The last 10% is missing

Okay, I know this is nit picky and silly, but Atari seemed to be going for real LOOKING things, so, where are the fat peeps and the ride ops who get to use their judgement of who is to big to ride?? Serious question with toung in cheek.

Just a couple of G-Force junkies!

The Mole's avatar
ACEer conventions! Free buffets! Rob & Elissa Alvey riding running around the parks with video cameras! The list is endless!
lol ....

Mary Poppins made the umbrellas for that shop? Are peeps now flying around your park with their malfunctioning umbrellas?

Watch the tram car please....
Glad to see you guys are all happy about the final version of the game. ;)

I am getting my game from Meijer's tonight where my mom works. We get 15% off so O well. I bet they moved the release date up to the 27th so they could release the patch on the 2nd.

I was reading all these bad things about the game and I just got one question. Is there anything good about the game? I am no fanboy about this franchise at all I am just wondering if there are any good feature or not with the game.

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

Well I mean if you want, you could look at the postive aspects of the game. First you can ride your rides, enjoy the 3-D images, ride your rct, and rct2 coasters, build and watch the fireworks (if you can get it to function), and create your family and see how they react in your park, lol! Other than that so far, nothing is worth it, but I'm a true gamer and eventually think they will fix the game. (*sarcasm) :)
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Another little 'oversight' :)

You can place 90 degree banked turns on the ground which results in the seats on the bottom of the bank to go underground.

Nothing like being driven into the dirt at 70mph...

Lord Gonchar said:
Another little 'oversight' :)

You can place 90 degree banked turns on the ground which results in the seats on the bottom of the bank to go underground.

Nothing like being driven into the dirt at 70mph...

Actualy, you can also do this with No Limits and Scream Machines and that was never considerd an issue amongst the followers (just a bad coaster designer). :-)

TRACKWORX.COM - A personal Coaster Sim Exhibition
Found another interesting bug. This time on the Tilt coaster. Not only did I experience what some of you have with the coaster changing ratings so no one will ride, but the trains also started skipping right past the lift! They start to go up and then POOF! Apparently this coaster is so advanced that it has Star Trek transporter technology and trains are beamed directly to the tilt section.


(Shudders at the thought of using a transporter made by Vekoma) :)

I also posted this in the Atari Bug thread:

Custom scenery can't be played over or even too close to track. For instance, if you wanted to save yourself time by throwing together a large selection of roof tiles to cover one portion of a coaster, you get that ol' red object warning. I was hoping custom object building would be a great time saver to avoid tedious tasks such shift-clicking one title at a time; sure saving a group of objects works beautifully, but not if you plan on housing any your rides. :-( They've GOT to change this!

Also, for no reason, you can be laying out customs platforms, when the next piece is not allowed, for NO apparent reason - nothing blocking it at all.

Here's a sample pic *** Edited 10/29/2004 11:47:33 PM UTC by JCat***

TRACKWORX.COM - A personal Coaster Sim Exhibition
Lord Gonchar's avatar
^ I was all over that saved scenery/saved rides thing already - both here and on the Atari forum, JCat.

Probably the single worst decision in the game.

RCT 3 is totally screwed-up! I have quite a few PC games and this by far is the worst! There are programming errors galore and the game play set-up is stupid...concession stands that breakdown? coaster ratings that plummet after completing one circuit? unhappy workers that have just been hired? games crashes everywhere, and the list goes on and on. I'd been more pleased if either the hot dog stand caught on fire, or a vendors hand got stuck in the cotton candy machine, something thats close to being legitimate. I hope Atari comes out with a patch soon to clean-up this RCT 3 mess. RCT 3 does has the potential to be a very powerful sims game...but not right now. I'd recommend that know one buys this game at the moment until the problems have been corrected.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Why does every one have such a hard time with food stalls breaking down? To me that's one of the things that's better in this version. Keeps you on your toes.

Machinery does break, you know.

And you said it yourself, fires, employee incidents - hell, just use your imagination. "...has broken down" is just a generic term for "sumpin ain't right here"

But that Info Kiosk breakdown thing...well, I'm with you guys there.

Heck, if that was the biggest problem with the game, I'd be singing from the rooftops of RCT3 greatness.

Actually even the info kiosk might make sense if you think of it also as the season pass processing center. I've seen lots of those machines break down. And some S.P. processing places (like Knott's) aren't much bigger then that little info kiosk. :)
Okay, I got the game today, and though I need a new video card, it actually runs fairly well on the PC I'm playing it on, so atleast I can play it. Aside from the previously mentioned gripes, here are mine:

Where the heck is the 2D mode we were promised time and time again? That was on the official site faq page. Am I just over looking it?

It may just be my video card, but I can't seem to create my own peeps...

Why didn't they add more peices to the TA2K?!? I'd love to make a realistic Dodonpa and HXLC, as well as other TA2K designs, esp with Powder Keg coming out.

Why can't we have regular full circuit Intamin SLCs? I want to make Tornado!

Is it just me, or have you guys figured out how to make a Screaming Squirrl yet? The only design that came with it is locked, and I couldn't figure it out.

On the plus side: I couldn't get the demo to work on the PC. Too much lag time, and then it just stopped loading up. This works fine, and set all the options to maximize performance on my Vid card.

The new options on the 4D, and some larger inversions were very nice. I'd still like parabolic hills and some more options on all coasters, though.

If they fix the bugs mentioned already, I'll be happy. If they give me what I mentioned here, I'll be extatic. If they add more than just 4 new coaster types, as well as more coaster options/peices, and better scenario play, I'll be in extacy.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
There are a couple of coasters that are locked. You nedd to beat certain scenarios to unlock them.

kpjb's avatar
Gonch -- maybe the info kiosk breaking down is actually them running out of maps.

Man, I was so looking forward to this game. It's looking more and more dissapointing. I have $70 in Best Buy reward zone certificates burning a hole in my pocket, and I'm quickly losing interest in buying this. Maybe I'll just wait until Christmas and hope that everything's sorted out by then. If I wanted to play Sim Theme Park, I would've bought that piece of crap 8 years ago.


Well, to me, its still so much better than Sim Theme Park.

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure I'll have fun with it, but it needs patched already. Once I start my next 4 day weekend on Monday, I'll have plenty of time to make an informed opinion about the game. This was all I could come up with after 30 min. of play time.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Well, now that I'm really playing (almost finished a little cliffside park) I'm ok with things I previously wasn't and I'm finding other problems.

The 'floating" scenery can be remedied by holding shift and pulling the scenery down. It will embed in the ground a bit, but with walls and such (my biggest problem), it's fine.

However, now that I'm close to filling the map (which is only 69x69), I'm getting frequent crashes. I'll be playing and the screen will just go black. A few moments later the rct3.exe error appears. Very annoying. Let's just say I've learned to save after every addition.

*** Edited 10/30/2004 6:30:30 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Hey Gonch! whats your processor and speed and vid card? Me i'm afraid for my comp as its just a bit slower than most (1.8 Ghz) hope theirs a patch for lower end processors.

As long as you have a decent vid card and at leasr 512 memory your computer SHOULD do ok. The AMD 2600+ we have only runs about 1.8gig (try and decipher AMD's number system ;) ).

Angela and I just realized something that was integral to to first 2 games that is missing. I only need to say 2 words. Folding Toro!!!!

Just a couple of G-Force junkies!

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