AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf
And who said it, Will?
I'm just wondering what was really said, not that it really matters.
Coasterfantom2 said:
Plan on attending for a trimless Voyage ride. ;)
Oh god, it all makes sense.
Jeff slipped them some money under the table to put the break on and drive attendance for Fall Affair.
Don't be a Putz puppet! RUN away! Run away! Free yourselves of his tyrannical thumb on our lives!!!!1111111oneoneonewununo
NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.
I am thoroughly happy for my time in Santa Claus. I got to ride the Raven about 1200 times, Legend about 1000 and the Voyage 285 times in addition to countless rides on each and every ride at the park (other than Paul Revere which I had 1 and Revolution which I had 2 as spinners make me sick). Not only did I get more than my fair share of Holiday World and it's rides but I also got to watch the Voyage being built which was a dream of mine. In the end Santa Claus is not the place for me anymore. In life doors close and then new doors open for a reason. I needed to be there for a while but with some things that have happened in the town, with the park and most importantly personally that door has closed for me and I'm right where I need to be. Yes the Dragon Wagon that sits closer to me than The Raven did during the week of the county fair is a pale comparison to the coasters at Holiday World but I'm where I need to be.
Have Fun
Paul Drabek
Negative-G Amusement Parks and Rollercoasters: www.Negative-G.com
And Jeff: yes, I do find this hobby fun again, now that it is just a hobby and no longer an obsession.
Pass da' sizzrup, bro!
I was wondering what was wrong with me. I rode Screechin' Eagle 64 times in one day, well I was like 16, but still...
I'm glad they're doing what they need to. HW is obviously determined to run a park the best they can, and they are setting new standards. Standards which Six Flags will have to really have to strive for. And I sure hope they do!
The return run of the Voyage is very intense. I've never seen so many coaster enthusiasts 'sit one out', including me. I thought the ride could have used a nice - but fast - long run through a kinda uneventful tunnel (like Hades).
I also couldn't belive the ATTITUDE I got from another coaster geek (you know who you are) when I said I still prefer Legend over Voyage. Legend is more of a Variety coaster, and is very re-rideable.
Will Koch is obviously a coaster enthusiast. All this uproar over a little slowing down of Voyage, yet people are still ga ga over the Beast..... hmmmmm...
A trimmed Voyage is better than no Voyage at all.
Sometimes maintenance and insurance costs force parks to trim a ride when they dont want to.
A good example is the Kennywood T-bolt.Run without the trims it beats the hell out of the trains,track and people.Years ago they use to run trimless rides for "special guests",now because of insurance its a big no-no.
*** Edited 8/7/2007 5:16:21 PM UTC by Ex_Westview and KW_worker***
Charles Nungester said:
Im betting the insurance had nothing to do with this decision, More insurance that it makes it to the end of the season before having to be retracked.Chuck
Probably not a insurance reason but wanted to list some of the reasons some parks trim rides.I agree with you Chuck,it was probably too hard on the track,trains and people.
Until someone from HW tells us why,my guess is as goods as yours.I bet there is a good reason why they had to do it,and they probably hated doing it.
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