Why does "everyone" hate Mean Streak?

Though I am a Mean Streak diehard I can see how some people dislike the coaster. First of all, it is a very rough ride which to some riders can cause a lot of problems and make for an unenjoyable ride. Also, for people who experienced Mean Streak in it's "prime" (91-93), the ride may seem very tame to them now because of the trim brakes on the first drop to account for the excessive roughness. These are all valid points but I have grown up with Mean Streak and I like the fact that it offers a different ride every time you go on it, it is still a great coaster and hopefully it will be for years to come.
I got my first ride on MS in '00. I remember liking in back then(when I had like 30 coasters in my track record). I rode it two weeks ago, in seat 1-2, and it was slow, rough, boring, airtimeless, and had an hour wait. That's why I don't like like it along with 15 other reasons mostly beginning with C and(C)ending in I. I think if the waits that long next time, I'll skip it for the train. It's pretty smooth, faster, and actually can get me somewhere(MF). :)

Everything above was my opinion.If you disagree,please respond in an intelligent fashion.But before you post,I warn you that some people say I'm just too smart to understand. Please take that into consideration.
At Coastermania, it was somewhat slow in the morning, but it the afternoon, it was hauling ass!

(Who at 16 years of age would be more than willing to pay a $15-$25 dollar subscription in order to keep this site running)

*** This post was edited by CPgenius on 6/3/2001. ***
ShiveringTim's avatar
It's not a love/hate relationship, but more frustration with the way it's operated.

Scott W. Short
I didn't find MS to be even half as bad as people say when I was at CP last August. It has no air, yes, but I actually found it smooth. But it is totally worthless when compared to a CCI...once you ride one, you'll see why.


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
staticman00's avatar
People are just jelous because THEIR streak is not as large, or mean.

"Hanging from their T's rated PG insight, I'm not selling my soul if there's nothing to buy."
Size doesn't matter, but I have two that are bigger and meaner. And 9, IMHO, better. But that's just me. :)

Everything above was my opinion.If you disagree,please respond in an intelligent fashion.But before you post,I warn you that some people say I'm just too smart to understand. Please take that into consideration.
I wonder what everyone who says that the brakes on the drop ruin the ride would say if they had ridden it before the brakes. I remember it well - I thought it was awful! It shook so hard at the bottom of the first drop - instant headache! And it's not that I hate violent coasters; The Legend is one of my favorites, and it treats you like a human ping-pong ball. This was more like an oscillation. I, personally, think it rode better on June 1st then it has in the last 10 years.

Without upstops, airtime would have a whole new meaning. *** This post was edited by Chaindog on 6/3/2001. ***
I love mean streak!!!!! i went on it when i was 10 and it was the highest coaster i had ever been on (until i went on magnum the next day). I put my hands up and thought i was so cool ;)
I rode MS a bunch of times a couple of weeks ago and I really liked it. I thought it was really smooth. A lot better than last year. It is also great at night. The lights look awesome. I really like MS.
I think MS was a a fun ride when i went on it last year. I dont think it was as rough as everybody says it is.

Devils are going to repeat as champions
I have never rode MS, but if I had a chance I would. I explained this to my mom on Saturday, if the parks don't brake a ride because of speed or strutural reasons then there wouldn't be a ride there.

Dorney Park is da bomb!
Mean Streak is not all that bad, you want a rough ride? ride the Son of Beast, then you'll know what rough is. I rode the Son a few weeks ago and
did'nt even get like umm, like get hurt!!

Go AVS !!!
I think the main problem with Mean Streak is that it looks so good and like so much fun, and when you get on it, it kinda gets old. Mean Streak's not a bad coaster, the first half of the ride is pretty cool, but after a while, it seems like the ride's just riding to be riding. I think if it were a little shorter with a little less pointless track sections, it would be a much better coaster.
I wouldn't really say that I "hate" Mean Streak because I really don't truly "hate" any coasters. The main problem that I see with Mean Streak is the trims on the first drop. I realize that these brakes are added to keep the ride safe and to prevent it from tearing itself apart, but the ones on Mean Streak actually feel like they are going to stop you! And stopping is one sensation that you shouldn't feel while going DOWN a hill.

Just a side note, I did ride Mean Streak before the trim brakes were added, and actually liked the ride very much.
The Legend has that classic coaster feel to it, as does The Raven

Maybe that's why they are considered two of the best coasters in the world.

God Bless Coasters!!
Mean Streak is kind of rough. Son of Beast is kind of rough. The only difference is that SOB is more fun, IMO. And has my favorite loop anywhere.
Most of all, for as much money that was spent on building this coaster, it is very poorly designed. It fails to give the effects that most riders look for on a coaster. The drops are medicore, and the air time is non existant.

Most of the coaster is built high up in the air, failing to take advantage of the maximum drop sizes it could have produced. The second half of the ride is like a mine train (while i do enjoy a good mine train, this coaster is NOT a mine train), as it just seems to go around curves high up in the air with minimal drops. The coaster finishes with a drop into the station after the final braking. Very poor design.

I rode this coaster when it opened and i remember it being almost unbearably rough on the first drop. It does not have that level of roughness anymore, like the above post says, its just annoyingly rough now. And for as SLOW as it is, it is VERY rough. While the first brake on the first drop slows the ride down, the second brake almost stops it.

This coaster is pretty to look at. Thats about it.
I dont hate Mean Streak,I've Never Been on it, I just dont hate any Coaster.
I have never been to Cedar Point, but for years I have always wanted to ride that ride. The ride looks really cool!

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