"the- know -it -alls"

When people start to say stuff like this, I just don't listen because when I try to correct them they won't believe me. The only time I felt like a know-it-all was my first ride on The Beast. There were 2 girls infront of me with their hands up and I said 'Excuse me, the signs said please keep your hands down.' I don't know why I did that, I was only like 8.

This post was posted by Bubba, who is chillin' at the Villain!
lol i love this topic. i love to hear the people talk about things. and especially true coaster enthusaists who talk that they know everything and they don't. especially common sense things. i dont correct people on stats i correct people on how the ride feels. most people ask me hqave you ridden this before and stuff. but stats i just laugh and keep listening.

NEW - 35 Michigan's Adventure Photos at G-Screams
Mr Invertedsaid: But anyways, I think many of us here know a lot of facts about coasters. Because if you knew nothing about coasters, why are you here?
Ha ha! I know less then most of you i am sure but,i am here to learn :) This forum has been extremely helpful to my learning experience.I can't begin to tell you all how in the dark i was until i started reading the forums.I only hope that i can rely on the info i get here to be accurate because,i have two kids and not enough time to surf the web for info,so,hopefully i can count on it at least being close to correct so i don't look like a total dummy trying to answer someone's question.
I have said in the past that i am not one of those people who rattle off stats in line but,it sure is nice to be able to help someone out if there curious and i can answer them.This comes from experience because,i was at one point the one who was asking the questions and hoping to get a truthful answer.I still have to ask questions so,for the most part,i keep my mouth shut because,there is still so much i don't know that i look forward to discovering.


*** This post was edited by Rickyswmn on 7/25/2001. ***
hey all you people who are complaining about us correcting them, they have to do one simple thing when there talking so that i dont get mad. when talking about millenium force, they can say i think its 320 feet. what pisses me off is they think there coaster aholics when they dont know an arrow from a B&M. if they put the i think in there i wouldn't be mad at all. but there going around preaching B.S. so i want to prove them wrong. if im not sure of something coaster related when im talking i will say i think, and if i dont and im wrong i want someone to get in my face and prove that im wrong.

1.Fire Dragon, 2.Ice Dragon, 3.Raptor, 4.Kraken, 5.Batman Knight Flight

Beastnum1 said:
i love to hear the people talk about things. and especially true coaster enthusaists who talk that they know everything and they don't.

And there are certainly alot of those types out there! I was in line for Dueling Dragons and there was a woman in front of me talking to a man and his son. She evidently did not know them, because it was one of those "and where are you from?" kind of conversations. Anyway, she had some sort of Tshirt on with some sort of coaster logo on it an some convention name and year on it. She had a floppy hat with all sorts of coaster related buttons on it. She was citing, chapter and verse, the specs of the coasters she has been on, and she was listing every coaster she has been on... she even knew when she rode many, how many times she rode many, and what she looks for in a good "coaster". She was saying how "many people just look at these as rides... I like to know all the details about them." etc etc etc. And then she had to name drop... She mentioned the word "ACE" and then acted like she expected all to bow at her feet and be overwhelmed by her knowledge.

Personally, the kids in line who claim that every coaster they happen to be waiting for is the biggest and fastest and most intense I do not find near as annoying as I found this person at IOA. Truth be told, I get a kick out of the kids who are convinced that what ever coaster they happen to be waiting for is the greatest ever built. People like the woman I was behind at IOA, people who have labled themselves self appointed experts because they have ridden more coasters than the average person and have memorized heaps of data I get more annoyed by. The kids are just kids... the woman was an obnoxious bore.

Rickyswmn said:
I know less then most of you i am sure but,i am here to learn... I have said in the past that i am not one of those people who rattle off stats in line but,it sure is nice to be able to help someone out if there curious and i can answer them.... I still have to ask questions so,for the most part,i keep my mouth shut because,there is still so much i don't know that i look forward to discovering.

Well, speaking personally, you probably do know less than I on SOME things, AND I know less than you on others. Yesterday I made a post asking for info on Morey's Piers, and you were one of the ones who answered... not trying to prove your knowledge or showing off, but rather to simply help out someone who had a question. I can appreciate that, and that is what I try to do also.

As some have stated, those who wear the self anointed "enthusiast" title as a badge of honour, would look at my simple question as "ignorance". I do not know the exact height of Mellinium Force... its around 300+ feet, but that is as close as I get... I don't know the exact length of SOB... I think it is 7000+ feet, but I don't know. Because of that, I do not comment on such things. There are some "enthusiasts" who feel compelled to comment on everything, even things they have little knowledge of.

