4-24-04 Our Knoebels wedding!

You're not selfish for wanting a honeymoon without the kids. The POINT of a honeymoon is for the newlywed couple to get away from their regular lives for a while and spend time together.

At least, that's what *I* think... :)

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Vater's avatar
Indeed, Greg. I'll be honeymooning on a cruise ship in the Carribean in two weeks. I don't have kids, but if I did they wouldn't be going with. :)
Heather & I have been tossing around a number of ideas for our honeymoon, and they don't include our kids.

If I was going to Cali to go to SFMM, Knotts, and Disney I would have to take my son, but that wouldn't be considered our honeymoon. Airfare is so cheap now that we can do that as our family vacation.

I am not used to going on a vacation with rollercoasters being involved. Its been a long time since I have had a vacation like that. Its just what we do.

We are considering a cruise, Cancun or Hawaii. I am not sure what one we are going to do just yet. Anyone having been to Cancun or Hawaii is it worth the money?

I know I'll enjoy it, but its just hard to decide which one to do. We won't be going on our honeymoon until mid May at least.

Hawaii is WELL worth it. Can't speak for cruise (I flew to the main island, Kona, for a friend's wedding), but Hawaii is fabulous.

My friends were joking that it must have been killing me to fly all that way and not have any coasters to ride, but it was so beautiful I didn't care. It was a whirlwind trip (fly from Pittsburgh to Kona on Thursday, home Sunday) but I loved it. Be sure to take in the Volcano National Park if you go, and bring a flashlight or miner's helmet -- there are lava tubes you're allowed to explore. I wish I'd known ahead of time and been prepared...

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

"Roller Coaster, say what? Roller coaster, your love is like a roller caoster, I wanna ride..." Ha, I would show up to work that day if your played that!
Congratualtions, and best wishes for a happy life together. I'll be at the the park all weekend and be sure to say hello.

Wood Coaster Fan Club - Knoebels opening day

Did you buy them a gift, Thrillerman? ;)
Cancun is a lot of fun and much cheaper than Hawaii. We flew there though (short flight). Definately worth the money. Email me if you want more info.
I have the perfect gift in mind Rob. But what are you going to give to the happy couple?!! ;)

Wood - anything else is an imitation

I'll buy them a ride a spin on the wood coaster of their choice! At Knoebels, of course!
Actually love rollercoaster is our big song when we commence our marriage and go over the hill that will be played. If you are coming we start the ceremony at 10:30 am prompt....We'll be there at the pavillion at 8 am though to decorate and such.

Were leaving here shortly so we probally will not be able to post until we get back. All I can say is that if you can't make it we will have plenty of photos to show as soon as we get back. We will also have a video I don't know if well be able to show that. Thats Petes Department. We did find a song that The bridal party will walk into it is by buddy holly. Your love is like a roller coaster its very cute....

"Every day its a getting closer ...

Your love is like a roller coaster ....etc..etc..."

also we will be using palisades park..and some carnival music, and a few songs that Pete and I like. The Reverend will be using a wireless Mic system so everyone will be able to hear.

Thank you all for your will wishes, and ideas for songs.

Hope to see you there!!!

I am a huge coaster fan and have went around the world just to ride a few, but getting married on a roller coaster is, to me, ridiculous. It is like having a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese as an adult. Marriage is something that should be taking seriously, not as a joke, and even though you, Fantom, are a fanatic, doesnt sound to me like your future wife (Heatherw) is. As the saying goes, a well trained dog will follow you whereever you will go. As far as the parents are concerned, there are tons of coaster enthusiasts in the world, but I agree that a wedding on a roller coaster is beyond being an enthusiast...its downright childish. I wish the both of you happiness and good weather, but it sounds to me like you both need to grow up. And to those that said this will have its ups and downs, I see more downs than ups for this one. Sorry folks, just expressing an opinion, but I would have loved to have come to this one just for the laughs. Its completely ridiculous. *** Edited 4/24/2004 2:49:11 PM UTC by StevefromPA***
Glad to see you first post was a positive one A--hole. Go climb back into your lurker cave...
Sometimes the old adage, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" is a mantra to live by.

Making derogatory comments about someone’s wedding is ridiculous and childish.

You do not have to agree and you have the right to your opinion. Some opinions are better left unsaid.

". . . don't you know baby that life is a scream!" - Gordon Gano

rollergator's avatar
This was "post-edit"?

Nevermind....Happy riding, Pete and Heather! :)

C-Dad, where ya been hiding...come out and play once in awhile, will ya?

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Congrats guys! I wish you both the best!

Oh, I agree with Greg on Hawaii....there are plenty of things to do besides coasters. Try one of those helicopter rides in Maui. If you are lucky like I was you will get a pilot that one would assume has a death wish........weeeeee!

-Tina *** Edited 4/24/2004 5:29:21 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

Gator . . .

I've been lurking around. Leaving the comments for the experts.

My coaster/park visits have been few and far between lately. I am looking forward to visiting Cyprus Gardens in July.

". . . don't you know baby that life is a scream!" - Gordon Gano

Sorry to all of you that got offended, I was just stating my opinion and last time I checked, free speech was still written in the Bill of Rights. Redman, this was not my first post, I have posted on here for the past 3 months, but changed my email address. I appreciate the a--hole comment too, I pride myself on being one. And coasterdad, the adage "if you cant say nothing nice..." is outdated. "If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen" sounds like a better one to me. It is my opinion that a vow such as one of marriage should not be taken lightly and that, by getting married on a coaster, it is a joke. The equivalent of Star Trek fans being married by a Klingon or Star Wars fans being married by Darth. Marriage is a sacred institution, not child's play and I dont give a care who doesnt agree with me, you are probably the same people that got married on roller coasters anyway. I never said I didnt wish them luck (I wouldnt wish ill will on anyone), but if you read her posts compared to his, you will see that he is the one that lives for the roller coasters and that she merely tags along. Leads me to believe that she is one of "those" who doesnt think for themselves. That might work for them though. I live in West Chester and the weather here is great, so at least they had that on their side.
I am not sure what the "heat and the kitchen" have to do with your simple lack of civility. Calling a women a dog is not an opinion, it is an insult.

Common courtesy and respect will never be outdated.

As I stated before, your opinion is your right, but your choice regarding sharing your opinion is boorish and immature. You do not know these people any more than you know me, or I know you. You have very little information to base such a sweeping statement.

I guess every person in your life fits every standard of normal. If so, your life must be pretty boring.

*** Edited 4/24/2004 6:59:51 PM UTC by CoasterDad64***

". . . don't you know baby that life is a scream!" - Gordon Gano


What is it that motivates people like you to make statements like yours on a public forum anyways? Are you just that miserable a person?

While it wouldn't have been "my thing" to get married at a theme park or on a roller coaster, TO EACH HIS/HER own I say. The bottom line is that getting married at a park is something this couple wanted to do - I don't think you can possibly tie together the environment they are getting married in to their level of "seriousness" of this ultimate step in their relationship.

While I couldn't personally ever see getting married at a park, I think it's cool that they're doing what they want to do in a way they want to do it. More power to 'em I say.

Now you taking the energy/time/effort to post your babble in this thread is something I'll never understand OR appreciate.

The odds on marriages "making it" aren't great these days - and I don't think WHERE the vows are made have anything to do with it. I'm sure there are thousands of vows made each year in beautiful churches around the country that ultimately end up in a failed marriage/divorce.

Back on topic a bit - CONGRATS to the newly married couple, and BEST OF LUCK to you!

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