UPDATED: Walt Disney Company facing internal pressure over Florida's "don't say gay" bill

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Disney employees are showing their outrage over the entertainment company's decision not to denounce Florida's so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill, which would limit discussion of sexuality and gender in Florida schools. According to the accountability news site Popular Information, "in the last two years, Disney has donated $197,162 to members of the Florida legislature that have already voted for the 'Don't Say Gay' legislation," including to sponsors of the bill, Florida Rep. Joe Harding (R) and state Sen. Dennis Baxley (R).

Read more from NPR.

UPDATE (21:00 Eastern): CEO Bob Chapek intends to schedule a meeting with DeSantis, and the company committed $5 million to the Human Rights Campaign. Read more from The New York Times.

My wife is in year 21 and this is the first year I've ever heard her seriously consider walking away. She's teaches in an affluent community that was from highly supportive of educators for years that is now dominated by conservative xenophobes hell bent on micromanaging every step of the process. She's only 7 years away from maximizing her retirement and, if not for that, she would have gone a different direction.

Teachers are vehemently opposed to cameras in the classroom, and for a reason I’d never considered. It’s not that they have anything to hide- ideally parents are welcome to engage any time and there are standard channels and procedure in place to facilitate that need. But it constitutes the invasion of privacy of students other than their own little Johnny. If a classmate should be struggling with anything at all, from grades, to a particular subject, to discipline, to personal matters, it’s nobody’s damn business. Parents should realize that cameras allow for their child’s progress to be constantly monitored by total strangers, and that’s not the way it works.
I’ve never been an educator but if qualified, trusted teachers are jumping ship it’s not surprising to me.

True story. I mentioned the walkout at my daughter's school the other day. I had a parent call me because he wanted to organize a counter protest. (I'm not responsible for the school system...thank God...but I get lots of calls). I explained the walkout was planned by students and it was all taking place on campus. He wanted to be able to organize adults to go on campus and demonstrate against them.

Think about that for a minute. These adults who are opposed to academic "indoctrination" wanted to be able to go on campus and, in a confrontational manner, tell all those kids they were wrong and should not believe what they are believing.

It's insane...but completely rational in their world.

Jeff's avatar

A bunch of big companies are calling out Texas for Abott's anti-trans nonsense, so apparently Chapek's peers in those companies are not worried about getting into the mix.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Chapek today issued a company-wide email apologizing and acknowledging he missed the mark. He also stated Disney will be temporarily pausing all political donations in Florida until they can create, "a new framework for our political giving that will ensure our advocacy better reflects our values."

It's unfortunate Disney leadership botched this but hopefully their words today are sincere and it can bring about positive change moving forward.

EDIT: Beat me to it. Oh well.

Last edited by RideOn,
Jeff's avatar

To be clear, the email Brett linked to is the Monday email.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Everyone is stating it in a way that makes it seem like this was a new email today. Thanks for the clarification

Jeff's avatar

It was dated 3/7.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

He sent two different emails this week. One on Monday that BrettV linked above and one today that I just linked to.

Jeff's avatar

I didn't see this on Friday, but apparently DeSantis has said that Disney can piss off, in a manner of speaking.

It's strange that people who use terms like "culture war" and "woke" seem to confuse that with just wanting people to be treated with equity and respect.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I looked at him on the TV and said “You say that like it’s a bad thing.” “Ya dummass”
Republican politicians are such panderers it’s disgraceful. And all for votes.
Anyway, it’s probably not a good idea to piss off what amounts to a hefty slice of your bread and butter.

eightdotthree's avatar

"In the state of Florida, we are not going to allow them to inject transgenderism into kindergarten," DeSantis said during a re-election campaign stop in Boca Raton.

"And when you have companies that have made a fortune off being family-friendly and catering to families and young kids, you know, they should understand that parents of young kids do not want this injected into their kids' kindergarten classroom," DeSantis said in defense of the bill. "They do not want their first graders to go and be told that they can choose an opposite gender. That is not appropriate for those kids."

What was that about the bill not targeting LGBT kids again?

Last edited by eightdotthree,
Jeff's avatar

Transgenderism is not a thing. Not anymore than governorism or moronism.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

In kindergarten? Talk about crafting a problem for a solution.

Employees have started organizing and participating in walk-outs. They've also created a website, www.whereischapek.com/

Jeff's avatar

Good for them. Though insisting that they don't invest in the Florida business until the state gets its **** together is wholly unrealistic.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

99er's avatar

I wouldn't put much into the walkout. If it is actually a thing, its west coast and centered around a few small divisions of the company and not the parks. There has been zero chatter about it in Florida.


I've been thinking more on this subject. If we can put kids in the position of learning about Code Reds and hiding from intruders intent on shooting up the school then I think they can probably handle just about anything.

So do you support removing all age related limitations/restrictions (or just about all of them) or is it just a red team/blue team thing?

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