What is it with the hatred of Arrow Roller coasters?

dragonoffrost said:
Definitely was white that day. Got up and looked at my glasses only to find the lens partially popped out and the frames bent. A quick trip to first aid to fix them and back to riding everything but GASM.

The white train has ALWAYS been the roughest ride for me.

I don't know of a wooden coaster with the horse collar restraint so I can't say how it would be on a wooden coaster. But what I am talking about is the over the shoulder restraint on an arrow looper that tends to catch you either in the neck or the ear when you go through inversions. This seems to be the place most people complain about on arrow coasters.

Watch the tram car please....
ApolloAndy's avatar
I was very disappointed by Magnum and generally only ride the ol' Arrow loopers for the credit these days.

On the other hand X and Tenesse Tornado are both outstanding rides. It's a real shame Arrow went under before more of these type rides could be produced.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Colin Fisher said:
My favorite is Gemini, it races and has TONS of airtime. Whats better then that?

Where is all the airtime? All I can find on that ride is the first hill in the back seat. The rest of the hills always seemed dead to me.

Woodies don't have horse collars. Read it again.

I posted that to restate that I don't have a problem with Arrows I just have a problem with the horse collars. And I love wooden coasters. I even rode SOB and said to a friend I felt like I had a bad chiropractic adjustment but was glad I rode it. There is nothing like a wooden coaster flying through it's paces.

Watch the tram car please....
You know how horsecollar restraints can hurt? I'll tell you how. You know what really grinds my gears? That no one's made up a new Priest and Rabbi joke in like 30 years. I mean, is it really that hard? And you know what else, I really like swiss cheese. Actually I can't stand the taste, but the whole holes thing is like really cool. And what's with things like whole and hole? I mean, can't we be creative enough to just make up another word? Guess not.

Yea, and Vekoma inverts only hurt because of B&M getting that patent first, otherwise, you know, they wouldn't have to deal with the springs on the seats and then you wouldn't hurt yourself on those horsecollar restraints.

Anyone else find these two gems amusing?
"a little but how can that horse restraint hurt you when you ride woodies."

" Woodies don't have horse collars. Read it again."

Irony is great!

(This post brought to you in part by Breuer Unleashed, Family Guy, Charmin toilet paper, and a smattering of jolly good cheer!)

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
::Wonders how Wheel on Steel got away with saying "pussy"::

Edit: Oops, I meant Wheel On Steel, not dannerman. *** Edited 10/19/2005 9:16:22 PM UTC by SFGAdv lover***

Actually, SFGAdv Lover, it was Wheel On Steel who said it (in addition to you right now).

--George H

SFGAdv lover said:
::Wonders how Wheel on Steel got away with saying "pussy"::

Edit: Oops, I meant Wheel On Steel, not dannerman. *** Edited 10/19/2005 9:16:22 PM UTC by SFGAdv lover***

Of course, he was talking about CATS. That's how it made it through ! :)

who thinks there gods gift to coasters. Tell me!

Um, im glad im a X - pro hockey player. I have no rep to hold here. Id like to get to know some of yas. see how its going down there. God I love the states. You guys got so much. I played in the OHL if yas know what that is. One step away from NHL. Crappy. Oh and Pu*** come on dude. Anyways, arrow is killer though guys. I love the horse collars. I love the feeling being upside down and having a solid piece of manufacturing hold and lock you into place at all times. KILLER

ah, that explains everything WoS. I think you took one too many pucks to the head during your failed career.

--George H

K redman, your oviously a want to be rapper. Your probably white wishing to be black. My cousin is playing in the N to bud.


I'm always amused by people who try very hard to convince us that they don't need our opinions, don't need to accepted by people around here, but feel the need to brag about their "accomplishments" ... to what motive?

Dude, it's like killer yo. I'm talkin' KILLER.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Good One. You answered that for you buddy. Redman, nice name for a coaster site name. To what motive. I have accomplished more than you can dream about bud not to mention my financial status is impecable. I don't no were your trying to head with bragging about accomplishments. At least I got amazing things to brag about. What have you done loser
Sorry for lowering myself down to idiots level guys. I'm done, cut off. Done with this post.
Whoa, man.

"Would you like to buy a photo of you boys enjoying the Line Ride?"

Gemini's avatar
I think WheelOnSteel is going to spend some time in the penalty box.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Just because I suspect he's not "done with this post" ...

Perhaps people are over the age of you know, 25? and maybe Redman means something other than the rapper? Cause you know, every time I see the word "dog" I think of Snoop Dogg because by calling something a Dog, what else could they *possibly* be talking about?

Wow financial status? More to impress us? Where did that one come up? Looking back ... hmm, nope not there!

Well actually you did do something I dreamed about for a while ... I did always want to be a hockey player, but then semi-illiterate folks like you who can't even type a coherent post on an internet message board starting turning the game from a great, flowing, fast skill game into something that sort of resembles an unorganized ultimate fighting championship match and I lost interest.

I would tell you what I've done, but unless you've got the same interests and values as me, they're not gonna impress you, and then again, why do I need to impress you?

Would you like another shovel?

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Some of you guys take this coaster thing WAY too seriously. ;-) Chill. :-)

Thanks for the hilarious posts, though! I am sure Wheels On Steel will be missed. Heh.

Joecoasterguy said:
Why doesn't anybody like Togo coasters?

I like Arrows, no real complaints about any of the ones I've ridden. BBW is a ton of fun and GASM is still a pretty good ride after all these years. Some people just like holding grudges over a single company after one bad experience.

It's not that I don't like TOGO's, they just don't like me, much like Taco Bell. :-)

As far as holding grudges, I agree. There are WAY too many people who take this hobby WAY too seriously to the point where they put any coaster or ride manufacturer on their s*** lists as if they took their first born.

It's all about fun, guys. :-)


*** Edited 10/19/2005 11:27:27 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

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