Soaked was one thing, Wild is another

Lord Gonchar's avatar
You know, I do wonder who the people are who enjoy and anticipate this stuff.

I do understand that around here we're enthusiasts first and foremost, but even beyond our specialized complaints the game and these add-ons have subsantial flaws and the direction of the series is long lost.

Frontier clearly has no idea what the original purpose and spirit of the game were. The thing is, it doesn't seem to matter. Someone is eating this crap up and asking for more.

Even worse is that when I browse the official forums, I only see a handful (maybe 5) people doing anything with the game worth looking at.

They've catered to the lowest common denominator. That's fine for sales, but rarely results in quality.

I guess in the end they are a business. I'm mostly disappointed that what used to be one of the best games ever made has become the joke of a timekiller it is now.

*** Edited 7/28/2005 7:10:17 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Ride of Steel's avatar
This game's gonna suck big time, but at least we have our giant ferris wheel!!

Giant Ferriswheel????

Oh Hell, I'll buy it just for that.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Hmm. That thread amuses me for entirely different reasons.

Those pics are posted by David B (who, IIRC, is a Frontier employee of some sorts). The third reply to his post reads:

"David, I must say I am still very disapointed in the direction you guys are taking the series with this next expansion. The thing that I am worried about is the lack of detail when it comes to the animals. It already seems as if animals walk through eachother like peeps, and it doesn't seem to be anything other than a "show" where peeps check them out and move along.

I feel that, after Soaked, and now Wild, its very basic when it comes to the additions. Why not have scenarios ONLY geared towards a water park? Or ONLY geared to a zoo? or scenarios that start out in one direction and have you add a water park, or a zoo later on in its time span. That's what I would REALLY love to see. But since it seems that Wild is going to be VERY basic when it comes to animals, it isn't grabbing my attention at all.

Zoo Tycoon 2 is a VERY simple game. But it has depth that I would HOPE we see in Wild. Not just a "show"

On the plus side, it seems we're going to be getting more carnival type rides! Which I'm pleased with! Now we need ticket booths where peeps have to buy to get on the rides! That would be a great gameplay addition. Scenarios that are either pay at entrance, pay per ride, or pay for tickets and set each rides ticket ammount.

Just like The Sims, I will buy any expansion that comes out for RCT"

To me, this is entirely reasonable and even thoughtful (to a degree) response to the posted pics and the series in general.

David B's response? Get this:

Eh? What makes you think it will be 'basic'? Do you think Soaked was 'basic'? There's no pleasing some people!

WTF!? What kind of company representation is that? Seems very similar in tone to the "You guys just don't know how to play this game" responses that we got when we flooded the official forums with our issues with the game when RCT3 was originally released.

Basically they (Frontier employees!) run off anyone who questions anything regardless of how valid it is.

In the long run, it answers my last post.

Who enjoys this crap?

The people who:

  • don't know any better
  • are impressed by curt, unprofessional responses to customer complaints
  • shut their mouths and play nice as not to be treaded rudely

I feel dumber than ever for buying Soaked. :(

Lord Gonchar said:
I feel dumber than ever for buying Soaked. :(

Nyeah nyeah :p

Well not really, it sucks that people put so much faith in RCT3 only for atari to shaft them fans to the nth degree. Myself included. The patronising attitude on the official forums is nothing short of insulting but unfortunately they're not biting the hand that feeds them hard enough for the feeding to stop.

I've said it before, I'll say it again - atari has seen the last of my cash after the disgraceful way they fleeced the fans with RCT3 and all its inbuilt flaws.

At least the disc protects my table from mugs of hot chocolate :)


*edit* spelling error! *** Edited 7/28/2005 7:49:10 PM UTC by invy***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, the more I let that reply sink in, the more jacked I got.

I had to respond. I quated David B's reply and followed it with:

On the flip side, some people are always pleased - regardless of the crap thrown at them.

I think MINIggy03's post was actually quite constructive in it's criticism. It's a shame that issues can't be brought up here without the person questioning things being treated like a leper. I think it's even more sad that as a representative of the game, this community and the company that created it that your respose is so curt and dismissing.

It reminds me a lot of the response to the issues with the RCT3 game itself when released - many of which have still not been fixed. (I believe we were told we were playing wrong or something to that effect)

I'm wondering how often anyone looks beyond the official forum to forums where people freely discuss their issues and reservations with the game and see how many long time supporters of the series have been alientated. (it's still easier to find RCT2 creations that RCT3 in many unofficial online communities - and that says a lot more than anyone is willing to admit to)

Granted, it's your right to create whatever you want and obviously someone is buying it. So in the end, the caring about a series I've played and enjoyed since day 1 is truly pointless, I suppose.

Even if the game in it's current form is no longer something I'm really interested in, I wish it was. I think it's horrible that one cannot come here and pass along their thoughts in hopes of what they see as imporving things without being brushed off as a nuisance.

I'm sure I'll be ridiculed and brushed off just as quickly, but still, it feels good to put that out there for them.

