Six Flags over Texas cutting trans fat from its menu.

With the exception of funnel cakes, the Texas park is cutting the trans-fat out of food.

Even though this only mentions SFOT, I would have to believe the whole chain will be doing this.

Click here.

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

crazy horse's avatar
This seems to be catching on all over the place. But people have to understand that saturated fat is just as bad as trans fat.

Mc donalds is even switching over to trans fat free oil.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

McDonald's will be cutting out trans Fats as soon as they find a inexpensive alternative. They have been working on the switch for about two years now, or so I read from a news story about NY's Trans Fat ban proposal.


I really hope this goes chainwide. SF can be the good guy for showing concern for the "Valued Guest's" health, and people will feel better with what they eat while there. Fuzzy feeling all around.

Something must be done nationwide about the obesity problem. A lot of fast food options are very bad for you AND addictive. Americans are so fat, and it has to do with the average American lifestyle of runrunrun-eat fast food-runrunrun. "We'll just pick something up on the way."

I used to eat fast food at least once a day, everyday. I now try to limit it to a 3 or 4 times a week. I used to eat $10 worth of Fast Food per visit, but I have limited it to about $3 or $4.

Sorry for the rant. SF is doing something good for business and it's image for a change.

^Addictive? Sorry, I can't say I buy that.
I'm glad the attitudes in this country are finally beginning to change. When I was a kid I was always told to finish my plate and not be wasteful. Yet my plate was always stacked with food. No wonder I come from a family of overweight people.

It wasn't until I was older that I realized that I should eat for energy and nutrients, not so much for pleasure and satisfaction(although I still do enjoy a good burger every now and then).

Our society is so caught up in taste and the comfort of food that we gorge ourselves. On top of that most of us have no clue what we're actually eating.

We seem to be becoming more aware now. *** Edited 2/21/2007 3:58:08 AM UTC by DWeaver***

sws's avatar
Mmmmmm....funnel cakes....Mmmmmm :)

crazy horse said:
But people have to understand that saturated fat is just as bad as trans fat.

Actually, while saturated fats are undeniably bad for you, there's some thought that trans fats are actually even WORSE. *** Edited 2/21/2007 4:55:17 AM UTC by GregLeg***

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

Intamin Fan said:
^Addictive? Sorry, I can't say I buy that.

Agreed completely, it's an excuse for people who weigh 400 lbs and have money problems who "just HAVE to pass through the drive through every day on the way to work, during lunch hour, and on the way home"

I'm glad they are making this switch and hope it goes chain wide as well. Trans-fat as I see it (just about everything and anything advertising "no trans fat") seems pretty unnecessary anyway if all of this stuff can be rid of it. *** Edited 2/21/2007 5:45:11 AM UTC by P18***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I think it sucks and it's just another case of choices being made for us in the name of 'good' - people aren't overweight gluttons because of trans fats.

I agree Gonch!

In Maryland, banning smoking in restaurants, has led to banning smoking in bars (in some counties). Now, they're talking about forcing the California emission standards on new cars sold in the state and forcing restaurants to ban trans fats. To much government in my life telling me how to live my life. In the end, it's all about insurance companies making a profit and the government doesn't like that (yes, I know I'm stretching things a little bit).

A day at the park is what you make it!

It's a good idea give people energy for they can keep riding rides. SixFlags is gonna advertize it till it dies, their gonna over show it. it's a way for SixFlags to get guests in.

Timbers crew 08

I'll stand by my point that fast food is addictive. I know from experience. To combat the image people may have in there head about me now (thanks p18), I am not 400 pounds, I'm 220 and 6 foot 1.

I get the info that fast food is addictive from a few sources who may or may not know what they are talking about. The Documentary film "Super Size Me" and the book series "Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About" by Kevin Trudeau are just a few examples.

I have got a lot better about it, but I used to sell stuff (like CD's and DVD's) if I was short on cash just so I could go to McDonald's. My behavior was a lot like that of a drug addict. It takes a lot of will power for me to not eat at McDonald's. I feel addicted, and ever since I became knowledgeable of the chemicals they put into the food in order to get people hooked, I have worked hard at limiting it. Fast food is scientifically designed to get you hooked.

You don't have to believe me, just know that that is my reality. I often joke that I have never tried drugs, but I am a fast food junkie.

All this talk about McDonald's...I'm going to go get me a Double Cheeseburger and some Hot fries.

Lord Gonchar said:
I think it sucks and it's just another case of choices being made for us in the name of 'good' - people aren't overweight gluttons because of trans fats.

So right, and for so many reasons.

NYC recently did this... I disagreed with it then and I disagree with it now. What's the reasoning behind these "good" choices being made for people? And what's next? Is soda and beer going to be outlawed because that's bad for people? Maybe coffee, because of all that caffeine? It remind me of seatbelt laws. I'm big on wearing seatbelts because I value my life and the lives of the people I care about? But I don't see a reason to ticket someone for not wearing one, because if they have no reason to fear crashing and dying, it's their life to lose and no one else's. It's not the guy driving behind me and not wearing his seatbelt is going to affect my safety in any way.

