Shanghai Disneyland will close in effort to contain coronavirus

Posted | Contributed by Tekwardo

Shanghai Disneyland will close its gates on Saturday in an effort to stop the spread of a new SARS-like virus that has killed 26 people and sickened at least 881, primarily in China. It’s not known when the theme park may reopen.

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OhioStater's avatar

GoBucks89 said: Biden specifically stated tonight that his directive doesn't mean every adult will have the vaccine (or even the first dose) by May 1. Just that all adults can get in line by that date.

The confusion was on my end. I thought the message being broadcast was that by May 1st there would be enough vaccines on hand for all adults (about 210 million?) who wanted to get one. Now I get it; he's just saying that all states have to make everyone eligible.

Sometimes it takes me awhile.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

I'm giving you a vote up for Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

OhioStater's avatar

This forum frightens and confuses me.

Promoter of fog.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

So here's where things are from where I stand.

3 or the 4 members of my immediate family have diagnosed conditions (not counting obesity) that have been listed on the CDC's "increased risk" list since the beginning of this whole thing. Yet, in Ohio, none of us qualify for a vaccine - except my wife and that's based on age. She's scheduled for the 26th.

The boy would not have qualified in Ohio, but being in Florida actually worked in his favor and he's scheduled for his first shot on Thursday.

This is good because we're flying to Miami in mid-May to get him out of the dorm and back home for the summer. At least two of us are guaranteed to be covered by then.

The girl is still in Paris until early May and I have no idea what the vaccine situation is in France. Doesn't seem to be a big concern there for the most part and I suspect we'll just get her scheduled for her first week back once appointments are open to all.

I apparently slip through every crack. Which is a little frustrating because I want vaccinated. Making it even worse is that when I look at the local scheduling through our county health department, they do vaccinations every Wednesday and Friday and, as I type this, there are still 16 appointments available for this Wednesday the 17th. Beyond that, there are a total of 319 appointment times available in the remaining four Wednesday & Friday vaccination days in March.

I'd gladly take one of these, but by age, I miss inclusion by a couple of years and by condition, while I apparently needed to live in fear of increased risk for the last year, now that it's time to protect, I guess I'm not as at risk as I've been told.

I mean, I get it. Get it to the people who need it. 100%!

It would be a lot less frustrating if I couldn't get online right now and choose from more than 300 appointment times as soom as 48 hours away, but can't because arbitrary reasons. I'm a stickler for efficiency. Hoping this all continues to move quickly and I can squeak in both shots (and preferrably an additional two weeks) before we head back to Miami.

While talking about the mass vaccine site in Cleveland yesterday:

DeWine also hinted at opening up the vaccine eligibility, possibly to those 40 years old and up, in the coming days.

Certain countries in Europe are locking things back down after seeing cases spike. Merkel is taking heat in Germany for long lockdown and slow vaccination process.

This article lets you enter your zip code and see how far it is from meeting DeWine's 50/100k threshold:

Last edited by GoBucks89,
kpjb's avatar

^^Well who the hell told you to quit smoking?


Jeff's avatar

If 40+ isn't eligible in Ohio in the next two weeks, I'd be shocked. Sounds like the demand is pretty soft in the upper ages at this point. Here in the OC, there is little wait at the FEMA and county sites, and that's after getting down to 60 and adding education employees of all kinds.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

It is incredible DeWine's absolute refusal to follow CDC guidance. Echoing the point above, for the past year the CDC has stated X, Y and Z conditions lead to increased risk of serious disease from COVID. And sounds like DeWine is allegedly barreling ahead vaccinating healthy 40 year old individuals before those who for a year have been told you have a condition that increases your risk of serious disease and death from COVID.

If the volume is there, just open it up at this point.

