Top Thrill 2 faces extended closure for modification

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

From the official Cedar Point website:

Top Thrill 2 is currently experiencing an extended closure as Zamperla (the ride’s manufacturer) completes a mechanical modification to the ride's vehicles. Once the modification is complete, Zamperla, the Cedar Point maintenance & operations teams and our third-party ride inspection partner will conduct a thorough review before approving both the modification and the reopening of the ride.

Though we cannot yet confirm a reopening date, we will provide updates here.

We know our guests are excited to experience this incredible roller coaster, and we share your disappointment that we are not able to operate it this weekend. We will do everything possible to reopen Top Thrill 2 as soon as we are confident we can deliver the ride experience that our guests deserve.

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Jeff's avatar

Yeah, it was "nominal" on the press day. Hard to speculate why until we get a closer look at the fix.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Schwarzkopf76's avatar

I haven't been on the ride but it looks like the center of gravity is higher on these than the old Intamin trains? Either way, that's a lot of beating for those wheels and trains.

seems like the ride won't open for a bit, especially since they posted an update. I saw some photos on twitter showing the silver train in two pieces, so I wonder whats going on

Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

What’s going on is a company getting schooled in stratacoaster design.

Lots of reading between the lines here, but my semi-informed speculation is that they tried a fix and it didn't work or they discovered more issues.

A week or two ago, they were installing new wheel assemblies on one of the trains. I can't immediately find it, but someone posted a side-by-side pic that suggested that they were modified.

Also, at least a week ago, they started testing after hours. This was reported by the Register.

Last Tuesday, Tony appeared on a local radio station. He said, as summarized again by the Register:

When discussing the status of Top Thrill 2, which has been closed since mid-May, Clark said Zamperla, the ride's manufacturer, is close to resolving the issue. He reiterated that this is not an all-summer closure.

An update on its reopening should be coming soon.

A week later, the park makes a press release that basically says it's still broken and they have no timeline to reopen it.

I just figured the update this week was to confirm the ride wouldn't be ready for Coastermania in a way that also served as an update to all park guests.

What’s going on is a company getting schooled in stratacoaster design.

I just find it curious it started testing in what mid feb?

Also I find it interesting how much Zamperla is named in releases and updates… I also wonder what Zamperla is on the hook for in the contract for downtime and etc…

Idsay Zamperla rides 5 years ago where pretty suspect, but since the new mouses and NebulaZ things have been better, and they seem to be eating Huss’s lunch in terms of installs.

As far as Zamperla not having the expertise to do this kind of work, I recall hearing that they had hired several ex Intamin engineers. Whether they were actively recruited away or they had issues with Intamin, I don't know. Might be a little bit of both.

TheMillenniumRider's avatar

A mouse and dragster are two very different beasts. Things get wonky at those speeds cycled frequently. It’s asking a lot of such small assemblies requiring tight tolerances. What is the biggest fastest thing they have messed with in reality and not behind a computer screen?

Jeff's avatar

Regardless of whether or not what Dutchman said is true, people gotta realize that whomever has been working on the coaster products likely did not work for Zamperla even three years ago. It's a new division with new people. That's why all of this "but teh P0Wer Surge!!1!!" or whatever need to get a grip. That would be like entrusting banking software to people who've only worked at Facebook.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Brian Noble:

I rode on two different trains on the last day of passholder previews and did not notice a thing. Maybe I am just insufficiently discerning?

I was the dude that rode with you first time that night. I rode six times all over all three trains (but mostly in the front) and then a 7th middle of the Silver train on opening day.

I agree the idea that rides were getting progressively worst or that one train was riding rougher is a little bit of narrative....

Vater's avatar


people gotta realize

-D. Kinzel

OhioStater's avatar

I'm sure many of you already know, but the park officially announced its official extreme disappointment that Top Thrill 2 will officially not open until 2025.

When in 2025 is anyone's guess.

Promoter of fog.

hambone's avatar

Top Thrill 2.1

Fun's avatar

I think they know what the problem is, and how to fix it, but won’t have the modifications for all 3 trains in time for the busy Halloween season.

I am wondering if there are more issues than just the train?

A trains was testing last week, but I bet they only have enough modified carriers for one train… and I bet they want to test the hell out of the revised design… so possibly cant remachine the rest in time…

I am surprised with they would of not been able to contract them out to multiple suppliers but maybe a supplier was what caused the issue in the first place.

Rick_UK's avatar

I still find it interesting how Zamperla is front and centre in the messaging, in a way that I don't think we have seen parks do previously.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Cedar Point is not the first to mention a manufacturer's name in a release, on a sign, etc. In some way, it's probably the legal team wanting that there to make sure blame is placed at the feet of someone other than the park, but I think we read too much into it. Most general public probably don't care.


Hopefully this will be the end of these cheap junk Zamperla rides at this park chain. The blame of this fiasco is 100% on CF management however for choosing such a questionable company with absolutely no experience with this type of ride. Presumably just to save money.

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