Why did PKI do this?

Well, it is too bad SOB won't open up on time, but I am a little angry at how they lied about one of their records for SOB. They said they would have a tie for the most roller coasters at a park, 13. Yeah, with SOB they will have 13, the tie. But with MF, CP will have 14. Clearly beating the record. Was this just a mistake by the PKI web staff, or are they being liars? (thats not the right term)
Another thing that bothers me about pki is that they count the racer as two coasters while cedarpoint counts gemni as one! Whats up with that!!!? There still one away from tieing evan if they go by the way they are going now.
What I don't understand is why people are so into bragging rights. The parks do it because it's business, we don't have to buy into it. Just enjoy the parks you love for what they are, cause you can spend a lifetime arguing over coaster counts, or what is or isn't an inversion. Just my measly 2 cents. :0)
PKI does not count the Racer as two coasters. They count the Racer as one now. PKI was aware of their mistakes and they corrected it. They really have 12 coasters. Their website has not been updated for awhile that's why the incorrect SOB stats are still there. Look for PKI to update their website pretty soon.

Let the Coaster Season begin!!!

THE BEASTmaster *** This post was edited by THE BEASTmaster on 4/14/2000. ***

They never update the website.
Jeff's avatar
They have a real bona fide coaster nut in the PR office now. I think he's setting the record straight!

That said, when they did speak of Racer as two coasters, you would then have to count Gemini as two, meaning there would be no tie.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Personally I think the PKI site sucks. Not only is it completely outdated, but the damn thing takes forever and a day to load the freakin images. I sent the "webmaster" an email about his lack of interest in the site, but never recieved a reply. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Though I did recieve a very nice reply to the PR staff as to the lack of enthusiasm of the ride attendents. Many years ago, PKI (well they were just KI then) had some of the greatest ride attendents. This past year they barely even acknowledged the fact there were passengers riding their rides! Anyone else notice this sad trend at other parks?
Why worry about a non issue like that in the first place?
Its like I go to Michigans Adventure to ride Shivering Timbers and not for their nonexistent umpteen rollercoasters.
As for the Racer their counting the experience.One goes forward and one backwards.It adds up to two VERY different rides.
Bottom line WHO really cares???
Good point. But you have to admit, for official websites I give cedarpoint.com top notch for construction coverage. PKI gave me nothing, and the official Six Flags sites are just terrible.
Well someone in PR at PKI must still be pushing the 13 coasters thing because thats what they claim in the new Cin Enquirer aritcle about opening day.
The number of coasters aren't that important to me. For me, it's the entire park experience that matters. Who cares if there is 12 or 13 or 35 coasters? As long as I enjoy myself and spend a ton of money, I go home happy. :-)
Thank you JJFang! This is the entire point of amusement parks, at least to the public. Not the money, not the bragging rights, just the fact that PKI is fun!
You guys may not think that bragging rights are very important, but if you think about it, they are. The GP usually doesn't look at every detail of a park, so what they see on the website, is what they believe. If the PKI website says they tie the record with CP, the GP believes they tie the record with CP. Now for someone who lives between these two parks, they might think about going to PKI instead of CP, which I don't know why:). CP doesn't sink this low by stating that they have 15 coasters counting Gemini as two because they already know that they are the best in the business.
Well PKI keeps pace with CP every year as far as attendence is concearned, so they are doing something right. And I don't think for one second that the GP cares about the difference between 12 or 14 coasters. They have different taste just as we do.
Jeff's avatar
The only place the PKI really faces a marketing battle is Columbus. There you have a greater metro area with nearly a million people who could just as easily go to Cedar Point or Six Flags Ohio.

In Cinci they have to contend with Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom as well. So while idiots like us will drive anywhere any time to ride, it's a different story for the once-a-year crowd.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Hey, I resemble that! Ha! ha! ha!:)
You do have a good point there. I really have nothing more to say though. Not being rude too.



At that time, Millennium Force had not been released to the public eye. This would have made PKI the park with the most coasters. Personally I could do without the Racer. It beats the pooey out of you.

Back to the quality issue. The problem with PKI is that you go there and spend a bunch of cash, like at CP or any other of the big ones, and when i leave PKI i say to myself, "self... this place wasn't as good as Cedar Point. It cost about the same, but the lines were slower (nad longer) and the rides weren't as good. Perhaps i shouldn't go back this year."

Of course i may go once a year to see what's new, but i haven't been there for three years now and i go to school at Cincinnati. But i made the trip from Cinti to Sandusky last fall...

So when Pki starts up this stuff about coaster counts and start talkin stuff, well then it bothers me (but not that much) because you know they are going after CP; of which few people I know think PKI is better. But that's just me.
You guys in Ohio are so spoiled! Why can't you enjoy both parks for what they are worth and stop pitting them against each other. I'd take either one. And I'm willing to bet that SOB becomes the most ridden and talked about coaster in history.
Jeff's avatar
Amen, brother.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

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