What to do about linejumpers?

So, you and your friends are queueing up for your favorite coaster, and along comes someone who "wants to meet up with their friends." You are at a park which has a specific no linejumping policy. What do you do?

*Tell a ride op?
*Tell the person to get to the back of the line?
*Spot a security guard and explain the situation?
*physically move the person out of the way? (HINT: Big no-no)
*Let the person pass through?

I'm just curious to see how others handle linejumpers.

Millennium is spelled with two N's ;)
Well, in my eyes this depends on how far you are into the line. If you are lets say at the beginning(maybe just a little bit past the entrance), then I dont see a problem with someone meeting up with he or shes friends but if you have already made a couple que lines then they are out of luck. Usually when someone wants to get in line with their friends they are trying to get snacks for the group. It specifically states at the snack counter for line entrances(at least at SFGAm) that if you are going to purchase something then the rest of your party must stay with you. I dont know. Its a touchy situation.

ShiveringTim's avatar
Joe, how about block the persons progress causing him or her to exit the line, please his or her case to the ride op at the base of the line, only to get escorted up the exit ramp, and then take a front seat ride, only to be taunted by the persons blocking the jumpers progress to the phrases of "Hooray for you!!"?

Scott W. Short
Normally line jumpers really don't bother me. I do have a good story about them. I was in line for Shivering Timbers. I was with my brother and my girlfriend at that time. We were getting line jumped left and rigt. So my brother got pissed and sat down in the queue so people had to walk over him. So this girl walked passed my girlfriend and I and when she got to my brother, he had his legs up high so she couldn't walk over him. She got really mad at him and started to make a big deal so my brother moved and let her by. She turned around and said "You are really rude!"
-daniel j. haverlock-
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Jeff's avatar
I told some snotty nosed little brats at SFO last year I'd get their collective butts tossed from the park. I knew I couldn't, because SFO doesn't actually care (I should know I told the ride ops about the line-jumping and the vandalism). Still, they listened and tried to hurt my feelings. Pointless, because I still got to ride first.

The other thing I like to do, but only at Cedar Point where I'm comfortable and know the way people react, is just start yelling "line-jumper" at the top of my lungs and point. The average line-jumper tends to retreat when a hundred or so eyeballs start looking at them.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
If they try to ill block the person. But since im a nice guy i let them threw ONLY if they new someone and i can see the person they now.
Michigan's Adventure is an interesting place sometimes. I was waiting in line to ride Shivering Timbers with someone who is bigger than I am. Between the two of us, we completely blocked the queue when this guy comes up behind us and tries to jump the queue. He pushed through with such force that I nearly ended up in the flower bed below. What this jerk didn't realize was that the ride operator was watching the whole thing from his vantage point directly above us. Said knucklehead was not at all pleased when the ride operator sent him back to the end of the line, not even allowing him to rejoin his friends in the middle of the line... :)

After riding, the Knucklehead Family went elsewhere, and we had no further trouble with them.

Guests - 1 Knuckleheads - 0

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
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I dispise line jumpers almost as much as anyone but they seem to be more ignorant when your at a major park (SFGAM). I could rant and rave a long time about this so I won't. I hate LJ's.


slithernoggin's avatar
I'm a wimp, I usually just grin and bear it.

Once, at an ACE event at Kennywood, some kids tried to line jump their way onto Thunderbolt. Big mistake for those kids! They got it from all sides and retreated.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
--Groucho Marx
I say execute them. I have gotten into confrontations with these ignorant people over line-jumping and the results have been mixed. The problem is that the parks don't always have enough personnel to man the lifeguard chairs and on many rides there are hidden places out of view from ride ops and guards were people can line-jump more easily. Sometimes it's better to treat the situation like an aggressive driver and let it go. Otherwise you could get hurt or even killed by one of these idiots.
Linejumpers dont make a centilla of difference to me. In fact, someone pointing and yelling "line-jumper" would actually irritate me more than the linejumping itself. I dont know why. But when I was at the Coaster Zombies event at SFA, some CZers started calling out a linejumper. My only thought was "Is it really bothering anyone?" I know some people really care, I'm just not one of those people. Pretty much is they say excuse me, I dont have a problem. I just hate rudeness, if they just tried to bully-foot me out the way, we would have an altercation on our hands.
P.S. I saw linejumping in the Magnum queue right in front of a CP worker. He simply said something to the effect of 'I should do something but it's not really worth it'. *** This post was edited by 2Hostyl on 2/26/2001. ***
I just let them go through.
john peck's avatar
There was a case at SFMM..I think, where someone actually got stabbed in fight over a linejumping issue. Hence the metal detectors.
Punch them in the face ;)
Cause a big commotion, get them all embarassed, make them retreat. That's the strategy.

BTW, isn't there a way that you can jump back into line from the exit of Magnum?

"The KKK took my baby away, took her away, away from me!" *** This post was edited by APForce on 2/26/2001. ***
2Hostyl that's pretty charitable of you. I wish I could be that mellow, but even if someone says excuse me it's wrong. Everyone who pays there way into a park, no matter if it's through a one-day admission or through a season pass, should not have other people cutting in front of them in line. It definitely affects people also. The more people who cut in front of you, the more time it takes for you to ride. I'm sorry but "My friends are up there" doesn't count either. As for someone calling out line-jumpers I say good. Someone needs to teach them a lesson in civility they obviously haven't got at home. I personally enjoy it when someone gets sent to the back of the line.
I ate line jumpers for lunch last season at SFO (and Jeff, I don't know about the rest of the park, but I cared :) ) Anyhow, if I saw someone jumping in line, I'd just let them wait, especially if the line was really long, until they got to the turnstile...or until they were getting on the ride, and then I'd kick them off and invite the people they cut to come on. It was great fun. :)

"There's always room for SFWoA!"
The only place I've ever even encountered line jumping was at SF:GAdv (I haven't been many places). Anyhoo, my friend, his brother, and I were in line for Medusa and two guys, looked college-aged, just walked up, through everyone and got on the ride. That didn't really bother me, 'cause they weren't rude, they just "did it". Later at night, we were in line for B:TR and a gang of teenagers were threatening people to "get the [deleted] out of their way". I just let them through and reported them to the park after the ride. What pissed me off is that the park totally blew me off.

When I'm working at Hershey this summer, I hope to fry tons of line jumpers ;)
I tell them to get back where they were immediately or I will call over the security guard. They always take care of line jumpers. At SFNE they throw you right out if you jump the line. Especcialy for the good rides.
Intamin Fan: Charity has little to do with it. It is simply not worth my time or blood pressure to chastize every linejumper I see, especially if it's one of the folks that stopped to get a snack. I mean, they were in front of me to begin with so why should they not be able to return to their place? I know what the policy says, but I am only required to follow the policy, not enforce it. If the park personnel says something to the people, bully for them. But it really does not bother me much to allow someone to join a friend. I'm actually suprised to see so many people on this list take such a 'hardline' approach. I guess the majority of people here have never linejumped. Hooray for you all.
jeremy *** This post was edited by 2Hostyl on 2/26/2001. ***

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