Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

Read more from Gizmodo.

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Jeff's avatar

I'm not worried about my kid spreading as much as I am about my kid being spread to. As the piece states, they're doing well in school because the mitigation protocols are there. This was my big takeaway visiting Blizzard Beach yesterday: The risk is exceptionally low for him in that setting, but only because we had a short drive to get there (no airports), the park generally requires masks in restrooms and food areas, and it was fairly easy to keep a "bubble" around him (mostly we just gave him some distance to keep teens away, which are not very situationally aware even normally). I wouldn't feel great about him being in a movie theater mask-free yet.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

This Governor is killing me. I've got people demanding to know how this impacts us here locally...and we haven't even seen his Emergency Order. We are hearing that he made this announcement (suspension of ALL Emergency Orders pertaining to Covid) and his attorney's had not even drafted it yet.

I expect him to turn up on the Seven Dwarf's Mine Train because he is in Fantasyland right now.

Can you imagine if we had a hurricane in August and I needed a State of Local Emergency for some health or safety related issue...and the Governor simply said, " don't need that". I mean, what the hell?

Jeff's avatar

We've gotta figure out how to get him elected out. Unfortunately, this goofy stuff is a plus to some people.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff said:

We've gotta figure out how to get him elected out. Unfortunately, this goofy stuff is a plus to some people.

I keep track of a couple of former coworkers that have fully tumbled down the Q hole. Avoid communication with them but it's interesting to see what they're going on about to keep an eye on that world. They keep putting up Trump/DeSantis 2024 campaign memes for the past month or so. Obviously don't believe that's rooted in any sort of reality, but guess it shows who he is trying to appeal to.

I head back to Ohio tomorrow after 10 days in Orlando. (No parks this visit, no trip report) but as an Ohioan I was under the impression that Orlando was the wild,Wild West with no one taking any precautions and everyone licking the door knobs. That turned out not to be the case- every business I patronized had strict mask policies and distancing enforced. And more importantly, everyone was compliant.
I went to a nice wedding in Naples on Saturday and a few of the old, rich people I saw didn’t seem to think the rule applied to them. My theory is they spent a lot of money on their faces and a mask would only cover that up.

Here's what is crazy. A private business can still have a mask mandate in place. No mask, no service. I cannot do that at my government would appear. I'm waiting for a good explanation for that one.

I'm not expecting it.

Jeff's avatar

My hope is that one of the bigger municipalities challenges it in court. The school districts did that early on and easily won.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Now that I’ve been let loose into another state, (for a total of two- Tennessee and now Florida) I couldn’t help but notice that a lot of businesses follow whatever corporate protocol has been handed down. In other words, the rules at Friday’s in Columbus are the same as the ones in Pigeon Forge and Orlando. The dining room at Panda is closed no matter where you are and it’s drive thru only. I visited the gym and pool that I go to at home and the safety protocols were the exact same, and seem a little behind the times.
While in Orlando I went shopping at the beautiful Palmer’s Nursery and a nice young man was helping me. I was taken by his looks, as handsome as White Jesus, and I realized about halfway through my visit that my mask was in the car and I about freaked out. I apologized profusely and started to get it and he said “It’s cool, man. So many come in here without masks on and I don’t get paid to fight with people- I just wear mine”. So apparently Palmer’s, a local business, has thrown up their hands. And on the other hand the seedy bars I go to had ultra strict rules. The only time the mask came off was when I was seated with a drink in my hand. Once again as local as you can find in this town.

Last edited by RCMAC,
ApolloAndy's avatar

Here's the weird thing. DeSantis' (FL) timeline is actually slower than Newsom (CA) who is still planning to have the state economy "fully open" on June 15th. But Newsom isn't mandating that local levels of government abolish their restrictions. That part doesn't make any sense to me (obviously). "We believe in states rights, not as a statement about local government over regional government, but because we really believe that states are the correct level of government."

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

I won't get into the weeds on this but the legislative session that just ended in Tallahassee was an all-out assault on the Home Rule powers afforded to local governments in the State of Florida's Constitution. The Right preempted, or attempted to preempt, local government on all kinds of issues this year...from home based businesses to tree removals to architectural design to pet stores. And, most offensively, emergency management.

Local government is closest to the people and is best equipped to make decisions for its constituents.

Oh, and here is the best part. While the Governor spent the last few months talking about how government was restricting the civil liberties of the people...the people were not allowed in the Capitol during the legislative session. There is no coincidence that he opened the Capitol AFTER the legislative session concluded.

This is campaigning in the guise of governing.

Last edited by wahoo skipper,
eightdotthree's avatar

PA is lifting all mitigation restrictions expect for masks on Memorial Day.

The Health Department said an order requiring people to wear masks while away from home will be lifted once 70% of Pennsylvanians aged 18 and older are fully vaccinated. That percentage stood at nearly 42% on Tuesday, according to federal data, while 63% of those 18 and older had at least one dose.

The Health Department said that municipalities and school districts can continue to impose their own restrictions.

More fun from Florida:

A school barring vaccinated teachers from being near students. Teacher warning students to stay away from their parents if the parents have been vaccinated.

Is there something in the water down there? Too much time in the sun fried their brains?

Jeff's avatar

We just can't let Texas be the most stupid.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

eightdotthree's avatar

“As many of you may have learned by now, we are not blind followers, and we try not to make fear-based decisions,”

But you'll install electromagnetic frequency “shielding blockers” to keep the 5g out and not allow vaccinated people to be near students? What in the actual...

wahoo skipper said:

Here's what is crazy. A private business can still have a mask mandate in place. No mask, no service. I cannot do that at my government would appear. I'm waiting for a good explanation for that one.

I'm not expecting it.

I’m at a cheer competition at the Orange County Convention Center today and there is no mask enforcement and very little mask wearing.

Bakeman31092's avatar

You know, I try really hard to have faith in humanity and to give most people the benefit of the doubt. That article was depressing.

Jeff's avatar

wahoo skipper said:

Local government is closest to the people and is best equipped to make decisions for its constituents.

My county mayor agrees with you. I imagine that mayors and city managers all likely feel this way. Don't you have associations to push back?

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

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