What a waste, I'm not sure this one is worth it, I would definatly buy soaked but we are getting a little over teh title...This isn't called Animal Tycoon...Its Roller Coaster Tycoon can't they stick to the title? I need to hear more about this, very doubtful I'll change my opinio...In the nuetral.
Lord Gonchar, I wholeheartedly agree. The responses to our questions by 'David B' are frankly insulting. Atari/Frontier appears to be in a state of denial, to the detriment of the RCT franchise.

I initially enjoyed Soaked!, but now the problems are beginning to set in. The funniest thing? The beta testing of Soaked that Frontier made such a fuss about...are we honestly expected to believe that the beta testers were actually listened to...especially as they only got hold of the game 1-2 months before the public did?

Call me a cynic, but the whole beta-testing farce was nothing more than a public relations exercise.

"Atari are listening to not fear...we are in control...this is the game you wanted to play"

Yeah, right.

My first computer was an Atari 800XL. I enjoyed the QUALITY of the games available back then. But now? Let me summarize with this simple formula:

Atari = release the game before it is finished so that we can make a quick buck before the end of the financial year.

Capiche? *** Edited 7/28/2005 9:15:57 PM UTC by aanatpel***

Oh, and I'd like to see David B reply to the questions raised within this forum. If Holidayworld can do it (via the wonderful Paula) then so can Atari.

How about it David?

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Nah, I don't even expect them to come to us. I'd like to see more people expressing displeasure over there.

(even though I'm just as guilty as anyone of avoiding the official forums)

Even still, you'll simply be told to sit down and shut up like anyone else with the balls to ask questions.

As much as it depresses me, I know that you are right. Atari appear to have adopted the Stalin approach to PR...eradicate anyone who disagrees.

Anyhow, on a positive note I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Lord Gonchar for producing such an enjoyable website. Please keep it up, the effort you put in is quite wonderful. A glass of wine combined with a leisurely surf of your website on a Saturday night is most appreciated! Better than meditation!

Moving swiftly on... *** Edited 7/28/2005 9:41:34 PM UTC by aanatpel***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Butt kissing will get you everywhere. :)

I've actually been keeping an eye on the official forums today. There are a few places where someone has grown the balls to speak up and I've been trying to add my two cents (in a reasonable, intelligent and courteous manner for the most part)

Here is a good one to jump into if you'd like to play along.

I guess I'm just in a mood today. :)

There have been two wonderful suggestion threads on the Atari forums - one from Walking Snake, and one from another poster (whose name I unfortunately forget).

Do you know what the depressing thing is? The fact that both suggestion threads are full of items that should've been there in the initial release of RCT3. Why are Frontier/Atari so oblivious to this fact...oh yes, they're more interested in meeting the box-out requirements of the latest add-on pack than they are in producing a patch that the RCT community actually needs.

*cynic mode off*

PS - Lord Gonchar...full marks on the website. Which park is up next?! *** Edited 7/28/2005 10:20:16 PM UTC by aanatpel***

Jeff's avatar
The emphasis on the show isn't a problem in and of itself (well, aside from the fact it's a slow game engine), but that there's zero focus on game play. I mean, in the retail release of the game, it was as if no hours were logged playing the game by John Q. Gamer.

I don't think Frontier realizes that the most popular games of all time were popular because of strong game play. Pac-Man, Tetris, Mario, Warcraft, Dungeon Keeper, Half-Life, Halo... these are all games that were well-balanced and fun. RCT 1 and 2 were awesome because the game play was fun and rewarding, even with 8-bit color.

Chris Sawyer understood game play, and I can only assume he has been more or less cut out of RCT3. I can't imagine he'd be OK with the way the game has turned out.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I don't know Jeff. Look at the unsupported mess that is Locomotion and you may change your mind!
Two new screenshots. Its getting worse and worse:

The next non-existing ride on old tracks!

This IS becoming the TimeTwister for RCT3. Sadly, their marketing is much better and the young target-group is eating it up like "wild".

I guess we are really just old farts now. :)

What in the hell are they thinking lmao, a pink worm, pink rocks, a purple head, a mushroom looking thing with a hole in the top of it and they consider that theming. Again they bring us a old coaster with a new train wow. An elephant ride down the middle of the midway, not only are the guest going to get eatten in this expansion their going to get crushed to death by a 2 ton elephant lol. I agree this expansion seam to be getting worse and worse with each screen shot:O(
"a pink worm, pink rocks, a purple head, a mushroom looking thing with a hole in the top of it"

You are right, that picture is actually from the next expansion: "LSD: The Trip"

Yep, i got soaked.
I had RCT3 running fine after i did the upgrades to my system.
Then i buy soaked, attempt to install it, reinstall it and now, i get a bad version 4 msg. i can't even get RCT3 to run anymore.
I should've known it would do this.
Maybe when Wild comes out, it'll just make my 'puter commit suicide or something.
Looked great when it ran....

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Wouldn't if these arn't succesful especially Wild ruin the franchise of RCT? I'd think so....we might be expecting a blow to Atari and Frontier when people don't rush to go get the expansion. The flaws and bugs of this game only get bigger with each expansion and many problems are left still.

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