What to do about linejumpers?

I will wait patiently for the most part, as line-jumpers really are not a big problem at SFA. The onlt times I have seen people jump was in line for Superman, and the rideops just called sercurity when the people got up to the platform and had them escorted out of the ride.:)

Peace, Love, and Rollercoasters.........we need more of all three.
This is a tricky situation. Last summer at PKD while in the long line for Volcano, there were 6 separate line jumpers that got past us. They were carrying these big Pokemon stuffed animals and hitting everybody as they pushed past. They were very rude. My boyfriend and I were mad, but we did not say anything. Finally, the family behind us got mad enough and said something to the next jumper. The jumper got very profane back to the father (right in front of the little kid) and that is when we decided enough was enough.

To make a long story short, we *finally* found a security guard who cared, and he called backup. They were able to find all of the jumpers just as they were about to board, and ejected them from the park. Everyone in line started cheering, but unfortunately, the jumpers threated my boyfriend, and right after we left, security drove us to our car and watched us get in. (Security told us that the jumpers were very ticked off and making threats.)

You just have to decide if it is worth getting someone you don't even know really mad at you. But it still isn't fair that people can get away with this. Especially in our case when they were very rude, profane, and aggressive. *** This post was edited by Lorrie on 2/26/2001. ***
I will try to block their path and mention it to security. The only parks ive had problems with this is Six Flags and they dont seem to want to do anything about it and just adds to my negative feelings about this chain and alot of their customers. If somebody line jumps they should be immediatly be removed from the park and if this would happen i think line jumping would be reduced.
This is a good topic, since my home park of SFStL has a big problem with this. I have a simple solution...beat the living $hit out of them! LOL, just kidding! I just simply tell them to get back out of line. And since I'm a pretty big guy(6'3), no one usually will talk back. But my favorite thing to do is to wait for a sign that says "No line jumping", and I point to it, and ask the people to read it to me. Then I'll ask them what part they didn't understand, and then I'll say that maybe I could get security to come and explain the sign to them. That usually will scare 'em to the back of the line.:) Fortunately, my other home park, Holiday World, never usually has problems with line jumping.

"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
I think its all right if they're jumping to go to a friend, but if they aren't I usually push them back. Dunno if I'd do this in a park located in bigger cities though

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually

APForce said:
BTW, isn't there a way that you can jump back into line from the exit of Magnum?

Yes, I've seen it before. It takes luck an a nice person like me for it to happen :).

OK, you know how there are pillars on the exit side of the platform right? Well in the last 2 cars there is seldom a ride op back there during unloading and the beginning stages of loading. If you hide behind one of the pillars they can't see you!

Now here's the trick. I was with 2 other people and I was the one who got to ride single. A single rider on the previous train got out, hid, and asked if he could jump in with me. I had no problem with it since there would be no one in that seat anyway.

I actually have never had a problem with line jumping (may have something to do with CP's security :) ). I doubt anyone would even try to jump in front of me since I am almost Big enough not to ride S:ROS

From the little I've seen, yelling and intimidation will scare them away.

janfrederick's avatar

Not that I completely condone it, but when I worked at Rip Roaring Rapids at PGA a few years back, I had the privelege of watching several folks in line "take matters into their own hands" when a couple line jumpers tried pushing ahead of them. Perhaps I'm twisted, but it was kinda cool to see a 300 pound fellow sitting on one of the guys until security came. (:
What I hate is going to disneyworld and having half a tour group from brasil in line and the other half trying to cut there way in line to get to there friends. It happens at IOA and USF also.

Army rangers lead the way
I only let people jump is they have friends a few people in front of me. I mean why ley someone cut when I was standing there all that time, why can't they stand there just like the rest of us.

1.MF (CP)
4.Magnum/Raptor (CP)
5.Villain/S:UE (SFO)
Good idea, Joe E., but that's not what I meant. I recall way back someone saying about cutting behind Gulliver's or some other food stand and getting back in line.

Thanks alot, though, but I'd never do that.
if it is someone my same size or smaller id have to get physical(bust out em karate skilz).

APForce said:
I recall way back someone saying about cutting behind Gulliver's or some other food stand and getting back in line.

I see what you mean. All there is in between those picnic tables with the umbrella's (which are right beside the food stand) and the last leg of the queue before the stairs up to the platform are some shrubs which I have seen people jump over to give food to some friends in line.