Regardless, like I said earlier, it's incredible what just a little bit of competence and sanity in leadership roles does. That we are having conversations like these so soon was inconceivable even 8 weeks ago.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

As a follow-up to my follow-up, it seems the county has added days and a lot more appointment times. Now appointments are available Wed, Thur, Fri each week with as many as 108 appointments available each of those days. I assume that means more supply made its way to our area.

The total number of appointments now available in the 7 WTFs left in March is 674.

Hopefully DeWine moves on lowering the age requirement, because that's a more than a few unused appointments at our county level.

I'm half tempted to make an appointment for later in the month and bank on the requirements being changed by then.


GoBucks89 said:
This article lets you enter your zip code and see how far it is from meeting DeWine's 50/100k threshold:

Our zip code is currently at 64.1 per 100k for the last 14 days. All of our city zip codes are under 90.

EDITED TO ADD - Ask and ye shall receive. Eligibility was expanded to 40+ and anyone over 16 is eligible on March 29th.

Last edited by Lord Gonchar,

Just announced - 40+ opens up on Friday in Ohio

Chicago07 said:

It is incredible DeWine's absolute refusal to follow CDC guidance. Echoing the point above, for the past year the CDC has stated X, Y and Z conditions lead to increased risk of serious disease from COVID. And sounds like DeWine is allegedly barreling ahead vaccinating healthy 40 year old individuals before those who for a year have been told you have a condition that increases your risk of serious disease and death from COVID.

Or he is looking at the Ohio data and sees that the deaths are heavily skewed as the age goes up. I am guessing age trumps health considering the below in Ohio.

30-39 = 0.06% death rate (90 total people in this age group have died)

40-49 = 0.1% (237 total people in this age group have died)

50-59 = 0.5% (873 total people in this age group have died)

60-69 = 2.1% (2,525 total people in this age group have died)

70-79 = 6.9% (4,775 total people in this age group have died)

80+ = 18.2% (9,345 total people in this age group have died)

eightdotthree's avatar

It will be just my luck that PA will expand eligibility right as I am leaving for a month in Florida...

Also when looking at age in the Ohio stats, group with the highest number of cases is 20-29 but that group has second fewest number of hospitalizations (0-19 is fewer) and deaths (again 0-19 is fewer). 50-59 year olds and 30-39 year olds each have about 150,000 cases (second highest number of cases). 50-59 group has had more than 2.5x the number of hospitalizations and 9x the deaths. 40-49 group has had the next highest number of cases. More than 2.5x the number of deaths and 50% more hospitalizations as 30-39 year old group (with about 4% fewer cases).

If projections of 20 Million vaccines shipping per week are accurate, and the shipment to states is based on population, then Ohio would stand to receive around 700,000 vaccines per week. Right now, Ohio is not vaccinating 100,000 people per day. So it would stand to reason that Ohio has more supply than is being used. So it makes sense that eligibility would increase.

Hopefully there are plans to open more mass vaccination centers. Otherwise, good luck in actually securing an appointment. Having the doses is only part of the equation. You have to have someone to pull the trigger (or push the plunger, as the case may be).

Last edited by Bozman,
HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Lord Gonchar said:

EDITED TO ADD - Ask and ye shall receive. Eligibility was expanded to 40+ and anyone over 16 is eligible on March 29th.

Looks like you'll be back to dry humping in no time!

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Yeah, I got an appointment for the first shot on Friday.

I had to lie about being currently eligible, but I will be included come Friday when the requirement changes, so hopefully that floats.

Appointments are readily available in my neck of Ohio.

Did you schedule it through the new'ish Ohio scheduler website? I tried using that last week when 50+ year olds could schedule. It came up with nothing in my area. My wife called a local pharmacy, that was on the Ohio website, and they said they had openings.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Yeah -

The Health Department, Kroger and Walgreens all had availablility near me. I didn't look at locations beyond that.

I am in northeast Ohio. That site had nothing anywhere close to me. It was frustrating that the website had nothing but a phone call got me right in. I am glad the site worked for you.

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