What's the scariest ride you've ever been on?

power tower/supreme scream always scares me while waiting at the top, yet I still go back from for 10 or 20 more rides, and every time I wonder why I'm doing it again.

as for coasters I backed out of going on vortex at PKI when I was 9, but i guess I saved myself a headache.

For me it definately has to be Drop Zone at PKI or any ride at Camden Park.

Anyone who hasn't been on the Big Shot at the Stratosphere Tower really should get over there before posting on this thread. I haven't been on Oblivion or X, but I have been on MF, Deja-Vu, the skycoasters, and all of that, but none of them compare to the complete fear you experience on the Big Shot. Sitting there, around 950 feet it the air, just barely floating above the top of the tower in your seat when suddenly, within not much more than a couple of seconds, you're well over 1050 feet in the air, an amazing view gets unbelievable, nothing can explain how awesome and scary this feeling is. Once you get to the top, you shake a bit, possibly just a ride fault, possibly added to give a little bit of fear, either way, it's scary as hell. You then go down, and the rest of the times up and down don't compare to the fear of the first time, but it's nothing to scoff at. Easily, the most scary ride I've ever been on and can imagine. Big Shot, Stratosphere Tower, Las Vegas, NV.

"You can't kill what's stronger than death" - Zakk Wylde

Superstar Limo at DCA! OMG It is also the most nausiating ride in the park. :-) But seriously that would of have to have been VertiGo, almost nothing holds you in.
I have only backed down once, and it was on the sky screamer at SFAW. Anything else I could handle, but when I saw the restraints and the seating, and heard the brakes over my head, it was too much. I started to think things like "What if the brakes failed?" Now, the new Intamin Freefalls don't bother me a bit. I feel much safer on them.

On the seventh day, God created coasters!

well boomerang since vekoma has a record of creating rides that tend too get stuck upside-down. just kidding :Þ

i have a few



3.Son of Beast

4.Drop Zone

5.sky coaster

i havent been on x yet so i dont know...but i really want to go on it

Xcelerator count:11

rollergator's avatar

nasai said:

Skycoasters all the way....I don't know how Mamoosh could even verbally commit to riding the one at Kissimmee

'moosh, I know you're reading this..and if you've even seen this sucker, you've got BALLS to commit to THAT....my friend Steve got me onto the Old Town hamster-ball (Slingshot, death cage, whatever)...and I will do the skycoaster there someday, because that is the most scared I have been just by LOOKING at a ride since the early days and Maggie....(Steel Phantom's second drop did the same thing, but you couldn't SEE it until you were ON it.....gotta get back there for PR and the "good old wood").....

....but I demand the right to be present for this.....

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 8/8/2002. ***

Pantera Psycho

I couldn't agree with you more... The Big Shot is #1 by far on my list too...

The Big Shot on top of Stratosphere scared the bejeepers outta me, and like most of you, rides tend not to be 'scary.' I rode it once more, then decided it's a tad tooo scary.

Can't this thing go any faster?

Coaster File said:
VertiGo, almost nothing holds you in.

VertiGo never scared me. The restraints seemed very secure to me, and there wasn't really time to be scared. By the time you realize what you got yourself into, the ride is already over. I managed to ride VertiGo at KBF on all four settings before they took it out. My favorite was "Big Bang" because you're facing the ground almost the entire time. It was crazy to see the ground drop out from under me and then rush back up a second later.

The only time I was ever afraid of a ride, I was a kid (just barely tall enough to ride) and my parents had to force me to get on Corkscrew at KBF. That was my first coaster ever, and just looking at it scared the crap out of me. After riding it, though, I got over my fear of coasters and Corkscrew has always been (and will always be) my favorite ride since then, no matter how tame it is compared to more modern coasters.

The 1st second or two on a skycoaster (Ripcord) until the cables catch and you start to swing. That free fall was freaky.
-Matt in Iowa
Just 15 miles from 2 CCI's.
Approx. 200 coasters ridden -- #1 Shivering Timbers

I love riding Power Tower and other Turbo Drop rides with someone who has never ridden them before. When we get to the top, I'll start talking to my friend about the beautiful view, or anything else to distract them from the fact that we are about to freefall 200+ feet. Then when it drops... hahahahaha You should see the look on their faces. :)

Disney's Tower of Terror is a great one too.

I also think the Looping Starships like Power Dive are pretty scary...or at least I used to. There are a lot more scarier rides now.

And, last but not least...any of the crazy ejector airtime coasters...especially the really old ones that look like they will fall apart any second.

Current favorite coasters:
Wooden: 1) Beast 2) Raven 3) Son of Beast 4) The Boss 5) Timber Wolf
Steel: 1) Raging Bull 2) Millennium Force 3) V2 4) Wild Thing 5) Mr. Freeze
Visit: http://www.dynamicgroove.com

Thanks for all your comments on this subject, I really enjoyed reading them! X looks like a popular choice. Lets hope Arrow Dynamics can get something sorted out soon so more examples of 4-D genre can emerge.

I measure a "true" scary ride as a ride that makes you think about not riding every single time you see it. For me I have only experienced this on one ride:

Kissimmee skycoaster. It doesn't get any less scary and you have to talk yourself into riding it EVERY single time.

call yourselves thrill seekers !!!!

scared !!!!

One word, ehhh, letter...


Didn't make matters better when cresting the first hill I spotted a train below scattered in about million pieces.

WARNING: May be habit forming

*** This post was edited by Fishy on 8/8/2002. ***

No coasters really scare me...Funny enough, the rides that scare me the most are some of the "tamest" rides. The scariest ride that I have ever been on is the Sky Ride at Lake Compounce. I don't do well with Sky Rides at all and that one is the scariest off all. They seem so innocent looking, but when you think about, they are barely "glued" onto that simple steel cable. It looks like it could plummet to the ground at any moment.

One thing about me is that I have a fear of heights, but that fear only kicks in when I don't feel "secure". On a coaster, I feel secure, so going 300+ ft. in the air on a coaster is no big deal. But I just don't feel safe on a Sky Ride. For that same reason, ParaTroopers scare me (they don't look very secure either IMO) as do Sky Coasters (which is why I have never been on one...that and I am not going to pay extra for it).

I know that I am a little odd in this regard, so I expect much ribbing...LOL

Happy Coastering!


"Have fun stormin' the castle!"

Another vote here for Big Shot on the Strat.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

Probably Power Tower. I still get weak knees at the top and that's why I love it!

Wood - Raven
Steel - Millennium Force
Generic, isn't it?

1. skycoasters
2. Big Shot
3. Acrophobia
4. skyscraper
5. launch and/or drop tower rides

All can be explained by the fact that I am afraid of heights. I'm better about it than I used to be, but I still get scared. Coasters don't bother me too much. The last time I got scared was just before riding Superman: Ultimate Flight, but only because it was my first flying coaster. I haven't been on MF yet, but I'm sure that I will get scared.

106 coasters and counting.

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