I can see why this area may be a favorable spot for jumping because you are almost right by the platform, it secluded, and the security guards are usually on the opposite side of the queue with the Pepsi machines. If I ever saw someone do this, I suggest they follow what the sign used to say before the Magnum steps.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 2/26/2001. ***
If the friends are RIGHT there, I have no problem letting them by, as I myself have had that happen. Especially, if it is a long line, and you use the drink machine, and the line advances. No biggie.

But, if some stupid kids try to cut me, I simply will not let them by. I just put my hands and feet out and talk to whoever I am with and completely ignore them.

I had a big problem this year at WDW on Space Mountain. Since the queue is so dark people 'lost' their parties. I was surprised that WDW of all places is where I have had the most problems over the years. I never really had any problems at SFO this summer.
The best way I have found is to show my SFSTL employee id card and tell them I'm working undercover and they just retreat and say "sorry man, don't get us in trouble". Even though I can't do anything about, its hilarious to see the look on their faces.
I remember at Cedar Point on White Water Landing, we had staff out there on Saturdays and such, especially when the line extended to the train station, but sometimes people would try to sneak in through the grass to the 'Q' area. Always, someone would snitch, like the girl at the Pepsi stand, but we would call on the phone to the loading station. We then let them go through the entire 2+ hour wait, and the ride host would ask if they jumped, and you always new who was bs'ing you or not, so we would have them wait, until the ride lead showed to speak to them.

And the kicker, the CP police would drive up and they would speak to them. In the car they went, and that was the last we saw of them. I am not quite sure if they given the boot, taken to the holding cells, or sent to clean rooms at the Breakers. Never found out. *** This post was edited by Agent Johnson on 2/26/2001. ***

Generally, I let them pass if I see that they're friends are right there, and the line advanced while they were getting a pop from the pop machine, or somthing like that.

Otherwise, if I see them weaving through the line behinde me, once they get up to me, I trip them. It may be and or sound cruel, but they deserve it. If they just walk in front of me, I turn into captin-wise ass. I talk real loud, and say things like "I hate idiots that are rude as hell, and cut in line." to whoever I'm with. Then if they confront me, I ask them why they should get to cut in line and what makes them better than every one else that lets them cut in line. If it's a response like "Because I'm better than you." or somthing to that effect, I call out "Security!".

Generally, either they retreat, and let me get back in line where I was, or security comes over and fixes the problem.
"Shut up brain, or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!"

~From the brilliant mind of Homer J. Simpson.

ShiveringTim said:
"Joe, how about block the persons progress causing him or her to exit the line, please his or her case to the ride op at the base of the line, only to get escorted up the exit ramp, and then take a front seat ride, only to be taunted by the persons blocking the jumpers progress to the phrases of "Hooray for you!!"?

Scott W. Short

" target="_blank">http://www.midwestcoastercentral.com"

LOL Scott! That was definitely one of the funnier instances I've been involved with.

I guess I'll chime in. I'm all over the scope when it comes to linejumpers. Sometimes I'll let them pass without saying anything (very rare for me), others I will say something smart alec-y to them but let them pass ("Hey, good to see you're better than the rest of us!"). Yet othertimes I can be quite a...jerk. ;) I usually say I don't give a rats behind if they had to go to the bathroom, etc, or any other lame excuse they come up with, if they just had done that BEFORE they got in line, they wouldn't be in the situation they were in. I've gotten shoved out of the way before, but got those people kicked out of line. I will never ever touch someone, as that is not a good thing to do if you want to stay in the park for long.

As a ride op, I make it an issue to make sure everyone waits their turn to ride. As CP says, linejumping is not a sport. Linejumpers will be dealt with when they are caught.

Millennium is spelled with two N's ;)
In the past, I've responded one in four ways to linejumpers:

1) Ignore them
2) Follow them to the front
3) Stop them
4) Charge each one a dollar to get by

It was great to leave the park with more money than I went in with.
#Life is a rollercoaster you just gotta ride it#
While waiting in line for Superman at SFNE, I must have seen some five or so cases of people being tossed out of line by the several stationed secutity guards. I think that's great that the park just won't tolerate this kind of behavior.

Webmaster: Theme Park New England
I agreee with you Intamin2k. It really bothers me when I've waited an hour or so to get half way though a line and some punk tries pushing his way to the front. But, if someone got a drink from a machine and only needs to go a little ways that doesn't bother me because I can understand it. Heck, it happened to me before.

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