Singles line

Speaking of single riders, am I the only one who closes and opens the restraints on the empty seat next to me? I try and wait a bit to see if another single rider will be paired up with me before securing the restraints. I'm not sure if this makes the loading process any more efficient but it can't hurt.

I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.

I do the same, Millrace. If it helps dispatch times, I'm all for it.

The Disneyland Resort uses a lot of single rider lines and they work wonderfully. Better than Fastpass really, if you don't mind riding alone.

Several rides in both DCA and DL have these lines. If only Knotts could do this for Xcelerator!!

i do it all the time millrace.
if i go to a park by myslef
also coming into the station i undo the seatbelt for the empty seat beside me so they dont have to.
If you sweet talk a greeter, they can probably give you an exit pass good for just 1 person, and that would help everyone, as long as a ride attendent puts you in an empty seat.

I'm going to suggest this to Knotts cause every suggestion I have made to them changed stuff.

Beast_rocks said:
"If all parks would assign seats on there coasters the trains would go out almost always without a seat empty. It would also help keep lines moving fast and constant. I hate when you get up to a station and see it just completely filled with no where to go. Its nice like on MF or Hulk that you get up there and grab a seat and get right on."

NO! Down with assigned seating. I hate it when I can't sit in the seat I want. As long as there's an extra space for front and back seat lines, there's no need to force people into seats they don't want. The back and front seats are just as popular with the GP as they are with enthusiasts. Personally, I prefer to get into the crowded station sooner than wait longer out in the sun.
-Matt in Iowa
Just 15 miles from 2 CCI's.
Approx. 200 coasters ridden -- #1 Shivering Timbers
rollergator's avatar

Mark W. Baruth said:
As long as they break up their group and ride separately, what's the big deal?

hence the meaning of the term "single RIDER" doesn't mean you're at the park alone, or that you have no *significant other* means you don't mind RIDING alone.....we use them and meet up in the arcade outside Dr. Doom, even though we're a couple....and IMO at least, there's nothing wrong with that at all.....

edit: AND, I'll add, by filling in TWO otherwise-empty seats, we keep the line moving faster for everyone....

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 8/20/2002. ***

If I'm not mistaken (and I rarely am on things like this) IOA actually ENCOURAGES large groups to use their single riders lines. IIRC the map/guide that I got in 2000 and 2001 said something like (paraphrasing): "If your group does not mind being split up, the single riders line can save you time".

When I get to the crib I can print out the exact text if you like. I personally see nothing wrong with it. The funny thing is, sometimes you will luck out and actually get to ride with your peeps.

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

rollergator's avatar

Actually, jeremy, I prefer that they NOT allow people to "luck out" that way, since it DOES tend to encourage groups to use the SR line and STILL try to stay together....defeats the whole purpose.....

I've seen too many people using the SR line and saying..."can we sit TOGETHER".....

Yes. Sitting together is horrible. Why can't parks be more like Epcot?

Alright, I bet you don't get that question means. As our party walked up to the single rider line for Test Track, I saw a man and his wife get in the single rider. (I think they didn't know it was a single rider line, but they saw you could go in.) So we got up to the station, and the man and his wife were sent to seperate cars. The man screams "Why aren't I with my wife?" The op says "You agreed to split up!" The man continues to hassle the op, but the op NEVER let him ride with his wife. Good for that guy!

Have you ever seen the Demon?
Have you ever heard him scream.............

But what I mean is like if you're on MIB:AA there are six seats: three in front 3 in back. You and Jill hit the SRL (single rider line). Of course you are standing next to each other on line. A buggy comes up and there is a group of four, and no groups of two right near the platform. They select the next two ppl in the SRL: You and Jill. There you just lucked out and rode together. Should they have let Jill ride, skip you and take the NEXT person from the SRL? Nah, that would be unfair to you.