- - - - - - -

But you know the absolute worse thing I hear? People who come off a coaster and say "well, that s*****. MF is much better." Or "That coaster should be torn down, it used to be good, but now SFMM has a coaster that is bigger." What truely bugs me are the people who, in the attempt to be so enlightened, can not ride coasters for fun... they look at coasters as Roger Ebert looks at movies... always criqiquing, always picking, always trying to impress.

On one post, someone even mentioned that someone of the people they "interviewed" and had give play by plays on the Discovery specials had "Coaster Enthusiast" under their name. The comment were "They were GP... they probably were not even ACE members." As someone else stated on these boards, with the eception of those people who are actually in ACE, all of us (myself included) are looked at as the General Public by the parks.

Hello, I'm with the GP&P movement... "General Public and Proud"

PCW-2002 said:
"hey all you people who are complaining about us correcting them, they have to do one simple thing when there talking so that i dont get mad. when talking about millenium force, they can say i think its 320 feet. what pisses me off is they think there coaster aholics when they dont know an arrow from a B&M." (emphasis added)

And after a year and a half you still cant spell "Millennium" (note the second 'n'). Personally, I dont think people should correct folks because your basically intruding into their conversation. You know what they say "This is an 'X' 'Z' conversation, 'Y' the hell are you in it?"
--This is an 'A' 'B' conversation, kindly 'C' you're way out of it!
slithernoggin's avatar

SLFAKE said:
the woman was an obnoxious bore.

I agree with much of what you say.

This woman may have bored you, but apparently she didn't bore the people she was talking to, or they would have let the conversation lapse. From what I read in your posts, you don't like it when "enthusiasts" belittle other riders, but it seems like you're doing the same thing here. 91% of what you say is dead on. *** This post was edited by slithernoggin on 7/25/2001. ***
Like I said w/the 12 year olds talking about son of beast and beast, well normally I wouldnt correct people unless I was in a conversation with them. Or if earlier on in the line they say "have you ridden this before" or ask me something.

Other than that, I just kinda sit back and laugh to myself. But, I think correcting people is ok, just cause well, look at it this way, would you want to go around thinking something incorrect about a coaster or a park you like?

With me, I dont pay attention to designers or companies who work on rides unless it is my favorite ride then I will learn a lot, and if someone asks me the height or length I will give an approxomate just since I don't really pay that much attention to height, length, etc.

slithernoggin said:
From what I read in your posts, you don't like it when "enthusiasts" belittle other riders, but it seems like you're doing the same thing here. 91% of what you say is dead on.

True, I suppose I am doing that here. It is really hard to explain. I suppose I should qualify...

The kids in line for Scorpion at BGT who claimed Kumba was "like the biggest in the world..." were just talking. If that is what they want to believe, so be it. They were constantly rambling becuase they were having fun and they were excited.

The woman at IOA was talking not out of excitement (she sounded rather bored, rather matter of fact). It was my perception that she was talking more to impress than to inform... and certainly talking more to impress than talking out of sheer excitement.

91% of the time I know I am right... but that doesn't explain the other 13%.
I say we just let believe what they want. Like what you said SLFAKE about the know it all woman in line. Let them make complete fools of themselves. 99 percent of the general public could care less how many coasters this woman has rode.

http://expage.com/rollercoastersurvivor The ONLY website dedicated to Roller Coaster Survivor! Goliath is gone, and now it's time to vote off a wood coaster. Come vote for which one you want voted off! VOTE NOW!
slithernoggin's avatar
I'm feeling protective... in her defense, she wasn't talking to 99% of the general public, nor was she talking to anyone on this board. Based on Slfake's post, she was in a conversation with other people in line, and presumably they would of let the conversation lapse had they not found it at least mildly interesting.

slithernoggin said:
"Slfake, you've got it exactly right. For what it's worth, people are like that all over. I work for Blue Man Group in Chicago, and if I had a dime for everything I've heard that show called besides Blue Man Group (The Blue Group, Bluemens, The Four Blue Guys...) I wouldn't have to work for Blue Man Group anymore. I just ignore it and proceed with my business..."

The shows they put on ARE HILARIOUS. I saw the one in Las Vegas at the Luxor Hotel & Casino
i heard someone at PKI say the next thing he wanted to do that day was to ride MF.

