You and maybe 4 other people care.
I don't know if that's just for the website, or if they are changing it for everything. I haven't started seeing TV spots yet.
I actually don't mind it. And while we are on the topic, I think the Steel Hawg logo actually looks really good.
Josh M.
I do not like the logo either.
I agree with moosh's sentiments though. What that park does need is more trees, it is not charming enough!
I think this is only one of the many small changes we are about to see.
I get busted for not contributing to a thread that's not contributing to anything as it is.
But telling me not to read it applies to those who chose to complain about my complaint. If you're going to post a silly complaint thread you should expect silly complaints about the tread.
Ok, I really just like typing minutiae.
I never would have got close enough for a spell check assist on that one.
jive2 said:
But telling me not to read it applies to those who chose to complain about my complaint. If you're going to post a silly complaint thread you should expect silly complaints about the tread.
Are you complaining about people complaining about you complaining? Where does that leave me? ;)
Lampy the Lamp Post?
Lighty the Light Post will be very angry to hear about that. :)
My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.
I am sure Lighty will forgive. It is part of his charming attitude.
I might as well say though that I don't like the logo. I was thinking that I could have done something like that myself. It just stinks. I didn't love the old one either.
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