Total coasters: 38

Rating (key) Roller coaster Amusement park
0. Steel Vengeance Cedar Point
0. GateKeeper Cedar Point
0. Rougarou Cedar Point
0. Valravn Cedar Point
0. Great Bear Hersheypark
0. Storm Runner Hersheypark
0. Fahrenheit Hersheypark
0. Legend, The Holiday World
0. Voyage, The Holiday World
0. King Cobra Kings Island
0. Adventure Express Kings Island
0. Great Pumpkin Coaster Kings Island
0. Diamondback Kings Island
0. Banshee Kings Island
0. Mystic Timbers Kings Island
0. Thunderhawk Michigan's Adventure
0. Shivering Timbers Michigan's Adventure
0. Wolverine Wildcat Michigan's Adventure
0. Mad Mouse Michigan's Adventure
2. Blue Streak Cedar Point
4. Beast, The Kings Island
6. Cedar Creek Mine Ride Cedar Point
8. Corkscrew Cedar Point
10. Disaster Transport Cedar Point
12. Gemini Cedar Point
14. Iron Dragon Cedar Point
16. Wilderness Run Cedar Point
18. Mantis Cedar Point
20. Maverick Cedar Point
22. Mean Streak Cedar Point
24. Racer, The Kings Island
26. Raptor Cedar Point
28. Bat, The Kings Island
30. Top Thrill Dragster Cedar Point
32. Wicked Twister Cedar Point
34. Vortex Kings Island
36. Millennium Force Cedar Point
38. Magnum XL-200 Cedar Point