Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

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Tommytheduck's avatar

Ohio is far behind other states in their groups. I would advise anyone in any state to look at neighboring states and if feasible, take a roadtrip.

I live in Ohio and got my first dose in Las Vegas a few days ago. Probably going to be a good month before they call my group here, yet Nevada has a surplus and is taking all ages of "front line" regardless of where you live.

Last edited by Tommytheduck,

Ohio just moved to 50+ as of Thursday. Only 1 week after 60+.

Jeff's avatar

The anecdotes around me are that the megasites are meeting demand. I got my first one at Publix today, and I'm convinced they're doing at most one every 15 minutes, seeing as how the pharmacist still has to do the usual work. Still, if availability is this good, I imagine they'll keep opening to new groups quickly, validating Biden's assertion that everyone can get in by May.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Jeff's avatar

This is fun. It seems like Orange County and the feds aren't super concerned about what the Florida governor says, in terms of who is eligible. The county authorized all college educators, and Boys and Girls Club workers. They're not exhausting their supply at the convention center.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I'm scheduled for the Pfizer shot on Wednesday evening at a CVS. My wife is going the next evening. What I like about it is that they allow you to schedule your second dose at the same time. The next day I got word from the county that I was scheduled for one of their mega sites on Saturday.

This is on the heels of finding out that my daughter's cheer team qualified for a competition in Orlando the first week in May. It was originally planned for Universal but was moved to OCCC in the last few days. As long as we get our vaccines without a hitch, we're planning on going and tacking on a few days with the Mouse.

OhioStater's avatar

Still waiting for Ohio to even mention college educators. We haven't been part of the conversation, with phase "1C" beginning soon.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

As a couple folks on here have pointed out, DeWine and Ohio are inexplicably refusing to include most pre-exisiting conditions that the CDC outlines and most other states are including at this time.... plus various front-line professions.

Only under DeWine could:

  • a 45 year old with cancer
  • a 38 year old with an autoimmune disorder
  • a 41 year old with obesity
  • a 40 year old with heart disease
  • a 28 year old with asthma who has not been hospitalized in the past year

NOT be eligible for a vaccine. But a zero-pre existing condition, healthy 50 year old is now eligible. Makes no sense.

Certain people with those conditions are eligible.

DeWine has noted that 98.1% of deaths in Ohio have been people 50 and over.

"Age is by far the biggest indicator," Gov. Mike DeWine said. "It's so important that we don't get sidetracked."

Starting Thursday people with Type 2 diabetes and end stage renal disease are eligible as well in Ohio (in addition to people with certain other illnesses that were already eligible). Adding about 1.397 million people to those eligible. 5.657 million people in the aggregate will be eligible in Ohio as of Thursday. About 1/2 the state's population.

In terms of educators, DeWine made a deal with K-12 teachers/staff: prioritize them for vaccines if they agreed to get kids back in school.

When something is in high demand and there isn't enough supply to go around, you have to create priorities. Different people will have different priorities. Which one is right?

"Certain people with those conditions are eligible"

Not a single one of those conditions I listed above are eligible for the vaccine in Ohio. Not a single one. I just re-read the article you linked.

"DeWine has noted that 98.1% of deaths in Ohio have been people 50 and over."

And 93% of deaths in Ohio were ages 60 and above so the move to make 50 and up eligible is inexplicable. At some point you have to look at risk. There are not hundreds of thousands of individuals in their 30's and 40's in Ohio who have cancer or severe heart disease, etc. So OF COURSE that would not drive up the death numbers under 50.

"Adding about 1.397 million people to those eligible. 5.657 million people in the aggregate will be eligible in Ohio as of Thursday. About 1/2 the state's population."

Adding 1.4 million people in their 50's - many of them healthy - to the eligibility groups is even MORE concerning for the people under 50 who have chronic conditions that put them at significant risk for severe disease from COVID, further delaying their opportunity for a vaccination. Hell, the Ohio Department of Health's own website lists many of these chronic conditions as putting "people at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19)"

"When something is in high demand and there isn't enough supply to go around, you have to create priorities. Different people will have different priorities. Which one is right?"

Just a guess - but the CDC, not a politician? The fact that Mike DeWine openly flouts CDC guidance and refuses to make eligible for vaccination Ohioans in their 20's and 30's and 40's with significant chronic conditions that put them at elevated risk for severe disease from COVID according to the CDC and the Ohio Department of health, in favor of healthy individuals in their 50's with no chronic conditions is just inexplicable.

Last edited by Chicago07,
Lord Gonchar's avatar

I just wanted to chime in to say I feel the same in regards to who is able to be vaccinated in Ohio. Seems crazy which medical conditions are still excluded.

