Six Flags gets into hair cuts

Posted | Contributed by Chitown

Widely known for its a primary role as the operator of regional theme parks — including Six Flags New England in Agawam, Mass. — the company is branching out. On Saturday, Six Flags is marking the grand opening in West Hartford’s Blue Back Square of the prototype of what it intends to become a national chain of “Six Flags Rollercoaster Cuts,” — something the company describes as a “children’s boutique and hair salon offering a multi-sensory haircutting experience for kids of all ages.”

Read more from The Journal Inquirer.

Great idea! I've heard many people say they've been clipped by Six Flags. Will they let you rent a Q-bot to cut the line for the rinse bowl?

Carrie M.'s avatar

They should put these stations in the parks themselves. I would totally swing by for a fix to my terrible frizzed-up coaster hair on a humid July/August day! :)

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

I thought the best cure for "coaster hair" was a water ride.

Carrie M.'s avatar

Ooooooohhhh, makes it SO much worse... trust me! :)

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

wow.... i really did think this was a joke / satire piece... the rollercoastercuts website looks like a joke (but yet it had a six flags logo), and some of the way that article is written just screams fake... and then i actually looked this stuff up and came to the conclusion that it *is* real....

---- seriously?

Last edited by mfivsdarienlake,
Lord Gonchar's avatar

Photo report of the first location.

Should be no surprise that I think this is a decent idea. I just think the timing is all wrong. The current economic fears make this not the time to try to launch a botique-style hair salon for children.

But I have three words for why I think it could fly - Sweet And Sassy. If you saw the number of little girls dropping $50 to get 'done up' and have fun doing it, you'd be amused and appalled at the same time.

The market exists for this kind of thing. Not sure how much it exists outside of the 'girly girl' thing that Sweet And Sassy-style places already have covered. This isn't girly enough and I'm not sure little boys want anything to do with haircuts period.

Just seems like the wrong time to try to sell parents on a new $45 haircut experience. The old places doing this kind of thing will probably weather the places that have to attract and establish customers...probably not so much.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Gonch, you're giving me another reason why I don't want a daughter.

My wife being in the hair industry is another, but I can attest that money is still being made despite the timing of the economy. There are some things that just won't get cut (well... poor choice of wording) out of the budget.

~Rob Willi

Jeff's avatar

My God, photo reports for hair cut joints. What won't enthusiasts post!

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

When I saw the headline I was thinking this would be some part of the parks themselves. Many have a "main street" area near the front with shops and what not, why not a barber shop etc to go along and not only add to the theme but be practical as well.
I have to say I can totally see Q-bots making their way into this somehow, I mean combine a line at any busy barber and those buzzers for restaurants and you have it. Q-bots are already a "roller coaster cut" in a sense, so I'm sure they'll have something with gold or silver status.
Personally, I go to the barber to get in and get out and have my head feel better, but then again I'm not the target audience, so I guess this can be good for kids and parents looking to turn what could be a common $15.00, 20 min or so errand into a much more expensive "multi sensory" experience. Having worked in retail, I'd much rather have a six flags themed grocery store check out line any day, or maybe a chain of day cares so parents can stop confusing the parks as one.

Last edited by P18,

Ok maybe Jeff should brand a chain of barber shops named CoasterBuzz specializing in crew cuts.

ridemcoaster's avatar

Six Flags Rollercoaster Cuts??? Meh.. I get those every time I exit The Mind Eraser.

Freaky, I grew up in West Hartford. Last time I was there this area was a huge car dealership. Weird how things have changed. I think this will do very well in that particular location. The town is known for having a great school system so people will pay top dollar for real estate to get their kids in there.

Not sure if this is the best time to launch a children's hair salon, but it should do well in West Hartford.

I don't know if this was related or not, but the stock was up almost 20% today! (18.75%)

Fine print: the 18.75% was an increase of $0.03

P18 said:

Personally, I go to the barber to get in and get out and have my head feel better, but then again I'm not the target audience...

I don't know-- I think you could pass. (ducking) :)

LOL @ the "trip report." But do you really want images of Mr Six inside a hair salon? Gonch, you are 'sweet and sassy' personified.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I've seen what goes on in those Sweet and Sassy places, man. I've been in the bowels of the demon. I've seen the carnage. You're never the same.

^^lol, you have a point, maybe someday ill do an undercover TR.
I think I saw a bar called "bowels of the demon" somewhere, that would make for an interesting TR...

Well, at least this time when Six Flags takes too much off the top, no one will die.

Sawblade5's avatar

P18 said:I have to say I can totally see Q-bots making their way into this somehow, I mean combine a line at any busy barber and those buzzers for restaurants and you have it. Q-bots are already a "roller coaster cut" in a sense, so I'm sure they'll have something with gold or silver status.

I wouldn't be surprised if they had a Pay to cut system there at the hair cut place. On a busy Saturday they could charge $15-20 more to get next in line to get a haircut while the normal wait for one is over an hour. (This will come in handy on the weekends) There's already other places starting to get on this pay to cut bandwagon. Just this last week while down in Branson, MO there was a Movie Theater that I went to that has this system in place. They'll charge you more to get first crack at the seats while others have to wait outside the theater to get their shot at the seats. On another industry the Airlines I like to fly has an open seating policy. They also do have a pay to cut system called Business Class, which they charge alot higher for that and you also get first crack at drinks and food on the plane to. Sadly this pay to cut bandwagon is spreading already and fast. It wont be long until we see it at places like Walmart*, Your local grocery store, and many other places where you have to wait in line.

Chris Knight

LostKause's avatar

Sawblade5 said:
Just this last week while down in Branson, MO there was a Movie Theater that I went to that has this system in place. They'll charge you more to get first crack at the seats while others have to wait outside the theater to get their shot at the seats.

Seriously? That's messed up.

Thanks six Flags. Now the movie-going experience might be ruined because of your enthusiasm to work with Lo-Q and validate their reptilian philosophy.

Or maybe it wont catch on...

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