What to do about linejumpers?

Well, a certain park in Missouri that rhymes with Slimy Dollar Kitty frowns upon guests knocking line jumpers to the ground and repeatedly kicking them in the head with a big chucka boot. Some parks are soooo touchy!!:)

(note: this is just a joke, I have never knocked a line jumper down and kicked them in the head... YET!, so, if you are a line jumper and had this happen to you, it was not done by me) *** This post was edited by Jimbo on 2/27/2001. ***
i pretty much find out why they are linejumping and if they have a good enough reason, i let them through, if not i tell them to either wait behind me or get out of line, if they try to cut, well all i can say is there will be some major a*s woopin'(pardon my language.)

dont coaster hate

homepark=knotts berry farm (monte rules)
I don't put up with it. I'm usually in a group or 4+ people with a few big guys. Unless they have a weapon, they're not going to get by us.
After 20+ years of going to parks I've heard all the excuses (most of them are blatantly phoney)and we just don't put up with it anymore.

So far we've never been given any crap about it. Usually all the people who are around us agree 100% and voice that they don't want the people cutting in line.

- Peabody
If it is an instance where i see the person is meeting a friend, or stopped for a minute to get a drink, then i let them through with no problem. Afterall, having one extra person in line is not gonna make my wait a whole lot longer. The biggest problem seems to be groups of teenagers. I'm about 6'2 and 240lbs, but that usually doesn't seem to stop them, so last year i made it a point to wear shirts from the no holds barred fighting organization i'm part of, and they actually seemed to listen when i told them to move back in the line.

to fly: the dream of man and flightless bird alike
You are all too easy we usually just block the que line so no one can pass. We usually just ignore anyone that wants by. If they say excuse me or whatever the excuse we explain we have waited in line and usually point to the sign that says "if you leave the line for any reason you have to start over." After 20+ years at the different parks this usually works quite well. The ruckus they cause by starting to holler about us blocking the que line usually draws security very quickly.
We have seen families wait at a que point for their friend or whatever to reach them but, usually don't get too many confrontations.
There is simply no excuse for line jumping and it shouldn't be tolerated.
A couple of weeks ago while at PKI during the Ace Walkback to the Beast, a couple of non Ace members jumped in behind the group, I watched them continue walking with us for a few seconds. I was just a little irritated, but didn't feel like being confrontational.So, I turned and told them we were all walking to the carousel. With a strange look of disbelief, they abandoned the line immediately. Problem solved. As for line jumpers in general...I usually make a point that no one gets past me.
I pretty much don't bother them.Eventually they will come across someone else in the line who does care and then,the person who does bother to say something can deal with them.I've seen alot of line cutters ignore any nasty comments and walk past people anyway.I am there to enjoy the park and not get ejected or risk my pass over a line cutter.

Noticed a few people trying to "line jump" while walking up the queue for Kraken... which was stupid of them since the ride was basically the walk on. I didn't say anything, because it would not really be a delay for me because of the walk on situation... however they got theirs. One of their number, while leaping over the railings, discovered that these railings were not like track hurdles... they don't fall over when your foot catches them. His foot caught, and he went face first into the walk way. His friends laughed at him, and he did his very best to look remain looking "tough and cool" as blood poured from his nose and tears welled up in his eyes.

Other than that... never had a problem with line jumpers that sticks in my mind. Never a real issue here.

I promise I won't go off on a rant about those @#$%^&*! Toboggan's again.
Beat them down within every inch of their life... Then call security and have them removed.

It's still not tall enough!!!!!
By the way, I chewed out my Mom for doing it to catch up with us. You snooze you lose!

It's still not tall enough!!!!!
Who cares!!!! if you lost your friends would you rather wait for them without a ride. Sure you waited your turn but it is one person. I am not promoting this, but some people just have to lighten up and know your battles. For all who don't know that it means don't waste your time on something that will never make a difference in your life. So fight the big fish and let the little ones go. I have kind of done it myself, and it really doesn't matter. Well, to answer your question, i would let it go, some people who have the guts to catch up with their friends are more fun. I wouldn't like to hang out with a person who starts being like a grumpy old man and wining about some kid who would rather be with his friends than chill alone and take a chance. That is what i think, i guess it is just difference of opinion or personallity. I am not saying that it is okay to just jump in line like whatever, but let the kid get with his friends. If they were getting a drink or something that is fine too. If there is a large group of kids that may be a different situation. when you were a kid and you tried to catch up to someone did you think that the guy who told you to go back was a jerk, either lighten up or be understanding. some of the guys in this post are cool about it. But some of you are way too something.-------------
RCman4 *** This post was edited by Neil H. on 4/24/2001. ***
It's as simple as this Niel H - if a group becomes separated, the part of the group further ahead in the line simply drops back with the part of the group that is behind. That way you're not screwing anyone else and you still get to ride with your friends. If you have to stop to go pee, get a drink, or whatever and get caught back in line and your friends don't want to drop back with you, then that's too bad. You're not getting past me. It's just an issue of common sense and courtesy to me!

2001 Magnum Crew
I agree with that. I just don't see the harm in wasting your breath if someone who is like that would go with another group.

Wow, an old forum to read. It's interesting to read my comments back from February. I think the cause of linejumping is the same thing that causes people to wait till the very last second to cut over when they see a sign that says lane closed ahead. It's pure selfishness and in many cases I'm sure the drivers/riders are what's termed Type A personalities, in other words, very agressive people.

Closed topic.

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