What is the deal with Nitro?

Why doesn't Nitro have the little straight piece of track after the Lift like Apollo's Chariot and Raging Bull?
I personally like the little dip after the lift because when you are in the front you don't hang over the edge like most Hyper Coasters.
Is it better or worse with the little dip?
I heard it is better w/out the dip because the front gets hang time and the back gets airtime. I do not know why B&M didn't put the dip on the coaster, though.


Let the bears pay the Bear Tax, I pay the Homer Tax.
A better question is why did they add the dip to most of their coasters in the first place? There is much speculation, but I don't think B&M have given an official answer.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/6/2001. ***
I agree with Camel. Why put it there in the first place? I guess the idea was more time for anticipation? I'd rather have the hang/air time and get the real ride going already.

I'll be riding NITRO this weekend for the first time. Can't wait!
Jephry's avatar
I don't think it was for a rider's sensation because why would they design every coaster they make like that? It has to be a technical reason.

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Maybe you're right, but not necessarily, Jephry. It could just be a signature feature. As I said, I prefer NOT having it there.
Ummm....they are called ROLLERcoasters for a reason. I think the point is that the train should be rolling by the time it hits the drop.
You get more airtime on the back of RB's dip than Nitro's hill. From what my friend in NYC says you don't get ejected out of the seat like RB, rather lifted and pulled.
The straight piece of track is better in a way. Ive ridden appolos chariot in the back row, and since you see the train dip down, the drop, its not a surprise. But if you are on Nitro, in the back row, middle seat, You have no idea whats ahead, then, WHOOSH! Personally, i like it w/o the piece cause the back seat gets "sucked" over the first drop. Plus theres no trim break up there, not that its used on other b&ms..

The straight piece of track is and isn't better in a way. Ive ridden appolos chariot in the back row, and since you see the train dip down in front of you, then drop, its not a surprise. But if you are on Nitro, in the back row, middle seat, You have no idea whats ahead, then, WHOOSH! Personally, i like it w/o the piece cause the back seat gets "sucked" over the first drop. Plus theres no trim break up there, not that its used on other b&ms..

Wups! Scratch that first reply...
thats why the backs the best , you get the longest drop. have you people relized that !? ;)

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Go to Alans SFDL site ! http://sfdl.coasterbuzz.com/home.asp
Grdvaddict, people who have ridden AC and RB say that you don't get the same feeling. Maybe it's because there is a long stretch on Apollo, unlike RB's drop, which is right after the dip. On RB, you get sucked into the dip, and SNAPPED into the drop.
B&M's signature dip may have something to do with putting let stress on the chain as the train disengages it. Nitro may not have the dip because of certain space constraints. These are things that I have heard.

Ben (who likes Nitro but wishes that the ops wouldn't staple!)

"So ya want thrills? Get God and your life will NEVER be the same!"--Ben Ashley
Callahan, the back seat's drop is just as long as front seats! It's just the back seat travels over most of it at a higher rate of speed.

I heard the drop on most of the B&Ms are to reduce stress on the anti-roll back device or a piece relating to it. I'm not sure though.

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Why can that never happen?
I haven't ridden Nitro yet but the dip on Apollo's Chariot is very unnerving with your feet suspended above the floor.
I think it's better not to have it because if you are in the front, you get to look at the drop for a few seconds and then you drop. If your in the back, once the train hits the top, it will go fast down the drop.

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ApolloAndy's avatar
What're the other Beemer's that don't have the dip? I think there's one other, right?
The brakes on the B&M dips arent brakes. Theyre catchers so they know the first car is off the lift hill and deactivates the lift chain. On inverted Beemer's, its a pin stuck out at the end of the dip. Watch the lift motor on Beemers before the train drops.It deactivates until the next train is sent out. Also, nobody says B&M ALWAYS have to put a dip at the lift end. I guess they wanted to try something new.
I would bet money that the dip is missing on Nitro because of the confines of the ride's area. Slap me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't that make sense? that they would take it out to make it fit with the terrain given?


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