At least I dont call a vertical loop a "loopdie-loop"!
I admit I did, While I like B&M's I don't find most of them as thrilling as almost any CCI or Intamin product.
Give me a terrain CCI at PKI! :) A terrain Intamin Hyper would be sweet also. Loop are the same thing over and over Inverted, Standup or floorless. They are good but get old after a while, A standup airtime moment draws me back time after time!
Charles Nungester
167 coasters and hopes to be over 200 by the end of 2002 :)
The question states: DO YOU WANT A B&M FLYER AT YOUR PARK?
YES or NO.
Yes you want the addition of a flyer OR NO, you DO NOT want a ROLLERCOASTER ADDITION AT ALL.
The question was NOT - DO you want a Flyer rather than something else, or first and foremost.
Unless you've ridden one (nobody has) and HATED it, there is no reason to honestly NOT want one.
7.1% of the poll takers are cukoo!
I've traded in my 2000 Giovanola for a 2002 Arrow X4D :)
My other car is now an Arrow X4D!
He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking; can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding.
LoadedG said:
Yes you want the addition of a flyer OR NO, you DO NOT want a ROLLERCOASTER ADDITION AT ALL.
Well, it didn't say that, did it? That's just your interpretation. Now, that being said, I really don't have an opinion as to whether i would want my home park to have one, seeing as I haven't ridden one. I do know that I would rather have an Arrow 4D, a CCI, or intamin anything at my homepark before anything B&M.
If the shoe fits, find another one.
You did basically the same thing Agent Johnson.
You just said "and I know better." At least LoadedG backed up his statement...
"Look for the big black sack of Mofuggin Nuts at your local grocery store". -- Radio ad in FL
Much like steve above, I said no because I dont want to see another flying coaster @ SFA. Moreover, I personally dont like riding in the face down so-called "Flying Position". After dozens of laps on Bat-Flight, I feel I am qualified to make that distinction.
Furthermore, there are SEVERAL reasons not to want one. You gonna tell me that the only reason not to wants something is because you didnt hate it? Hell, I went skydiving once, liked it a lot, but have absolutely *NO* desire to ever do it again. Why not? I just dont *want* to.
Now, would I *mind* a B&M flyer @ SFA (assuming that it doesnt take away from other possible additions)? No I wouldnt mind one. I wouldnt *mind* if someone gave me a Hyundai Accent, but I damn sure dont *want* one. So to label some people "cuckoo" (the proper spelling mind you) for disagreeing with you is, IMO, short-sighted.
--intelligently hostile
I Voted No as well.. Why I'd rather see a CCI Jewel in Cedar Points Crown or a Arrow 4D Coaster. A B&M Dueling floorless would also be acceptable. With a flying Dutchman 1 Hour away ( which I Love rideing ) I would like to see something else other than another flying coaster nearby . IMO
You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet
ROCK! www.fuzerocks.com
Why do I have a feeling this is someone's feeble attempt to take their anger out on someone that didn't subside to peer pressure and made their own decision regardless of whether it was popular or not...
Anyways, I said no cuz i'm just fine with my Batwing, thank you
Purple and Green and everything mean
-Joker's Jinx
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