And of course there is the case to be made about trans fats. People talk as if banning trans fats is going to make everyone thin and healthy when that definitely isn't the case. That's like banning smoking in bars and thinking you're going to rid the world of lung cancer (this coming from a person that's a non-smoker). It's not the whole picture, just a small part of it. Trans fats are far from being the only enemy at work.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar
I don't have a problem with a business choosing to do away with trans fats, that's totally their prerogative. When government steps in and says we're banning something because it’s bad for you, I have a major problem with that. You can make arguments all you want about being for public safety and will cut down on healthcare costs, but there's a thing called personal responsibility.

Recently I've seen a fine line drawn where I'm willing to accept changes in law to prohibit stuff like smoking and trans fats. While I was against the Ohio smoking ban, I'm okay with the law because the people voted for it. Then again, people are largely dumb and don't know what's best for them, but that's another subject. When government comes in and doesn't give us a choice on a matter, I have a problem with that. Which is why I have a problem with NYC passing a ban on transfats.

Not that I disagree that transfats are bad for you, I just don't like the way government is telling us what we can and can't do.

Speaking of fast food, why won't these fast food places get smart and bring back the small-portioned value meals. I could go to McDonald's once in a while and buy the "All American Meal" for $1.99 and get a small burger, small fry, and medium drink and that filled me up plenty. I'm not going to spend $1.29 for a friggen chicken finger wrapped in a tortilla!

~Rob Willi

Lord Gonchar said:
I think it sucks and it's just another case of choices being made for us in the name of 'good' - people aren't overweight gluttons because of trans fats.

Right on!

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Several Points:

1) Food *can* be addictive (as well as alcohol, heroin, gambling, sex, thrill-seeking, etc)

2) Government bans on personal freedoms = bad. If businesses want to allow smoking or trans fat in their places, so be it. A person doesnt *have* to eat there.

3) Goverment regulations on the environment = (maybe) good. As long as the expectations are reasonable (Califorina emissions certainly havent stifled business in that state) anything that helps the environment is a good thing in my book (and I'm not even a swamp-dwelling-tree-hugging-hippie ;))

4) Businesses deciding what to serve/not serve = good. It actually reflects personal freedom. If I choose to run a business that only uses bison meat in my burgers either ppl will like it and buy it or not. It's a calculated business move.

I dont know much about trans fat (how long has it been around?) and quite frankly, I dont much care. It *does* seem to be extraneous though, as so many places have been able to rapidly give it up. If there is another similarly price alternative with less 'downside', I'm all for it....I guess. *shrugs* :)
PlaceHolder for Castor & Pollux

"Anything that is not good for you is bad, hence illegal...."
-Sandra Bullock (Demolition Man)

Perhaps we're heading that way.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


CoasterDiscern's avatar
I wonder what the numbers would be for people eating themselves do death from fat/saturated trans fats. No offense, but it is a slow killer.

Ask not what you can do for a coaster, but what a coaster can do for you.
I agree 100 percent 2Hostyl.

If a business chooses to do something on their own. Thats fine.

Banning anything over than, Theft, Violence and sex crimes is nothing but socialism run amok.

Sadly this all started when they MAKE YOU WEAR A SEATBELT, Now it's getting into everyones lives and what they do.

Sorry but everytime a handful of people such as get together and have more leverage than 300 million people.


Chuck, who thinks any business that wants to do it is fine, Just as he thinks anyone who WANTS to wear a seatbelt is fine. It's the smart thing to do, But I don't think it's the GOvts job to tell you too.

P.S. Im waiting for someone in a car to DIAL A COP and tell them, My riding partner don't have his seatbelt on. Then it's no different than 1 in four being part of the Bolshivik/Nazi party and ratting on their own.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
You guys make a good point. There IS a distinction between these kinds of things being forced on everyone at the government level and a private business choosing to do it.

Rob Ascough said:
People talk as if banning trans fats is going to make everyone thin and healthy when that definitely isn't the case. That's like banning smoking in bars and thinking you're going to rid the world of lung cancer (this coming from a person that's a non-smoker). It's not the whole picture, just a small part of it.

Oh man, we're agreeing again. :)

And Chuck's seat belt example is another great one. Nothing drives me nuts more than knowing the law says I HAVE to wear a seat belt, but a motorcyle blows by me and the rider is not wearing a helmet. (not that I think they should have to - just the opposite) The hypocrisy there is stunning.

With that said, I'm off to get lunch at McDonald's, super size it, have a cigarette when I'm done and drive both ways with the seat belt just dangling beside me...

...and I'll be just fine. :)

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