You know you're a coaster addict when...

nasai's avatar
Hey PG!! I officially nominate Peabody for membership. All in favor, say aye! ;) Jeez, dude, the longer I know you, the more evil you become...... makes my heart proud!
----------- - the young and the beautiful are slightly (or more than slightly) annoyed any time you see the words rollercoaster or roller-coaster. have to think twice (or more) when someone uses the word "coaster" in reference to a disk that protects table tops.

..."woodie" has strictly platonic conotations almost all the time. pray for showers when going to parks so that the trims are lessened.

...heck, you know what trim brakes are. would be disapointed to visit a foreign country and not ride some of their coasters.

when you hear the words "marvelous European engineering and design", you think of B&M and Intamin instead of BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

Let's go Bucks, beat the Canes so Trev Alberts will shut up!

Hm... I'm 14 and I still act more mature than CPN- I mean Seede- I mean Chris Sawyer.


...when you use your office color laser printer to print off coaster pictures instead of reports. Then run to the printer to make sure no one sees what you are printing just to hang them on the wall in your cube.

...when you stare at a picture of the layout of a coaster and you just can trace the path the train takes for hours and not get bored and remember the feelings each part gave you the last time you rode.

...when you travel to the site where B&M (or your favorite firm) track is made just to touch it and have your picture taken with it before it ships off to the park.

...when you think of a way to get enough money to buy at least one of the three Scream track pieces sent back to Ohio (still there by the way) so you can put it in your yard.

Wood Rules!

When you plan on moving away as soon as posible because AW is the only park remotely close to your hometown --------------poor little me.

Chitown said:

Jason19 said:

You know you're a coaster addict when...

First Child is born, you have to be notified over The amusement parks PA System...

LOL, ask Redman822. He almost experienced that when he went to SFGAm the last operating weekend.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity.

She wouldn't have had to have the park page me...I had my pager with me ;)

By the way, my wife gave birth to our beautiful daughter, Catherine Anne on November 5th. Katie was 7 lbs, 3 oz. and 18.5" long.

--oh and she already has her ACE membership card :) :)

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

Nasai: I'm shocked and honored! :) I wish I had a speech......

- Peabody

Captain Obvious sez:

Why would he join the PG if he had a seat in the Minivan of Justice waiting for him?

With his excellent crap-sniffing abilities and detective work, he's been on the very, very short list of potential nominees for the longest time. Heck--after busting SeederPoint and Godsey Rides, I'll even let him ride shotgun for a week.

He just needs a good alter ego. What should we call him and why?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 12/11/2002. ***

TiggerMan's avatar
I surrender. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

I'm going to hell in a PTC. *LOL*

Men are like parking spaces... the good ones are all taken and the rest are handicapped or too far away. have a window sticker in your car that says

"My other car is a PTC"

(Guilty -- thanks, Joe!)

--Oat Boy
My page

when you hang out on coaster web sites off season... Just to hear the latest coaster tidbits


Forgot one: You spend the money on getting a 3D modelling program and learn the ins and outs of how to use it just to duplicate your favorite coasters and to try out those neat new ideas you have cluttering your notes and reports. ;)
Peabody - He hasn't come clean yet. People busted him on his "You know you're a coasterbuzz addict when.." thread and he deleted those posts to quickly try to hide his ID once again. Typical SeederPointNuts mentality. Also, he has absolutely nothing on his info.

It's no secret who he is anymore. I really tried to keep my mouth shut on it this time and he was STILL found out.

Some people just never learn, do they?

(Did anyone else notice his creepy stalker comment earlier in this thread about knowing everything there is to knnow about Jeff Putz and Walt Schmidt? You got to get over this stalker thing CPnumbnuts!)

- Peabody

rollergator's avatar

redman822 said:

By the way, my wife gave birth to our beautiful daughter, Catherine Anne on November 5th. Katie was 7 lbs, 3 oz. and 18.5" long.

--oh and she already has her ACE membership card

Awesome news, congratulations on the new enthusiast in the family!

... your favorite ride is TOS:TR

I need to use the Pipi station.

RollerJunkie said:

Chris Sawyer said:

...when you dress up like a roller coaster for Halloween.

...when you have nightmare after nightmare of your favorite park closing down

...when you're doing it and you think, "Wow! This would make a great ride!"


I am not the real Chris Sawyer...or am I?...No.

This might have actually been funny if you didn't use the phrase "doing it" and you just admitted you were SeederPointNuts instead of trying sooo damn hard to fit in and then pissing people off, and then trying to hide your ID by getting a new name. It's gettin' kinda old.

Dont you think that he is trying to fit and do you know for a fact that it is him?

Load up on guns brings your friends its fun to lose to pretend...

When you get your panties in a knot cuz you think someone is CedarPointNut or whatever his name is cuz he says something wrong. You might be a coaster addict if you get Coaster Logos of coaster you hate on your ass so they can kiss it all the time

Load up on guns brings your friends its fun to lose to pretend...

'Panties in a knot?' Lighten up n00b...we spent a 137-post thread having laugh after laugh at his expense.

Say, do you like pancakes?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

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