2008 Holiday World announcement

Did Paula say anything close to that???

Gotta say they kept a pretty good lid on it this year. The budget for this year 6 million, not too shabby. The ride(s) expected to be 1.7m.

Mind you, even a tiny difference, such as that between 0 and 0.000126, can make a world of difference.
^Interesting. $1.7m is how much ZOOMbabwe cost. Not to mention it is over 100 ft tall.

Anyone know how much the cost of a Rocket Slide runs nowadays? *** Edited 9/20/2007 2:23:25 AM UTC by RushStreetFlyer***

WildStangAlex's avatar

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
-Joseph Campbell

Paula did it now, she mentioned slip and leak, and then they focused the cam on SS, and then she said "ain't technology grand."

ProSlide HydroMAGnetics and since you know HWSS never goes small it will probably be some form of new tech from ProSlide, and be HUGE!!!

Can I say it now... WOOHOOOOOO!!!!

Mind you, even a tiny difference, such as that between 0 and 0.000126, can make a world of difference.
Hey people remember its today at 11 am and that is CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. So chech your times people. I know for me and a lot of other people that means NOON. Just a reminder. Your welcome. NOW around 11AM CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME, or noon if anybody hears a loud WOOHOO sound generating from Indiana when they announce the new ProSlide, don't be alarmed its just me:) *** Edited 9/20/2007 2:44:11 PM UTC by woohooboy***

Mind you, even a tiny difference, such as that between 0 and 0.000126, can make a world of difference.
Will was on the cam earlier learning how to drive the dozer...

William W. Gray, CuratorWhitewater Valley RailroadConnersville, Indiana

WildStangAlex's avatar
Yeah, it will be me too. I currently reside in Indiana, because I am a Purdue student. Because Purdue is the ONLY school that matters in Indiana ;).

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
-Joseph Campbell

WOW Purdue, great when your done you can teach me how to farm. I am proud to be a TREE.

Mind you, even a tiny difference, such as that between 0 and 0.000126, can make a world of difference.
Purdue helped me get in the door with Schilke, as he went there as well...our engineering school is top tier.

Hoping that someday we will see a four-lane "freefall" bodyslide at SS, complete with trapdoor system. I'm thinking a Rocket as well for 2008.

Yeah your right, the engineering school is phenomenal as well as the ag dept, and the MBA program, buts its not the only school that matters in Indiana.

Mind you, even a tiny difference, such as that between 0 and 0.000126, can make a world of difference.
The Mole's avatar
Oy the colleges drift. Purdue is great, my best friend is going there. I go to University of Dayton because I want good school and good parites. :-P

Now when's that announcement....

Oops it's up, Kimba Bay. Interesting, loads of slides and "water play elements". Good addition... *** Edited 9/20/2007 4:00:18 PM UTC by The Mole***


Man there are a lot of slides packed into that thing.

I went back and read the blog. They were "monkeying around" with the cam yesterday. har har. :) *** Edited 9/20/2007 4:04:19 PM UTC by halltd***

The Kima Bay cam

what can I say, not impressed

Do they really need another one of these, why are they copying stuff they already have?

thats 2 years in a row now that the additions have been sub par.

This thing cost the same amount as Zoombabwe?

They need something for everybody, this thing is clearly just for little children.

I thought we were going to see more than one new attraction.

Paula we were duped twice, thats not HW style.
*** Edited 9/20/2007 4:09:09 PM UTC by woohooboy***

Mind you, even a tiny difference, such as that between 0 and 0.000126, can make a world of difference.
WildStangAlex's avatar
^Yeah, definitely NOT impressed here. They already have a HUGE play island as it stands! *** Edited 9/20/2007 4:13:56 PM UTC by WildStangAlex***

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
-Joseph Campbell

I hate to say it, but that's sort of disappointing. They already have one treehouse, and they're going to build another one? I know this one is bigger, but was the old one that croweded where another was needed?

It seems there might be more to announce for 08' according to the website. Here's hoping.

I love how arrogant people have become towards Holiday World. Most water parks are lucky to get a new ride every 4 or 5 years... Holiday World has added a new attraction every single year for what, at least 5 years now? I can't believe that we've gotten to the point where people are complaining that a Behemoth Bowl is "sub par"... I'd be overjoyed to even get a body slide bowl at my water park. Get a life, people--Holiday World doesn't have an unlimited supply of money, so you should be extremely thankful that the park still adds multi-million dollar rides on their "off" years.
WildStangAlex's avatar
I'm not being arrogant, I just find it weird that they are putting in something they already have. They seem to like to do this: The Wave & Bahari, Congo River & Bahari River, now Monsoon Lagoon & Kima Bay. I guess this will really add to their capacity, however. That is perhaps a really smart move if I think about it. Maybe in the future they won't be able to add a new attraction, so why not put in a huge-capacity attraction now while they can afford it. Hmmm.

"We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."
-Joseph Campbell

Didn't the Behemoth Bowl win best new water park attraction?

This latest additional will allow for even more people in the water park and that's a good thing for HW IMO.

Regardless of what a park announces there's going to be a group of disappointed enthusiasts. There's still a handful of people that are disappoint in Behemoth (the coaster not the bowl).

Anybody else have the webcam page crash IE 7? I haven't been able to view that page since they added the splashcam. No error reporting, nothing, just loads the page, gives the regular webcam pic, then boom, IE is gone. Sorry for going off topic here.


You have disturbed the forbidden temple, now-you-will-pay!!!

The Mole's avatar

LdScotsman said:
Anybody else have the webcam page crash IE 7? I haven't been able to view that page since they added the splashcam. No error reporting, nothing, just loads the page, gives the regular webcam pic, then boom, IE is gone. Sorry for going off topic here.


It works for me with Mosaic! ;)

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