The Only Coaster you were Afraid Of....

The only coaster I have ever been afraid of was Millenium Force. I hear you all were very excited to ride a new ride, but no one says anything about being afraid of a coaster. So, is there a coaster you have ever been afraid of?


Another Coasterbuzzer
Yea, um, I was SCARED TO DEATH of coasters.. even my little Blue Streak in Conneaut Lake Park... that all ended in may 1996 when I was at Paramounts Canadas Wonderland and rode Thunder Run over and over and over...

the closest park to me has one coaster... and the coaster isnt open this year...
I remember I was TERRIFIED when I was goin up the lift of both Raging Bull and Alpengeist but after that it was just AWESOME!!!!
Only coaster i've been afraid of was the skyrider at PCW. It is a TOGO stand up. I rode it the day after that guy died on the clone in PKD. Woah. The ride ops weren't extra safe, they were extra fast.

I was wondering why it was a walk on!

PCW needs something taller than a boomerang
The only coaster I was afraid of wasn't really a coaster at all. It was the big shot in Las Vegas. Oh man, when I got off that thing my legs were shaking so much that i couldn't stand up for an hour.

AKA V2 at CCN! AKA SFMWManiac at SFMWOnline!
Mine is a a non-coaster also. The Power Dive at SFGAm still to this day makes me nervous. I love going upsidedown but being stuck upsidedown gives me the willies.
Chitown, who probably would have been a nervous wreck if he was apart of the Demon loop stall accident back in 1998.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
I was frightened but of MF but waited three hours anyway cause i knew i would like it after i went on it. I could still fell my legs trimbling after i got of it but it was worth it . MF IS AWESOME !

I remember the demon loop stall thing in 98' My grandma wouldn't let me go on a coaster for 2 months anfter that LoL " U be careful riding them things, And make sure the Ride people check it good " LOL Poor Grandma
Kraken count : 138 6/2
Go to Alans SFDL site ! *** This post was edited by Callahan on 6/4/2001. ***
I also got frightened of Power Tower going up the Drop side.


Another Coasterbuzzer
We can all get a little anxious while waiting to ride a coaster, but if you are talking about true fear....H:XLC got me. Of course I never once thought about backing out, but by the time it was my turn to ride, I was really scared. I stayed calm, however my brain was screaming "You are crazy!". Anyway, I have never had a reaction to a coaster like I did to this one, and I kept asking myself why. Why does H:XLC do this to me?
And I can guarantee that even though I have now ridden it, I will still get the same feeling next time....that feeling of going from total fear and anxiety to pure joy and elation. But that is one of the reasons we love coasters. They have the power to take control of us for a few minutes, and we love it.

Hanging by a moment...
I was scared poopless my first time on Raging Bull and Superman the escape (don't confuse with superman ultimate escape)
Superman the Escape
The Cyclone at Williamsgrove.

Its not because it is big (it isn't) or fast (it's not) etc etc etc... its because it looks like it should be condemned.

I rode it for the first time last year. It didn't collapse under the weight of the train, it didn't shake itself apart by the train running its course, the train did not fly off the track when it changed direction (and the wheels stayed on), and the seat belt did not tear loose (and the lap bar did not disengage) and I was not ejected, and a gust of wind did not blow the entire structure to the ground...

None of those things happened and I survived. I will consider my self lucky and not tempt fate again by riding that thing again!

"Resistance is futile... you will be assimilated." The BORG's (and Six Flags') motto.
Yeah, the Millenium Force scared me a bit, but the V2 is terrifying! After standing in line and watching the people get plastered to their seats at take off . . . It's not knowning exactly when you're going to get hit that freaks me out so much!

Excellent ride, though. I Love it!
I was scared of Drop Zone.
Medusa At SFMW I Said I But my friend said shut up

Hey Mom Can i get a roller coaster
Sur hunny but dont get a roller coaster
for me it would have to bejokers jinx. i don't know why. i think it was because of when i kept watching it shoot off and hearing people screaming. but when i got on it it became one of my top 5 rollercoasters.
Im scared of anything by TOGO
Well, I rode Shivering Timbers on Memorial Day weekend. I wasnt really afraid of it...till AFTER I rode it.:)

Dayuum, Your HOT!
The last coaster that I was honestly afraid of enough to feel butterflies all the way up the lift and all that was the first time I went on the Magnum in 89' because it was so much bigger than anything else I'd ever been on (Gemini was the next tallest ride at the park at that point) and I was all of 9. After going on that nothing else has truly gotten to me though I did get a little twinge of nervousness the first time I saw OL: FOF @ PKI launching...

SRM 2001: No Lights, No Brakes, No Bell???
Red Power tower. I was so freaked when we were up there and it seemed like that moment lasted forever.

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