Best woodoie: The Beast
Best steel: MF
Best park: IOA!

Get to the point... cedar point!

SLFAKE said:
"But you know the absolute worse thing I hear? People who come off a coaster and say "well, that s*****. MF is much better." Or "That coaster should be torn down, it used to be good, but now SFMM has a coaster that is bigger." What truely bugs me are the people who, in the attempt to be so enlightened, can not ride coasters for fun... they look at coasters as Roger Ebert looks at movies... always criqiquing, always picking, always trying to impress"

Actually, Ebert hasn't been much that way lately when he's been giving 'thumbs up' to almost every movie coming out from Tomb Raider to Fast and the Furious to Legally Blonde to Jurassic Park 3, because he said they were all "just fun!"

That brings up two points here:

1)I shouldn't correct you just because I read his reviews a lot and because you were trying to compare something yourself which has been that way in the past and obviously, if you didn't read them like me, you wouldn't know it.

2)Shouldn't we get in line for a coaster thinking "just" about how freaking "fun" it will be? Of course, it's fun to listen and if someone is pretty close(say in a stat or record) or even just WAY off(like my or 2Hostyl's stories) just lay off, sit back and have a good time! I would never correct someone on a stat(mainly because I really don't know that many myself), because it's not like you're really doing anything to/for them. I think it would be a lot more fun to start up a great conversation like Soggy did.

BTW 2Hostyl, the comments you make always have the perfect timing and never fail to crack me up. Keep 'em coming!

"Silly enthusiast, specs are for kids."

PKI 2002-The Rollercoast is Toast! *** This post was edited by Koaster King on 7/25/2001. ***
Strange topic. I'm not sure I understand. If I'm somewhere and talking to someone, after a few minutes if it's going well, I may ask if they go to other parks, and if they've been places and riden rides I've riden, it turns into a "have you been on?" and "yeah!" kind of thing, nothing more until the thinking of new things stops, not too much thinking on my part is not allowed because I'd think myself out of existence. I usually talk with other people about where they're staying, et cetra, if I have to talk to people. I like it I'm standing looking at something and I look over and see someone in awe of the same thing as me, it's good. You don't have to say anything but "nice!"

If the enthusiast base grows, ie. more people see people on Discovery riding coasters and they get jealous because they like coasters, and feel like they should go out there, that means more coasters. I don't go to the mall unless there's something to be gotten, because of all the people, but they're easily ignored, if they weren't there, than neither would be my store or me. People can be annoying on quee, but none of them are coming home with me. I do not like it when people cannot mind thier own business.

As for Ebert, he reviews on a basis of would I reccommend this to a friend, not a comparrison type deal. He purely ranks things for fun and his system is needed, IMO, if it's important to review. A review scale based on what's fun, what's not. I can hear him now,"I don't reccommend you ride this coaster unless you like 'em rough. The last time I felt like this, I fell out of bed, I did not enjoy that coaster, but, if rough is your style..."
If it is something little, I would let it go, but if they think that S:UE is 300ft., that needs correcting. Especiall when it is about half that.

"Villain-Once You Drop, The Fun Don't Stop!"~SFWoA Rules In 2001~X Marks The Spot In 2001(SFWoA)~With SFWoA ANYTHING Is Possible!
I certainly don't see any need to correct every detail of what the GP thinks, but I did politely correct someone who was telling their party about what a head banger FOF was the other day. I figured they would be missing one of the best rides in the park, if they didn't know about the vast improvement of the new restraints.
Interesting topic indeed... Anyways the people who say something like "The Cyclone is taller than the Phantoms' Revenge" probably made this up to amuse the party they are with or were played with by someone else.

Of course the person saying that could be some war buff or a lawyer and if you say something untrue on those fields, they think the same thing.

Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
Oh man, do I love to listen to other people's conversations when they think they know everything, but they really don't know crap. Such examples would be that while at SFGAm;A kid in line for the RB said that he knew the ride cost SF thousands of dollars, when it really was millions. Another time would be when this guy was yelling out that Viper was the tallest and fastest wooden coaster in the U.S.

I find it quite amusing, but of course I shouldn't criticize them too much. Most of the people in the world don't know as much about roller coasters as some of us do.

Don't Fight It, Ride It, RAGING BULL!!!!!!
http://www.angelfire.com/extreme/Coasterz*NEW site coming soon!*
I no Im really nosey once it comes to listening to others talk about how much they no about rollercoasters

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