I was going to follow up with something about age seemingly being the key driver in deciding who gets access, but GoBucks89 covered it pretty well - complete with quote from DeWine.

Age is by far the biggest indicator," Gov. Mike DeWine said.

No surprise there. (that's last April, BTW)

I can "woulda coulda shoulda" all day long.

Whatever, we're almost there. I just need Ohio to drop to the next 5 year age level (45+) and I'm in, regardless of the medical conditions I've been told were a threat to my safety for the last year that no longer seem to matter as much as my age - which was my argument from almost the start.

Last edited by Lord Gonchar,

Nice, I go from "not eligible" to "eligible for two different reasons" this week.

I'm also encouraged that the CDC has shifted from giving post-vaccine advice that seems to imply that the vaccine is worthless, to actually admitting that there is a reason to get the thing after all.

Hmm...I wonder when I can get scheduled...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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OhioStater's avatar

Every state is sacred,

Every state is great!

If a state's vaccine is wasted,

(fill in the blank) gets quite irate.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Certain people with the conditions you list are eligible because they are eligible based on other conditons. People with Type 2 diabetes are eligible starting Thursday. Leading cause of Type 2 diabetes is obesity/overweight. So there will be 41 year olds who are obese who will be eligible. And many other people under 50. According to the Ohio its about 172,000 people.

Last week people with bone marrow transplants became eligible. Which are used to treat certain forms of cancer. So there is at least some of your 45 year olds with cancer. Other ages as well. Ohio estimates there are about 141,000 people in the listed medical conditions (which includes bone marrow transplants) in Phase 1C.

First link I posted was to Ohio's vaccine groups. Various groups include people by age, where they work and certain medical conditions.

Politicians set policy. Its how it works.

Lol, well that's a leap of logic. Assuming people with those chronic conditions (cancer, heart disease, obesity, autoimmune disorder, asthma) must have another condition that is deemed eligible by Mike Dewine like a bone marrow transplant or diabetes..... is a stretch.

The fact remains, individuals under the age of 50 with those chronic conditions listed above - that the CDC guidance recommends included in Phase 1B and virtually all surrounding states are included in Phase 1B - are not eligible for a COVID vaccine in Ohio under DeWine.

You can spin it however you'd like, but only in DeWine's Ohio can you be a 45 year old with an autoimmune disorder and not be eligible, or a 38 year old with cancer and not be eligible or a 44 year old with asthma and not be eligible..... but it is open season for healthy 50 year olds with no conditions.

I understand politicians "set policy" - but you'd hope the Ohio governor would set policy based on CDC guidance and not publicly flaunt that guidance. Or common sense, one of the two.

I am not spinning or defending anything DeWine is doing. He is a textbook example of a career politician which I can't stand. Fed at the trough his entire adult life. Got nudged away, walked around to the other side and starting feeding again.

Indiana's list of medical conditions doesn't appear to include everything on the CDC's list. And they recently added 50 year olds.

Michigan also recently added 50 year olds. This article includes a Michigan resident with pre-existing conditions who made an appointment in Ohio because she couldn't get one in Michigan based on that pre-existing condition.

Some states that started on a "medical conditions" priority system have moved to more of an age-based system at least in part because its more simple and helps get vaccines in arms more quickly/efficiently.

Age based restrictions with some limited exceptions for documented medical conditions is simplest to manage, and given that almost nobody expected that DeWine would drop the limit to 50 this week (he said a week ago that the eligibility was going to remain set for a while to clear through the backlog...) it seems the reality is that all these various conditions are going to become eligible relatively soon anyway. Hey, I figured if there was an age drop it would be 55, not 50.

Anyway, I know in Florida people with eligible conditions are having to see their physicians to get permission to get the vaccine; most of us are carrying proof of age normally...and I think Ohio isn't requiring documentation of eligible conditions.

As for DeWine following CDC guidance, he seems to cite the CDC when it suits him and ignore them when it doesn't. Hence we're still obligated to cleaning practices that the CDC backed away from months ago...and I really don't see him loosening restrictions for fully vaccinated people per the new CDC guidance.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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OhioStater's avatar

A quick read from NPR on the subject, as California recently flipped to an age-based system as well.

The gist of the argument for an age-based system:

With that in mind, an age-based system has two clear advantages. "Every decade above the age of 50 results in an increase in mortality from COVID-19," says Chin-Hong. "The other aspect is one of logistics: it's easily possible to adjudicate what somebody's age is.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

We should go by height.

ApolloAndy's avatar

Well actually ;) CA isn't strictly age based, as I just got vaccinated by way of being a teacher (in spite of common misconception, I am not 65). We are also doing at least some risk based eligibility.

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