Suggestions for Coasterbuzz vs. Questions for CB

I don't even wanna know about the breakout session topics.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Kick The Sky's avatar
Sarah, I am on my way to Ohio right now!

EDIT: This thread is headin for closing so fast...

Bob Hansen

"Who is busily working on getting those pics for StalkerCon as we speak"

*** This post was edited by Kick The Sky on 10/29/2002. ***

Greg....Hell, you can stalk me if you'd like. My self-esteem could sure use it and all.

Laughing and pitying herself for being nowhere near as witty as she can be when it counts,

~ Maddie ~

Hello, Chernabog.

Do you like eating uncooked rolled oats right out the box?

I know somebody who does. If you leave a box of Quaker's Old-fashioned outside your window, he might show up.


(tryin' to help my boy GregLeg out)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 10/29/2002. ***

CoastaPlaya said:

I can't understand why CPNut would stalk Jeff when he could be stalking NoLimitChic

Because he doesn't like chics, if you know what I mean. Come on, why do you think he has this unhealthy obsession with Jeff?

- Peabody

I'm stalked by Kinzel. If you don't believe me, read this and ask yourself how he got my address!

No more stalkers...saw enough of them at the park this weekend *shiver*.

...and for the record I'm legal for anyone up to 21 ;)

Kara (car-uh)
1024 Laps
621 in '02
52 visits to 4 CF parks in '02 with a season pass, free. Knowing I saved $1603, priceless.

*** This post was edited by ST chick on 10/29/2002. ***

Playa -- Nicely done. Taking an earlier, completely unrelated but just as irrelevant a discussion, and dragging it so neatly into this one is worth major points. A+.

Maddie -- I'm afraid the distance would put a damper on my stalking activities. Although if I were a TRUE stalker, I'd pack up and move. Hmmm...

"For all we know, Stonehenge is just the ruined supports for an early roller coaster." -- RCT2 manual
My page

What about all those people who stalk Mr. Kinzel. I can't even remeber all the times someone will post, "I saw Mr. Kinzel walking around the park. I didn't say hi to him though. Now I'm kicking myself."
I saw Mr. Kinzel at the park. It was 9/14. I think he was sitting next to Jeff on MF. I didn't say hi to either of them though. Now I'm kicking myself.
*clicks on NoLimitChic's info* hmm...

Hi, I'm Tommy, and I like roller coasters. Would you like to ride with me? :)

Edit: I just noticed, this is a vs. thread, shouldn't it be closed? ;)

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001.
"When will the patch come out to fix all the stupid people in this world?"

*** This post was edited by MiLLeNNiUMRiDeR on 10/29/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar
I don't need any more shirts, but I will be bringing my milk carton with Jeff's face to StalkerCon...."have you seen this man?"....;)

Congratulations to two Gator greats, Emmitt Smith and David Eckstein - job WELL done guys!
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - unless you've got a spare planet!

T-r-y-i-n-g t-o c-l-o-s-e t-h-i-s t-h-r-e-a-d!!!!!!!!

Ahhh, dangit. Just cant quite do it.


2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

Before we have a "Questions for Cbuzz" forum, I'd like to suggest a "Jeff" forum. We could discuss Jeff and his everyday routines. Classics could be re-born like "Jeff's Grass." Also we could get into more details about how he prefers his pancakes.....

Wait forget all that. Just change the name of the website- JeffBuzz: News and Community for Jeff Fans and Stalkers ;)

"Enjoy your voyage to the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot"

Basically, all we're asking for here is a DDR cam. Come on Jeff... for the fans? ;)


ST chick said:

...for the record I'm legal for anyone up to 21

Captain Obvious sez:

Gee, that oughtta scare all the creepy stalker boys away. For your next great idea, why don't you slap a giant yellow bumper sticker on your butt that says, "DON'T LOOK AT THIS". Should work almost as well.

Wait a minute--am I getting my alter egos mixed up?


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

The Funny thing is that I have seen Kara more then I have seen any other buzzers. In fact, I have seen her at more then one park. I even saw her this past weekend at Cedar Point.

The only time I ever said Hi was at Coastermania. So, am I an official Kara Stalker? :)

Seriously though, I can see how it would be annoying for her and Jeff to always have people they do not know approaching them.

Do the Moo Shoo!

Raven-Phile's avatar

ST chick said:

No more stalkers...saw enough of them at the park this weekend *shiver*.


Oh, I guess Draegs and I are stalkers now??

So much for us hanging out with you ever again ;)


Just as long as Captain Obvious is making apperances, I think I saw another Captain Obvious graphic, but I'll submit this one for whomevers approval:

Just a bit more streamlined, methinks. :)

If the shoe fits, find another one.

Hey Tommy! Ever make it down to CP or SFWoA and Sure! ;)

Hey Greg I only live maybe 3 hours from Pittsburgh *wink wink* hehe ;)

We have waited all through the years for the 6 jokers cards...Carnival of Carnage, the Ringmaster, the Riddlebox, the Great Milenko, the Amazing Jeckel Brothers and now the 6th and Final card...the Wraith. What will happen now?

And that's why I haven't uploaded any pictures of me and my wife at parks to my profile. Nobody would stalk me, but Mrs. Baruth is just too darn cute.


Closed topic.

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