Worlds of Fun Construction

Upon further inspection of the building permits, it is noted that all "Ground Disturbance" must be completed by August 20th. I would say that means that ground work will be in full swing this week at the park.

Also it notes that there will be 3 buildings constructed besides the actual coaster itself. I would wager that means the load station, the transfer track station and then a merchandise location.

SWOOSH -- MidwestInfoGuide.COM

Jason Hammond's avatar
I didn't see it mentioned here anywhere so I don't know if anyone noticed, but in the latest blog entry, Brandon responded to a request for an announcement date. We should know by approximately the 1st week of September.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
I'm guessing the entrance to the ride will be back by the old Python Plunge area? Anyone studied the evidence enough to comment?

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Makes sense since they were ripping up the old queue back there where Camp Gonnagitcha was this past weekend (it's being relocated to Nile Island, or so we've been told) so I would say that is a good guess there Matt.

SWOOSH -- MidwestInfoGuide.COM

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
I am really looking forward to seeing how this turns out. I've been hoping for a good coaster back in the Africa section ever since the Zinger left. I doubt it will be much of woodsy ride like Zinger was, but maybe CF will surprise us a bit.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

I'm hoping that they leave a lot of the foilage and make a great terrain coaster back there. It would be an awesome night ride if that is the case.

SWOOSH -- MidwestInfoGuide.COM

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
"Pssss... Hey Cedar Fair. Foliage make coasters better!" ;)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Swoosh said:
Upon further inspection of the building permits, it is noted that all "Ground Disturbance" must be completed by August 20th. I would say that means that ground work will be in full swing this week at the park.
There is no way that they're going to be done disturbing the ground in 9 days.

I think that the 20th is a deadline for that portion of the permit to be approved or reviewed.

Well.... that or they need to kick it into overdrive. ;)

SWOOSH -- MidwestInfoGuide.COM

OrientExpressKid said:
How many Carousels does CP have?

In the mid 1970's CP had FOUR antique carousels plus Cedar Downs. Two in Kiddieland, the Midway carousel, Cedar Downs, and the Frontier carousel. The smaller of the two Kiddieland machines went to Valleyfair, and the Frontier machine went to Dorney Park after CF acquired the park (Dorney's antique machine had been destroyed in a tragic post season fire a couple of years before).

ahhhhhh we wait...and wait....

I noticed some ground clearing behind Zulu over the weekend, by being perched in Octopus while the lower arm loaded.

I would really enjoy a terrain coaster with as many trees left intact. That's my wish.

Fever I really enjoy the Simpsons. It's just a shame that I am starting to LOOK like Homer.
Looks like the coaster could be named PROWLER.

The name showed up on the USPTO website under names registered to Cedar Fair *** Edited 8/14/2008 2:17:07 PM UTC by Swoosh***

SWOOSH -- MidwestInfoGuide.COM

Mamoosh's avatar
Great name!
I think so too. It definitely fits a great wooden coaster, and I'm sure this one will definitely be that.

SWOOSH -- MidwestInfoGuide.COM

Mamoosh's avatar
Pun intended?
That might fit nicely. I can see the tagline: "Prowler: LET THE FUR FLY!"


"Prowler: It'll make your hair stand up!"

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Sawblade5's avatar
This is a more direct link to the trademark for PROWLER The link Swoosh provided was from their search which has very quick link rot.

Chris Knight

No announcement today but they did confirm the name and they showed off the logo. The announcement is scheduled for Sept 1st at 11am.

Here's a shot of the logo. *** Edited 8/16/2008 9:11:45 PM UTC by jive2***

Cool logo.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Jason Hammond's avatar
I like it.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

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