I'm thinking they can build a small B&M floorless like a B:DK clone right across the midway from JJ pretty much between the skycoaster and chaos ride.
As for building a small coaster between S:ROS and Batwing in the clearing between the two coasters I don't see why they can't because Batwing is closer to the nearest property lines and housing subdivisions on the northwestern perimeter of the park so if they built let's say a small floorless between the two rides and perhaps fill the track with sand to reduce the noise levels then there shouldn't be a problem.
So far the only coaster remaining on the approved site plan for the park is the mine train,most likly SFAW's defunct Excalibur and it just wouldn't look right next to Wild one,I'm thinking if it does get built that it would be placed in Coyote creek near Mind eraser after all coyote creek is the western themed section of the park.,however with Excalibur being as old as it is as well as being an arrow coaster spare parts to keep it running may be hard to come by what with arrow's financial problems and SFA may just scrap plans to build it.
I'm thinking they can build a small B&M floorless like a B:DK clone right across the midway from JJ pretty much between the skycoaster and chaos ride.
The area Sky Coaster and Chaos would be too close to the picnic grounds IMO. If they had any clue what they were doing, they would keep the intimate, quiet nature of the picnic grove the way it is...they have plenty of other space to use for now, so don't infringe on that area.
They have plenty of space in the Gotham City section (the section of the park behind Wild One), but they need to be careful what they put back there. As things stand today, that section currently has 3 flat rides (Chaos, Himalayan style ride, and Round-up style ride), 3 coasters (Jokers Jinx, S:RoS and Batwing) and then the Sky Coaster. That is not a very balanced group of rides and adding another coaster to that section could hurt other area's of the park. I think in the near future, you may see some flat rides moved from the front section of the park to that Gotham City area. I think a wise choice would be for them to move Rodeo, the bumper cars and a few other smaller rides from that general area to make room for a mine train there.
I also agree that something needs to be done to rid the park of the dead end and the bottleneck at the entrance/exit of Gotham City. Build a path from between Roar and Typhoon back around the Wild One's turnaround, go back next to S:RoS lift hill/bunny hops and back towards Batwing/S:RoS pathway. Build that area up with some flats and maybe an new show area, some games, etc...It could even have a separate theme (but we all know that SF doesn't do well with theming...unless you are talking of one of the original SF parks).
I don't know that any of that stuff will actually happen, but I think it sounds smart.
Happy Coastering!
"Have fun stormin' the castle!"
the thing that I hate the most is the dead in over in the area of The Tower of Doom and the Wild One, you have to walk all the way back around towards two face, I hate that, I strong believe that a nw coaster is any, should not go into Gotham city, the area by the Mind Eraser is fine, just like to if they extend a path past renegade rapids, and a coaster would be fine there, even if it is D.C. themed its ok, I mean they already have Two Face, (which is a Batman D.C. comic themed ride that is not in Gotham city) so they can place another Comic themed roller coaster over there, behing the water park area, and to get rid of the dead end in Gotham I believe that the exit for Roar should extend under the Break run, and aroud the typhoon sea coaster, and parallen to the first drop on Superman. AS for gotham city I just suggest mroe flat rides, they should incorperate a dark ride, (HUSS) or something, or Zamperla since they have some rides by them. The just need to draw more attention to the front of the park. They can claear the iron eagle and and the clear the area where the sky esacaper used to be and fit a Impulse coaster in there, that would be cool. I also thing that they should focus on incorperating water and themed objects within the rides, making the rides come close to water or zooming past trees, to create for affect on the rides, I mean Superman is great, but just as Superman in SFNE goes under groud and interacts withthe viewers in the park I think SFA should do the same. I mean like we walk under or over a roller coasters as its going. They got a pretty cool affect by the Mind Eraser, that is cool how they come so close to you on the 2nd dive. But my bets go to a Impulse, (and on the impulse I think to make it unqiue they should do something new with it, maybe a stand up impluse NOW THAT WOULD BE AWSOME), I would expect to see a B&M stand up if not, or the Mind train. So in summey I think the way to go and grow the park is the area by Mind Eraser, or possible behing the helix on the WILD ONE!
but dont take my word for it!--- Im only 15
I think the most interesting thing in that document was the following:
"We are party to a license agreement (the U.S. License Agreement) pursuant to which we have the exclusive right on a long term basis to theme park use in the United States and Canada (excluding the Las Vegas, Nevada metropolitan area) of all animated, cartoon and comic book characters that Warner Bros. and DC Comics have the right to license for such use."
Why doesn't the licensing agreement include Las Vegas?!?! That was mentioned twice in the SEC document and I just find it odd that one metro area is excluded....Does anyone know why?
Happy Coastering!
"Have fun stormin' the castle!"
I think it is unlikely the SFA will build anything major between Mind Eraser and Superman. This land appears to be close to the property line, unless SFA acutally owns the farmer's field next door and is just leasing it for farming.On the other side of the park however there is lots of room. This includes an area in the L of Superman and between Batwing and Superman which has already been cleared. This area is large enough for a good size coaster. Look at the aerial photo from Mapquest and you can get a good idea of the possibilities.
