Will Vekoma still make flying?

hehehe, you mean this one?
Have you ever considered that maybe it's not the park that's the problem, but YOU?
Mamoosh's avatar
Yep!  LOVE IT!
Me too, DWeaver! Perfectly sums up the problem with whiny enthusiasts. Please, people, get a grip, take a breath, re-read your posts before sending. The parks have to operate in the real world, dealing with money and other issues that don't constrain the fantasy world many of us enthusiasses live in. We may not like all their choices, but we have very little impact on them (OK, Holiday World excepted) and just need to learn to be more accepting of reality.

Any enthusiast with $100 million could turn any park into a paradise; but no park HAS $100 million, and they all have to deal with zoning boards, height restrictions, state and federal legislation, limited fundage, shallow labor pools, accidents, OSHA, insurance coverage, cleanliness, security issues, etc. When you consider how litigious America is, it's a wonder we have theme parks in this country at all!


BaSSiStiSt said:
but no park HAS $100 million,

wanna bet ;)

Antuan said:

BaSSiStiSt said:
but no park HAS $100 million,

wanna bet

OK, maybe I set that figure a little too low...  ;-)   How about $500 million, or a billion?

Mamoosh's avatar
Bass - I'll bet you 100 million that no park has 500 million or even a billion!

Hmmm....if you count Disneyworld as 1 park maybe?
Is it the roar of Kumba or the kumba of Roar? Discuss!
Didnt IOA cost about 2billion? Sure no theme park company has that type of money to blow?

Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

Well, I was just throwing that figure out there, and I was referring more to adding to/improving an existing park, not starting a new one. Damn enthusiasts, always have to nitpick!


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