I dont really mind nor blame the guest for asking the question "can we sit together". The answer should simply be "no" unless the situation allows that to naturally happen. Hell it's like the time I went into a BK and harrassed the clerk:

Me: Can I really have it *my* way?
her (exasperated): Yes...
me: Okay, I dont want to pay for it!
her: (stunned look)
me: I was just kidding, I dont want anything, I was just waiting with my friend.
her: So what do you want?
me: Nothing I was just joki..
her: (looking intently cutting me off) No, what do you want? (eyebrows raised)
me: how about a double cheesbuger and fries
her: okay, I'll put it in your friend's bag.
9 times out of ten they'd have told me get a life, but this time it worked. The moral of the story? No harm in asking!

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

I see both ways... Yes the single riders line can reduce a single rider's wait but sometimes you just WANT to ride alone and not with some fat smelly guy who takes up the entire row you're on.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

While it is a great idea, I have seen it slow down Apollos line because instead of sending the train they hold it at least 30 more sec to fill it from the single riders line. It works best where staff is in abundance on slower dispatch rides.
Too bad if you *want* to ride alone. There is no support for that at all besides selfishness. Now while I disagree with the policy that you MUST have a partner to ride (see Kennywood woodies), I can see no reason that a rider can prevent another rider from taking an open seat. It's like those butt-nuggets on the bus or train that see that the vehicle is so full that people are standing, yet still put their briefcase or purse on top of the seat next to them. What an ASSHOLE! I *specifically* go up to those folks and have them move their bags so I can sit (though I often end up offering the seat to someone else). I get a lot of dirty looks, but so what.

Of course, I'm also a strong believer in personal hygine...

"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

rollergator's avatar

Actually, I tried to get in an open seat on GR....the guy in front of me was riding alone.....when I went to get in the seat next to him, he said "I really prefer to ride alone".....well, with an attitude like THAT, I also preferred that he ride alone.....

and SFA rules, I couldn't agree more, it does require an extra staff person to do SR lines the right way....the irony is that SFA is the ONLY park I've been to where rows restricted for FastPass (FastLane, whatever) could NOT be filled by "ordinary guests", leaving open rows of seats on every train that was sent out.....that did NOT "rule", IMO...

single lines are awsum..but what some rides need like nitro is a seperate line for the front row...there is always a line at the bottom of the steeps just for the front row and they are to stupid to move to the side and let people that are not sittin in the front go by. i think this is something else parks should have..

Rollergator, him preferring to stay alone is TERRIBLE! At SFGAm on the ride rules it says "Single riders may be pair together" Read it and WEEP, guy!

Edit: Alright, I meant SFGAm as an example (it doesn't use single rider). Sfgam is the only place I've confirmed has said that. I bet other places do too.

As for what you said nitro, thats an idea, but a hassle. I know all beemers (I've been on) stick with the split-stairs.

Have you ever seen the Demon?
Have you ever heard him scream?

*** This post was edited by swimmerkev on 8/20/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by swimmerkev on 8/20/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by swimmerkev on 8/20/2002. ***

Gee, all this info on single-rider lanes in the FL parks is news to me. And to think how many times I’ve given up riding something (e.g., Journey to Atlantis) because the line is too long. You have to admit that you have to wait in the regular line until the single rider line is displayed (which is at the very end of the line), right?
it is a hassle but at least they can make the stairs wider and put a handrail in the middle to make it 2 lines...

Nitro!!! #1

kev: HERSHEYPARK says the same thing (coincidentally they are my 2 favorite parks :))

But in my estimation RGW: you didnt even need to ASK his permission to sit there. He was in *his* seat and has no jusidiction on any other seat. If he wanted to be alone he should have gone to a commune or something, not a crowded park.

I've got more to say but in the words of Cartman "Screw you guys. I'm going home!"
"To get inside this head of mine, would take a monkey-wrench, and a lot of wine" Res How I Do

No, usually you get a stub from the ride's greeter and then mozy up the ride's exit or single riders line.

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