't think the babies in your world would be to kissable since their faces would be flity since you think it's a danger to get their faces wet lol.

i said splash not wash

1. Everyone knows just because the law says it's ok doesn't mean it's ok...History will justify that.

2. Was the lady wrong for doing it???....of course not...

3. Should she have done it???...That is a matter of opinion..

4. Situations like this takes time for people to get use to..

5. My wife breast fed our baby and she said she wouldn't do it in a wade pool...

6. Should anyone be fired??..Of course not...Just educated...

7. Personally, I don't know if I would feel comfortable with my wife breast feeding in a wade pool...She has breast fed in public before at restuarants and I felt fine...Maybe I'm ol school...

8. Also, the argument about it's natual can't be used to justify if it's ok or not to breast feed in the wade pool...I can think of many things that are natural and sanitary that wouldn't be allowed in the wade pool...

^ Well for one The mother and her two kids were in the waterpark not the amuesment park, a water park has plenty to do for very young kids. Also she was in the wadding pool, again, designed for young kids and non swimmers. So why would she drop her child off with a sitter when she was going to a place that caters to families. Some of you are acting like babies don't like water or it's unsafe to put a baby in water, when they spent 9 entire months in liquid.

Like already stated ......It wasn't like she was on Raging Bull with the baby and breast feeding.

Also some of you keep bringing up changing rooms, well that's exactly what they are for, is changing the babies soiled diapers not to be used as a feeding room. Imo that's just as sick as suggesting that a person use a restroom to breast feed. Who wants to sit in a room with soiled smelly diapers or in a restroom with people taking dumps while trying to feed your child.

My GOD what person on the planet earth hasn't laid eyes on a womens breast before, just seeing a pair of breast doesn't mean anything sexual. Now if the women was standing in the middle of the wadding pool topless shaking and jirrating then yes that would carry as sexual tone. She was covered up you could only see the babies feet so WTF is the problem, there is none! IMO she was making herself and her baby uncomfortable by covering up on a hot day trying not to offend anyone.

I think men are mad because women can show their boobies and fell totally secure with themselves, when most men not all are little insecure wimps because there worried someone is going to make fun of their little pee pees lol.

Why do people keep making it seam like a wadding pool is so aweful, come people she was in a wadding pool not the middle of a war zone.

Ummmm Idiot Splashing and washing is pretty much the same other words your getting the babies face wet doing either one.*** This post was edited by westcoaster man 7/17/2005 6:15:10 PM ****** This post was edited by westcoaster man 7/17/2005 6:19:56 PM ***

im getting bored of saying the same thing over and over again so if it makes you feel any better "you win" happy?*** This post was edited by spongebob64 7/17/2005 6:25:51 PM ***
1. Everyone knows just because the law says it's ok doesn't mean it's ok...History will justify that.

No one here is saying otherwise. Abortion is legal. I think it is wrong, but I have to accept it as legal, and can't do anything about people that have an abortion.

Sex with someone you aren't married to is legal. I think it is wrong, but I have to accept it as legal, and can't do anything about people that have premarital sex.

I could go on, but I won't ;). And spongeboy, no one 'wins'. You still don't get the point, we were trying to educate you...


Some people here is saying otherwise that's why I mentioned it...And yes, you can do something legal or illegal in regards to people having abortions or premarital sex if you feel strongly enough against it...

tubs023 said

I can think of many things that are natural and sanitary that wouldn't be allowed in the wade pool...

Oh really?

- Why do kids who wear diapers wear diapers...instead of underwear and pants?

- What do you think they do in those things in the kiddie pool? Honestly?

- CO

And yes, you can do something legal or illegal in regards to people having abortions or premarital sex if you feel strongly enough against it...

Care to tell me what? Abortion has been argued for decades, and guess what? It is still legal.

As for pre-marital sex, you can't stop someone from doing that either. No law is going to be enacted in this country that will stop that.

I can't do anything Legal about it, and if I did something illegal, I'd be a hypocrite for everything else I've said in this thread. I'm bound by the law. This woman was abiding by the law. End of Story.

what if i'm lactose intolerant and i went swimming in that pool and i DIED from allergic reaction... HMM!? HMM!? ;)

back to my doublecheeseburger analogy... I believe i shall feast on a $12.00 combo meal in the water and see if they say anything. I was hungry and hot, so i just wanted to eat in the pool. do any signs outside the water attractions make reference to food or drink? Surly it's legal to eat in water, and the park doesn't have any rules against it (unless of course, they do, and in that case this post should be deleted)...

-- alan j

Lactose Intolerance can't kill you. And regardless of Park Rules, the Law Supercedes Park rules. Notice the reasoning behind this law, as stated in the article:

But preventing the steering of women to private spaces was the impetus behind the law, said state Rep. Paul Froehlich (R-Schaumburg), one of its chief sponsors.

In case some don't understand that statement, the law was put in to place so that Public Places could not force a woman to a private place. She can do it where she pleases, and if she so pleases to breast feed her child in a public wading pool, SFI has to comply with the state law. There are no laws about eating in public pools, so the park's Rules are the rules to be followed.

Nice try, though ;).

Also, to the uneducated saying it was 'unsanitary', you obviously didn't even read the article. Notice what the CDC, a Governemnt Agency says:

Health officials at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have determined that breast milk is a safe fluid...

That means it was totally safe, not in any means unhealthy.*** This post was edited by TeknoScorpion 7/17/2005 10:45:22 PM ***

SFDL Doof:

But if you lived in a state where a law was passed making public cheesburger eating anywhere and everywhere specifically LEGAL--like Illinois and breastfeeding--it wouldn't matter what the signs around the pool said.

Now take the cheesy patties off the bun, replace it with your foot and get chompin'.


*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 7/17/2005 11:21:42 PM ***

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