The Only Coaster you were Afraid Of....

I'm always nervous on Raging Bull. I think that comes from the first time I rode it, I got stapled in and I never felt safe or comfortable on the ride. Now, when I ride it I don't have any trust in the restraint system and I always feel like I'm going to come out. I know that's not going to happen but tell my subconscious that.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
Texas Giant from age 8(When I first ride it) to 11, now I love it !! *** This post was edited by TITAN_FAN_13 on 6/4/2001. ***
The only ones I'm a little nervous about are X, Millenium Force and Deja Vu. Everything else should be relatively easy to ride, just throw up my hands and whoop it up. On X and Deja though, I'll be holding on for dear life! ;) Millenium Force just scares me because of it's height, once the drop happens, it should be smooth sailing. I guess I'm also a little nervous about V2 at SFMW, but mostly excited. :)
Any launch coaster, they create such a suspese feeling while your waiting for it to go.

What the mo K!?!
I was afraid of Alpengeist,flight of fear, and hypersonic bfore I went on them! I was excited to get on them but the suspense on launch coasters scares me but it's a rush.

formaly known as great american hamburgers!

son of beast said:
"I was scared of Drop Zone."

I was, but me and one of my friends went on it one day when the Action Zone was open early (walked right on) and we just kept pointing stuff out. My friend was telling me we should be close to the top, then it sped up. Werent even past the brakes!

The only other coaster (s) that scared me was SOB cause part of it fell during construction and FOF due to it being my first LIM-launched coaster.
all about PKI
the Beasts` Den
STILL afraid of Disaster Transport...always afraid that I am gonna fall out...I have no problem on Millie Force...but Disaster gets to me..

Mikey :)...Proud Member of the DT 80 ;)
Well my fear has always been on Intamin drop towers. They just scare the living crap out of me. They slowly creep up the tower, then drop you like a stone. It's all good though, :)

Don't fight it, Ride it, Raging Bull!
Webmaster:SFGAm 2001
Son Of Beast is the last one to scare me...the restraints were uncomfortable and I feared getting the crap beaten out of me. However, it turned out to be an awesome and fun ride!
I can't say I have ever been "afraid" of a coaster, because I know I will be safe. I do get that great rush of anticapation before you get launched or dropped. Ahh, the thrill of coasters.

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
When I was five I was scared of the Steel Phantom. I rode it and I loved it.

I Kicked The Sky
This past Thursday, I rode Hypersonic for the first time. In the queue line, it was all anxious anticipation. Once I actually got in the car and around the turn, STARING at that tower SO close to you, I really got scared. The fear was delicious, I might add. It's refreshing to go on something that makes you question your sanity once and a while.

Six Flags America? No, no! My name means "Sarcasm-For-All"
Mantis at cedar point it loked so scary and i thought i would fall out but after i rode it was awesome standup coasters rule.
For the longest time I was afraid of the magnum, and when I first rode it (at long last) at the age of, oh, eight or so, I cried the whole way up the lift hill. But now, coasters don't scare me as much as say, the down tower on Power Tower. That thing scares the crap out of me every time. I always think "hey what if We fall too far and crash right into the ground?" But I know I do it just to scare myself, those rides are perfectly safe. But other than that, carnival rides scare me because I once looked up during a ride on a flying something or other and saw a piece of duct tape. I don't know what it was holding together, but if it had to be there, it can't have been good.

I did it like this, I did it like that, I didn it with a wiffle ball bat.. ohhh
I was afraid of goliath because it was one of my first coasters. After I wanted to do it agian and again.
There's something about the first hill on Millennium Force that still scares me. I ride all the way up the lift holding on, and the same all the way down. But after the drop, it's hands up all the way!

"If everything seems undercontrol, you're not going fast enough!"
These are the coasters I was terrified while going up the lift the first time(or waiting to launch!):
Space Mountain(Disneyland)
Montezooma's Revenge(KBF)
Batman the Ride(Sfmm)
Superman the Escape(Sfmm)
Saviour machine aka Squeemu!
The one and only ride that scared me was Medusa west. Just the thought of my feet hanging ABOVE the track was enough, but then it was my first highest, fastest and most inversion coaster! After i got off the train I couldnt walk for nothing.

Artifficial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupitidy.
I was scared to death of freefalls the first time such as Drop Zone at PGA and PKI. While you go up, you see everything become smaller, and smaller, and man, it's scary the first few times!
I onestly have not been afraid of a coaster in years i think the last time i was scared was proply batman the ride i think in 94 or 95 for my first ride becuase it looked so difrent then the other coasters etc etc. but after the drop i was fine.but a non coaster ride that always gets me is and turbo drop by S&S i mean once im up there im fine and i love that feeling of being scared out my seat literly but to get me on one takes me a few becuase i just start to shake. it allstarted after Power towers drop side in CP but dont get me wrong i will never back off any thrill ride what so ever i prop more afraid of the tea cups then a s&s trubo drop.

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