You know you're a coaster addict when...

nasai's avatar

....Was wondering how long it would take for the remaining Peanut Gallery to chime in. :) So Andy, are you saying you are in the PG? Excuse me??? :) There is a registration fee, but it includes daily passes on M:TR, with unlimited rides.

RollerJunkie said:
..When the police have to pull you away from making out with Millenium Force's lap bars.

Well, that gives me another reason to put my hands up!

You know you are a roller coaster addict when:

It's time to go home from work but you're here on CB.

You use Microsoft project to plan the schedule for the parks that you will visit on your vacation.

You point at the television screen on the Discovery Channel and say, "See that red there; that's my right arm!"

rollergator's avatar

Rob, I don't want to ride that thing until GG gives it a THOROUGH going-over....;). I think the *other members* have found something "better"(?) to do today....

We'll get them tomorrow, you know they won't get TOO far...unless M:TR goes back *online*, in which case we may NEVER hear from him again...:(

HIPPIE- Highly intelligent person pursuing interesting endeavors...;)
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - unless you've got a spare planet!

You know you are a coaster addict when...

You enjoy walking up SOB's lift hill.

You know for an almost certainty that you are in the top 5 of most rides on a single ride (If it wasnt for the maintenance people, I would be ranked higher).

Instead of going to the break room for food, you go into the helix and wave at the passing riders, thinking, "God, I wish I wasnt working"

SOB crew in twenty 02
111 SOB laps, and wishing the park was still open

ApolloAndy's avatar
Registration fee for rides on M:TR? Is this legal outside of Nevada?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

Soggy's avatar
... when you are driving past some hills or a ravine and think "This would be a GREAT place for a terrain woodie."

... when you can name the coaster shown on a TV commercial, no matter HOW SHORT the clip is.

... when you HAVE TO ride a coaster, no matter HOW BAD everyone says it is, just so you can experience it for yourself. (like SFMM's Flashback)

... when you get more coaster related e-mail from strangers you met online than normal messages from your actual friends.

Nothing... NOTHING... can prepare you for... the Fourth Dimension!

ApolloAndy's avatar
Oh. When you're driving home from a long day after a park and when you go over hills in the road you automatically think, "That hill didn't give much air. I should loosen my seatbelt next time."

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

When you put on coaster and go down the hill by my grandmas house to see how fast you can get.

Load up on guns brings your friends its fun to lose to pretend...

...when you dress up like a roller coaster for Halloween.

...when you have nightmare after nightmare of your favorite park closing down :(

...when you're doing it and you think, "Wow! This would make a great ride!"


I am not the real Chris Sawyer...or am I?...No.

When the only time you get motion sickness, is when you don't go anywhere in a motion simulator. Also, you don't just have an opinion of what the top U.S. coasters are, but you've ridden them all.
nasai's avatar
Bill, just the sheer fact that you blatantly called us "members"...... Oh, the humanity! :)
Rock on you sod!

My Braces are Red, Blue and Yellow for Superman Ulitmarte Flight here at gadv. I aslo wore those colors the day i discovered the parts were at Great Adventure. OH OH OH......I have a Model of X in my room. My topper is my snow coaster. I wish I still had the pitures of it.

MrHaroldG said:
You get mad at someone for mispronouncing the name of a coaster or its company



You have a reoccuring dream you valley on deja vu oh no wait that really happened twice.


Chris Sawyer said:

...when you dress up like a roller coaster for Halloween.

...when you have nightmare after nightmare of your favorite park closing down

...when you're doing it and you think, "Wow! This would make a great ride!"


I am not the real Chris Sawyer...or am I?...No.

This might have actually been funny if you didn't use the phrase "doing it" and you just admitted you were SeederPointNuts instead of trying sooo damn hard to fit in and then pissing people off, and then trying to hide your ID by getting a new name. It's gettin' kinda old.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar

When you suddenly decide to do donuts in the parking lot of your workplace because it's desolate, it's icey, and you are hard up for a thrill ride. :-) Woohoo!

When you name your pet after a roller coaster (Raven....heh)

When you answer questions like this. :-)


Feel The Adrenaline....

RollerJunkie: Where did he come clean this time? I must have missed it!

I would never have suspected.....except for the fact that after his very first post (the day after SeederPoint got booted) I posted "Welcome back CedarPointNut!"

Ah, I wonder what his next screen name will be......

edit: CpNut: "Doing it"? We all know you're 14, come on, man. Go back to your pancakes

- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 12/11/2002. ***

... When you goto meet the significant other's family in Mexico and convince said significant other to take a $200 plane flight to Mexico City & $100 hotel night just because you get in "free" with your season pass to Six Flags Mexico

... When its raining outside and you think "What a perfect day to ride a roller coaster"

... You pray your first-born child is instanly at least 42"

... You ask for a season pass for someone else for xmas so you have someone to go with every day of the year

*** This post was edited by onceler on 12/11/2002. ***

I shudder to think what he means by "doing it."


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