We are planning on going to Stricker's on Sunday. We haven't been yet, so it was a nice coincidence.
Not only is Stricker's open - they're celbrating their 90th anniversary that day.
So what time do we get in the gate? Right at 08:30?
I was at BeastBuzz when the Beast was 25 years old (9 years ago?) and I don't recall how things occured in the morning...
(I was at a couple coaster mania's and boobuzz's at the point and a Holiday World event since then but I didn't show up first thing in the morning like I plan to on Saturday...)
Forecast for Saturday isn't looking too great. Hopefully it won't be a washout.
Chris Baker
Forecast has changed 4 times in the last week. Hoping for the best. Non-cancellable room, so going anyway.
Scattered storms there at 60% means a good chance of getting wet, but not usually a washout.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
The forecast looked good last time I checked, thanks for the heads up.
Just a heads up on parking. I called Kings Island and they said that the parking toll gates do not open until 8:30 (the same time ERT will be starting). I asked about early parking entry for BeastBuzz an she tried to look it up but did not come up with any answers.
I did not see any details in the 2013 BeastBuzz thread about parking but did find a separate thread here:
I'll assume we should follow the same procedures.
Dale from Dayton
I've got an email asking... will let you know.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
My contact at the park says parking will be open earlier, not to worry.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
Lunch is back in the picnic grove now... Our group is a few people too large for the I-Restaurant. We're at 110!
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
Sounds like a great turnout. I wish it was 111. Have a great time, everybody!
The amusement park rises bold and stark..kids are huddled on the beach in a mist
I wish it was 107, so that we could get back into the air-conditioned I-Restaurant. But, I'd be happy if you were a part of that 107, Mike! ;-)
I wish it was 108, so that we could exactly fill all 3 trains on The Beast. :P
Chris Baker
Please, anything under 90 degrees feels like winter to me these days. I'll take the outdoors. :)
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
I don't think it has been 90 in Ohio for over a month now. Typical weird Ohio.
Anyone going to KI tonight? I may, but will be checking weather this afternoon...
We may stop in for a quick Banshee night ride tonight, depending on our timing. We are making a pit stop at Texas De Brazil around 7pm tonight in Columbus on the way down, so timing will be close.
Banshee was very nearly a walk-on tonight.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
Most coasters were just about walk-ons tonight ;)
Great time but I was reminded how expensive food is at KI!
I'm so disappointed that I don't get to go, but my place of business needs me so bad that they decided to not let me off work, even though I asked months in advance. Think of me when you are going through The Beast's helix.
This has been an extremely disappointing summer for me. Oh well. Shrug it off.
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