When I was at SFA on saturday, I was thinking that there are too many dead ends in the park. Its not very well laid out imho. I think connecting the path from Batwing to Mind Eraser would be a really good idea. Another thing I thought of would be adding a nice looper to the park. Either a sitdown or Floorless would do wonders and really round out the parks collection.
I don't think SFA will add an impulse any time soon for at least three reasons.
Reason # 1 they've already got two inverted coasters and I don't think a third would really look good in the park.
Reason # 2 SFA already has a shuttle coaster in the southwest territory section of the park,if they wanted to add another shuttle coaster there's alway's the old python that's sitting in half a dozen pieces behind Batwing
Reason # 3 they've already go a LIM launched coaster and adding a second one would require an enormous amount of electrical power to operate,as it is I'm surprised that JJ hasn't been a big drain on the parks electrical reserves.
What they really need for thier next coaster is a sit down looper that uses a traditional lift rather than a powered launch so a floorless or sitdown lift powered coaster would really be a wise choice and would help the park round out it's coaster collection.
If anyone has been following the rumors for SF great adventure then they would know of the possibility of a B&M flyer going there,if that happens then there's no reason why SFA couldn't get a floorless other than the PG county planning board telling them that they cannot add the coaster due to noise concerns or any other issues.
Judging by the news of work being done with regards to some of the dead ends of SFA's general park layout I would take that to mean that 03 will be much like 02 with nothing much if anything in the way of new rides.
SFA while needing to connect some of the dead end paths in the park needs to worry more about a new ride for next year in order to remain competitive with PKD's drop tower and whatever BGW and Hp have got planned for next season.
now that I see the picture on the map I never knew that that area where Mind Eraser is so close to the farming land next to it. But when I look at it, I think that Six Flags really should if not by the mind eraser they should add a path, for any of those who have been on Roar, you know when you exit you come out close to the last turn around of the ride, I think that it would be a good idea if they extend that continues in that directionm under the turn around and curves around the second tunnel of The Typhoon Sea coasters and then goes parallel to the first drop of Superman and connect to the path right before the big Superman Logo on the path in Gotham City.
I take back my comment on putting a roller coaster around the area where the Mind Eraser is, even though I know that an Impulse Coaster would just go great there. But i understand that the rides do take up a lot of electricity to opperate. So my second option is to add a B&M floorless or Stand Up. and even though its seems like the next coaster would go over in the cleared area by SuperMan, I really would prefer if they put the next roller coaster over behing the Helix on the wild one, My reason is that Gotham is nothing but Roller Coasters, they have 3 and one a few flat rides, that arent you know the big " I am not gettin on that ride type," instead they have you know the Kryton Comet and Riddle Me this and what ever that ride is called over by the Jokers Jinx, also sky flyer. But they need something more along the lines of the Iron eagle, they need to put a top spin, give people another chance to get wet, or those Frissbee type ride, of something like the Meteor at Dorney Park, or even a Motion Simulator.
But if they decide to clutter another roller coaster in the the are between batwing and Superman, then they should go for it, but my question would be, like it was said earlier in this thread, that they have alot of land left, how would they then access or extend the park out if they clutter up RollerCoasters in that area, i mean there wouldnt be a way to make a path through those roller coasters over there.
but whatever is whatever for 03, a roller coaster i would like to see!!!
MrFreeze_freak said:
Where can u find this kinda ifo on other park?????? Help
Look at Rampagelover's post. He provides a link.
On anther note I'm surprised that SFStL has 500 acres and that they consider CP a competitor.
Nice sig there VARoller, I'm also hoping but doubting that they'll get a new coaster in 03.
As for the amount of land that SFA's got 384 acres is quite a lot if you ask me and that means plenty of space to put in a coaster somewhere ,also it was mentioned that there is a severe lack of flats over in gotham which is true but I recall seeing something online last year about them adding 3 flat rides along with some shops in the area between JJ and S:ROS's first drop.
Bottom line is they've got the land which has been zoned for recreation & entertainment purposes of the park,all that remains now is for SF to figure out just what it is they want to build next and when they want to build it.
HEY is there a way, you know what I think, I think they should let us be incontact with the planning board, cause we evaluate and also are part of a site that communicates to people from everywhere who share info about their park etc.... we know info of coure about out home park, and we can take it a draw it up and submitt our ideas to the park. I mean doesnt a park actually go through its staff and ask them what they think? Actually how do they come up with what they want, and who decides on what will be best for the park, thats the job I would want?
But what do you think of my idea, I think I'll start sending in letters of request, or refer them to look at this site and find threads about their park.
Which planning board are you referring to VARoller?
The planning board for PG county in which SFA is located handles the zoning requirements for the park such as the 200 foot height restriction which they imposed on the park.If you aren't a resident of PG county Maryland then it won't help much to influence the planning board's decision to approve or deny SFA permission to build a proposed ride.
As far as sending SF idea's on what rides we'd like to see at SFA I don't really think there's a way to do that aside from maybe e-mailing SFA and giving them hints or suggestions as to what to add next. Those decisions have already been made by SF's corporate heads at thier headquarters in Oklahoma City,there is however an e-mail address where you can send complaints about SFA's operations though.
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