The Only Coaster you were Afraid Of....

The first time i saw millennium force i couldnt even move
I wouldn't said i was afraid. I was a just a little nervous on my first out of 9 rides on Hypersonic XLC

Hypersonic XLC is # 1
Magnum scared me my first time. I've come to LOVE hypercoasters since then. I think Deja Vu will scare the heck outta me, but I can't wait to try.

The Skycoaster in Kissimmee, FL scared me too, especially when my wife announced, 300 feet up, that she didn't think she'd be able to pull the ripcord. Next time... I get to be on that side.
None. I simply wouldn't enjoy coasters if I were afraid of any of them. I guess I am just very well educated on how safe rides are...

Blast Coaster - - **COASTERnet 2001!**
The only reason v2 scares me is because of the swaying and bending that steel does at the top.:) Other than that its a great ride same as S:UE at SFWoa. You get that fear in you like you think the engineers screwed up or something.
Sway, Bend, Snap! When I was a kid the Beast made me just about run in my pants (still is a great ride) I'll never forget the on ride photo I was white as a ghost.
Magnum also scared me when I first rode it in 1991. I just felt so loose in my seat while looking down the entire way up!


Another Coasterbuzzer
i know it isnt a coaster, and i wasn't overall scared of it, but when i went to sfmm Freefall broke down, and i was on the first car with people on it after it reopened. My heart was pounding
welcome one and all, y'all come have a ball!
Things a bear-y fine, ridin' on the old knott's bear-y line!
Man I glad I'm not the only one thats scared to death of thoes freefall drop rides. SCREAM! at SFFT is like riding a new coaster for the first time over and over. It's always just as thrilling as the last time.
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*** This post was edited by Captain KaBlamo on 6/8/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Captain KaBlamo on 6/8/2001. ***

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