Carousel of Progress works for what it is and doesn't seem dated to me... except for the final scene. The old-timey ones are just fine. It's the "modern" scene (which isn't original anyway) that needs to be changed. Currently you go from '00 to '20 to '40 to some weird 70s/80s/90s amalgamation. I say either make it another historical scene themed to the '60s or '70s, or update it as modern every few years for future tech.
I think people do it because they don't know what it is. Despite knowing what it is, I'm forced to see it because my kid is fascinated by the rotating theater (and he doesn't care about the show). Then I'm stuck with, "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day," stuck in my head for a week.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
O noes! They've got more money-making schemes!
(Nod to kpjb, who submitted this to news but it's not a biggie.)
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
For the record, carousel of progress is my favorite ride at MK (no, I'm being totally serious).
My favorite ride at Epcot is Spaceship Earth.
Spaceship Earth becomes the Death Star....
Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.
--Fran Lebowitz
I'm amused, and maybe if you've ever worked in TV this is funny to you too, that they used an old Grass Valley TV switcher as a control surface for the Death Star in the original Star Wars. Perhaps it's how they did the circle wipes. :)
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Jeff said:
O noes! They've got more money-making schemes!
(Nod to kpjb, who submitted this to news but it's not a biggie.)
I like how that article makes it sound like your only option is to pay for the service, as if the normal bus service is going away.
I have a few questions about the service, but I can think of a few times when I wouldn't hesitate for a second to pay for that.
At first I thought that article was more fake news bigboy...then I realized it was legit. I first thought it was absurd...then I realized my family and I took about an hour to get out of the MK last Saturday night between getting through the Main Street crowds, waiting for the ferry (which was quicker than the bus) and waiting for the tram. If I were staying at a resort and could bypass some of that nonsense it may actually be enough of a value to least at certain peak travel times.
We are only a couple of years away from being able to pay $10 to use limited use, butler service bathrooms in the parks.
I find most of the writing on theme park sites to be awful.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
No thanks... I tried generating content when I started this site, and it was exhausting. I pivoted to the whole "portal" model because it's way less work.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
And that's what I began to struggle with the last few years.
Sad that creating content isn't worth it.
If thought of you crybabies this morning when I stumbled across...
Portland to raise taxes on companies where CEO earns 100 times what workers do
Portland has passed a tax that targets companies where the CEO makes 100 times as much money or more than the average employee. City businesses pay a tax of 2.2 percent of net income, but companies where the CEO makes more than 100 times as much will be assessed a further 10 percent tax, and if they make more than 250 times as much the penalty is a further 25 percent tax. - FiveThirtyEight Significant Digits
I can't imagine the average Disney wage being known. I hear its a big company.
Not sure how to feel about that. That the additional tax revenue is specifically earmarked makes it better, but it seems like an arbitrary thing to tax on.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
In tomorrow's headlines:
Any & All Major Businesses Flee Portland
But then again, what do I know?
I read last night that the After Hours ticketed event is returning to MK on select Fridays in January and Thursdays in February and March. Either this is another test run or it wasn't the horrible failure that the fanboys and haters declared.
Neuski said:
I can't imagine the average Disney wage being known. I hear its a big company.
There is a new requirement that kicks in next year for publicly traded companies to report median employee compensation and calculate the CEO to worker pay ratio.
^ Damn... The government has their hands in EVERYTHING!
But then again, what do I know?
I request WDW pick 50 names out of a barrel from families that visit the park on vacation that fill out a entry. And each family shall get one week fully paid stay with park passes, hotel, food and airfare fully paid.
Because there aren't enough people already in the parks?
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
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