Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

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Jeff's avatar

Meh, those people are ridiculous, but they're not really hurting anyone. I can't say I even know anyone in that camp.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

eightdotthree's avatar

I know some of those people.

Me too. A year ago I praised them for taking it so seriously. Now it's just exhausting and attention grabbing.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Most of the people in my life are crazy in the other direction.

I was worried "those people" that the article describes would be a majority (at least a vocal one) and we'd end up dragging our feet indefinitely on this crap.

Very happy to see it looks like my fear is mostly unfounded and we seem to be moving towards opening things up and getting far closer to normal in the next few months.

Hell, I'm even buying concert tickets again!

eightdotthree's avatar

There aren’t any concerts I want to go to yet. Weezer and Green Day might still be coming....

There’s a great lyric from the Kaiser Chiefs. This is from 2007.

We are the angry mob
We read the papers everyday
We like who we like, we hate who we hate
But we're also easily swayed

They need to amend that in 2021 to say...

But we’re NOT so easily swayed

Last edited by eightdotthree,
Jeff's avatar

I'm seeing Silent Bob this weekend, going to WDW tomorrow, went to a water park last weekend, and I had a massage therapist come to my house. Because vaccination. I just need to monitor how people are around my kid.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

ApolloAndy's avatar

There’s some good news around the corner for the 12-15 year olds, but sadly that misses my family barely. Of course, any shot in any arm is one less transmission vector so it should improve community health and thus, my family’s safety. That said, it still feels risky to have my kids running around at Disney (July DL road trip just in the beginning stages of planning) and school without vaccines and I don’t know how much of that is just habit, how much is political identity, how much of it is just over protective parent, and how much is real danger.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

OhioStater's avatar

What, exactly, feels risky?

I would encourage you to flesh that out a little more, based on the four points (habit, politics, protectiveness, and danger) you layed out.

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

For my 11-year-old, the statistics say that Covid is about as dangerous as flu, which is to say, not very. What changes that is the fact that it's far more contagious, so he's more likely to get sick in the first place. Either way, the risk is pretty low. In the parks at reduced capacity, and masked, I'm less worried about his exposure than I was in January when we had to go into public places. The first and obvious thing is that a third of the adults around him are no longer vectors, and maybe more since the average WDW guest is likely more affluent and therefore enjoys better access to vaccination.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

ApolloAndy's avatar

I’m not even sure that the vague, amorphous “risky” feeling is rational or ariculatable. It’s just an uneasy feeling and the image of a kid on a ventilator. Honestly, it’s probably not that different from the “irrational” fear that a lot of people get from riding a roller coaster, although unlike a roller coaster there is some small but real danger.

Last edited by ApolloAndy,

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

That thinking can spiral pretty quickly. There is some small but real danger with many things that we do in life, but we move on with them.

Reuters is reporting that the UK will be doing a 3rd shot in the fall for people 50+. I assume something similar is being considered here as well.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Both the wife and I got notification this week from our primary care physicians that vaccines are now available in their office(s).

Also, seems like the bigger vaccine sites in the area are closing in favor of smaller ones and even still, I just saw on the local news as I was typing this that the biggest of those places are taking walk-ins.

So the initial surge seems to be waning in my neck of the woods. Now it looks like they're pivoting for the long tail.

I have heard about the closing of the mass sites. I think that makes sense as that sort of capacity simply isn't being used anymore.

Knowing that your primary care physician or local drug store now has the vaccine seems like a nice story but I am not sure if it will really help with the numbers. If you were not willing to get a shot at a vaccine clinic will you get one now at your doctor? I suppose some will but I don't think that the majority will.

Or maybe this plays to the "I heard scheduling a shot was impossible so I didn't bother with it" crowd, and knowing that they can now easily schedule with their doctor they go ahead with it.

While I do not doubt that these small-scale approaches will help, I don't see them as being the solution to getting shots in enough arms to squelch this thing.

On Monday, DeWine announced that there were 5,564 first doses administered the day before. Was a Sunday so you would expect fewer. March 31 was the high at 101k. More people getting second doses now so that makes sense to a degree. But definitely a big drop in the number of willing arms.

Mass vaccination sites made sense when there were a large number of willing arms. But now that those numbers are lower, probably makes sense to take the vaccines to the people. Using more pharmacies and doctors offices now. Likely will help some but not clear how much.

If its an access issue (mass sites to far away, no transportation, too crowded, too much walking, etc) the closer locations can help. But if its just hesitancy, that won't do much. Unless you get people who talk with their doctor on a regular visit/visit for non-Covid who is able to convince them to get a shot (which they happen to have right here in the office).

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I don't think it's meant to be a solution. I think it's adjusting to needs for the most part.

Where it might help is that every person that steps foot into these offices can now be asked if they've been vaccinated and, if not, if they would like to be real quick.

I do think the passivity of this approach will get a segment of people that wouldn't have actively pursued a vaccine on their own.

Jeff's avatar

The important thing is that all people have access, and if it isn't obvious what that access is, it's well marketed. One of the biggest problems with the pandemic has been access to care around racial, income and geographical lines. The super sites in some way made it obvious about how to show up for those. If it's more distributed, you have to make the point, "You can go to a drug store and just show up, no questions asked."

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Now that it is becoming so easy to go and get due to availability, I probably will get it somewhat soon. I'm in no hurry, though, to be honest. Vaccinated for everything else in life and absolutely not anti-vax or anything, but I'm not particularly 'excited' to go and get the COVID vaccine. My parents and brother have received it (my parents of which are high risk, so I was excited they eventually did). I have no problem wearing a mask and keeping away from people when I do go out in public, of course, in the meantime.

I absolutely would have no hesitation if work required it or I was limited from doing things I enjoy until I had it. But now? Life rolls on as usual and at some point I will stroll in CVS and get stabbed.

Jeff's avatar

That seems like a long way to explain you're not doing it for any particular reason.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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