Suggestions for Coasterbuzz vs. Questions for CB

Kick The Sky's avatar

OK, dont make me get the hose out and hose all you horny men down...

So Maddie... ;)

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Wanna Ride A Woodie?

rollergator's avatar

ravenguy, great pic....but I'm thinking that 'Playa must've been working out a bit more than usual to get that "buff"...and speaking of buff (another name for beige for the monochromatics out there) that photo recent, 'cause 'Playa must've also made a visit to Michael Jackson's "un-tanning parlor"....;)

BTW, I really DO think that's Captain his "back-up uniform"...other one must be in the laundry...


Now Im begining to understand what you were trying to tell me , at my desk at micropro. . . . . . C R E E P Y ! ! ! ! Methinks someone had one too many twists on wicked twister... but I cant help but laugh at some of these weirdos.

You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet

*** This post was edited by Dennis on 10/30/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by Dennis on 10/30/2002. ***

James K said: I have seen Kara more then I have seen any other buzzers...I even saw her this past weekend...The only time I ever said Hi was at Coastermania. So, am I an official Kara Stalker?


Greetings, young hormonally-imbalanced male citizens--and stop asking me why I'm dressed in a long trenchcoat. Duty called while I was at Wal-Mart shopping for a certain electric blue piece of apparel. You shoulda seen the look on the clerk's face after she asked, "Is your lady friend about my size?" But I digress...

Do young women shy away from you?

Do they seem to get uneasy when they happen to make eye contact with you?

Have you taken a bath, brushed your teeth and combed your hair today and it just makes no difference?

Well, maybe, just maybe it's because you're gawking at them with googly eyes that would even make a goldfish blink. It just might be that the last guy who stared like that was in newspaper headlines the next week as cops dug corpses out of his backyard.

Remember kids....

Lookie + no talkie = creepy!

For crying out loud, say something!


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/30/2002. ***

Savaq said:
I saw Mr. Kinzel at the park. It was 9/14. I think he was sitting next to Jeff on MF. I didn't say hi to either of them though. Now I'm kicking myself.

Hey, I'm kicking myself because I didn't buy the pic to prove it! Also, I met Kinzel on opening day right after the second time I rode WT, before I rode MF (next to someone I know).


185 days until Cedar Point 2003!


I am a boy. I am not Dick Kinzel.

Jeff's avatar

You do realize that trying to join in the fun of people making fun of you just makes you a bigger tool, right?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Kick The Sky's avatar

Cant..... breathe..... laughing.... tooo...... hard...... AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Wanna Ride A Woodie?

Jeff - What's scary to me is that I'm not sure that he *is* clowning on himself.


Let's just say you actually did sit next to Jeff. Let's also say he just so happened to remember your pockmarked, moonscape complexion, your drooping C-Cup manboobs and the thick, feculent aroma of homeless fashion and well-aged cheese that envelops you. So freakin' what?

That and $5.95 would get you garlic fries and a blank stare. Nothing more.

Wait a I fighting the crime of blithering, dim-witted stupidity without my mask? Hold that thought--I'll be back. I mean, no I won't. Oh, whatever.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/30/2002. ***

Yeah, CPNut, I'd be kicking myself too, if I didn't buy a on-ride photo of me and the actual owner and operator of a website for whom I have some sort of erotic feelings.

I suggest that you go and wait outside of CP's gate, and maybe you'll see Jeff entering the park for Media Day! Don't forget to bring plenty of vaseline.


Kick The Sky's avatar
Wow! If vasoline comments don't get this thread closed nothing will!

Bob Hansen

Signature left out for quite obvious reasons...

*** This post was edited by Kick The Sky on 10/30/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar

Kick The Sky said:

Signature left out for quite obvious reasons...

....all things considered, a good move there Bob...;)

No, not after the excellent testicles and nuts remarks from Jeff. A harmless vasoline remark isn't enough to close this, in my opinion. After all, watching CPnut continue to humiliate himself it too fun.

- Peabody

Okay, okay....before the thread slams shut, I'd like to suggest another forum myself. The Hall of Fame where the funniest/dumbest/most memorable threads go to be immortalized.

Being as refreshingly modest as I am, I would kindly donate all threads touched with my comedic stylings to this noble cause.


(or should I say book of 'Playa Chapter 5 Verse 32?)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

joe.'s avatar

Note to self: make more buttons for the next CBCon and make some Jeff-stalker buttons. :)

CBClub member #30 and #364 (renewal)

LOL Joe ! I'll have to join C.Buzz just for that button.

You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet

Not before CPNut buys them all out first.

P.S. I bet he'll post another topic once this is closed, asking, "Why was my topic closed?"

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001.
"When will the patch come out to fix all the stupid people in this world?"

*** This post was edited by MiLLeNNiUMRiDeR on 10/30/2002. ***

I stalked Jeff at!

Kick The Sky said:

OK, dont make me get the hose out and hose all you horny men down...

So Maddie...

Now, now - one at a time.

Greg is moving cross-country at this very moment, and I think he *at least* deserves that I devote my full attention to his restraining order.

So, you're just going to have to wait in line. Then, you can sneak up behind me, I'll have someone snap a polaroid ($19.95, please) and your official 'stalker' membership card and bumper sticker will arrive in the mail shortly - delivered by an authentic uniformed officer and doberman, frothing at the mouth!

...and for any new takers, I'm running a special promotion this week. If you sign up now, I'll also kick you in your shin and yell, "Pervert!"

Is it any wonder I can't get a date? :p


~~~ Maddy ~~~

*** This post was edited by Chernabog on 10/31/2002. ***

So, is circling the point of impact with magic marker -- so it's easier to know where not to wash -- an addtional fee?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Closed topic.

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