4 SF Parks to Get New Attractions

They said SFOT, SFMM, and SFGADV would get Capital Expenditures next year. That definitely doesnt mean coasters at all. All 3 of those parks could use a kick ass Scooby Dark ride from Sally. They could all use a nice Flat ride package (esp. SFMM). There are lots of things these parks need besides coasters. As successful as the scooby ride has been, I wouldnt put it past SF to put 3 or 4 more in around the country next year. 2 of the 3 parks listed are in need of a top notch woodie. The other could use nice looper.

Why is everyone on this board reading that article written by a DALLAS newpaper like its the scripture of Six Flags. The man took 2 or 3 quotes from the conference call and whipped up some article to convince readers what he wanted them to think. Go listen to the whole conference call. Mr Burke made conflicting statements about next years cap-ex throughout the call. He first said these 3 parks that had bad attendance(SFMM, SFOT, and SFGADV) would get cap-ex. But, he also said parks that had good numbers would be rewarded with cap-ex as well.... Now, thats a total of 7 parks then...


Now, he also mentioned the chains commitment to SFWOA over the long term so you could possibly add that to the list above. Now, I dont believe all 8 of these parks are gonna receive coasters, but I think its likely most if not all of them will receive some form of cap-ex for new attractions however little or huge they may be.

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

*** This post was edited by Chris Godsey on 8/25/2002. ***

Actually OutKast it is very likely that SFMM is getting a new coaster next year. I wouldn't call it whining. Let me guess, your home park is SFMM. I have a home park that hasn't gotten a good coaster since 1994 and that park is run by Six Flags. So tell me, which park do you think needs a new coaster?

Chris Godsey said:

They said SFOT, SFMM, and SFGADV would get Capital Expenditures next year. That definitely doesnt mean coasters at all. All 3 of those parks could use a kick ass Scooby Dark ride from Sally. They could all use a nice Flat ride package (esp. SFMM). There are lots of things these parks need besides coasters. As successful as the scooby ride has been, I wouldnt put it past SF to put 3 or 4 more in around the country next year. 2 of the 3 parks listed are in need of a top notch woodie. The other could use nice looper.

Why is everyone on this board reading that article written by a DALLAS newpaper like its the scripture of Six Flags. The man took 2 or 3 quotes from the conference call and whipped up some article to convince readers what he wanted them to think. Go listen to the whole conference call. Mr Burke made conflicting statements about next years cap-ex throughout the call. He first said these 3 parks that had bad attendance(SFMM, SFOT, and SFGADV) would get cap-ex. But, he also said parks that had good numbers would be rewarded with cap-ex as well.... Now, thats a total of 7 parks then...


Now, he also mentioned the chains commitment to SFWOA over the long term so you could possibly add that to the list above. Now, I dont believe all 8 of these parks are gonna receive coasters, but I think its likely most if not all of them will receive some form of cap-ex for new attractions however little or huge they may be.

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

*** This post was edited by Chris Godsey on 8/25/2002. ***

Um I listened to that long Conference call myself. I don't have to go by what anyone says b/c I work at SFMM and not at the dippin dots stand. I know for a fact atleast one coaster is planned for next year with a second very possible.

The only reason I said coasters was b/c Six flags is known for adding coasters not flat rides especially at SFMM. The Scooby dark ride could be possible but i don't see any flat rides at the mountain anytime soon

Also I don't know what call you were listening too but not once was SFMM mentioned for low attendence. SFMM is up over 6% this year and that was with X down most of the time. Now that X is re-open the park has been packed even during the week , I don't think over 4 hour lines for X and atleast 45 minutes to 1 1/2 for most everything else on a Tuesday is doing bad.

Wir schrauben für Euch die Achterbahn zusammen!!!

Is there any link to the conference call?

SFGAm: 1)DV 2)V2 3)AE Blue 4)Viper 5)Bull

I don't get it in a way.

If SF inc. has stated that only parks that did well this year would be getting cap expenditures in 03 then under that way of thinking SFGRADV,SFOT ,SFWOA and maybe even SFMM would be disqualified and therefore shouldn't be getting anything in 03.

What it may mean is that simply put SFGRADV,SFOT,SFMM and SFGRAM are the only 4 parks getting cap expenditures and the other 35 parks in the chain aren't getting anything in 03,at least that's what it sounds like to me.

I'm with Bull fan here and would like to see a link to the entire conference call,that is if one exists.

Here is the archived conference call. But, you will have to register to hear it.. its free..


My bad. I dont know why I mentioned SFMM as having lowered attendance figures. I remember him sayintg SFMM had an increase of aroundf 3%. I guess since we were talking about SFMM, I mistakenly mentioned it as onf of the losers. The 3 parks that lost money were SFWOA, SFOT, and SFGADV.

Also, I am aware of next years additions at SFMM. When I was out there in July I had a great discussion with Andy and Amy(PR department) about the next ride going in.. should be a wonderful addition to the park.

I hear a train a comin'
Comin' round the bend :P

You know I like the Idea of sixflags selling off parks. Why cant they jsut sell off smaller parks liek SFSTL too companys such as Busch (Come on Busch your world head quarters is jsut down the street and there is 500 beutifully wooded acers that are on the park propertie)So they can start helping EVERYONE not just a few *cough* Four*cough* They had no right in buying (or leaseing) jazz land.

-Work Uniform $25
-Lunch $3
-Hospital Bills from Heat stroke $200
-Working at a Theme Park Priceless

I like the idea Bossstl said. I mean I love SFSTL but Six Flags is totally screwing them over. And what really drives me nuts is SFMM is getting another coatser. I mean geez, they dont need another much less possibly two! SFSTL deserves one. But the thing Bossstl said was a good idea. I mean St. Louis is the home of Budweiser and its not a Busch park.

If practice makes perfect but noone is perfect, then why practice.

Thanks for the link Chris.

Nowhere does he say that these are the only four markets receiving cap-ex next year. My guess is that the SFWOA will get a major attraction next year, as it seems to be a top priority.

Also, I found this interesting: He stated that never again will less than 2 out of the 4 major markets not receive a significant attraction. He said that, with the exception of SFMM, the previous year's attractions didn't have the "legs" the company thought they would. (Though he mentioned that Chicago was virtually even with last year despite losing about $100,000 in buyout business).

Also, he talked about the importance of keeping guests in the park longer, which adds fuel to the fire of my theory that parks often will not open key attractions on time in order to keep patrons at the park longer.

SFGAm: 1)DV 2)V2 3)AE Blue 4)Viper 5)Bull

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